
Holy Swords & Akeno's Truth

Hmm, seems like Kiba has suddenly stopped and he seems to be with someone who feels somewhat familiar..." Gohan was now just flying over buildings, luckily it was late at night and nobody was on the streets or else there may have been some questions about a random boy flying around, that really would cause chaos for him.

Gohan had just descended onto a rooftop that was overlooking Kiba from above, "so it's him again, well Kiba should be able to deal with him quickly and easily enough" Gohan thought.

Meanwhile down below, "NOW I CAN KILL YOU!" Freed rushed at Kiba, Freed quickly pt Kiba on his back foot as Kiba was not prepared for the quick assault.


Each blow of swords was filled with such malice for each other but thankfully Kiba had at this point regained his composure and begun to fight back, Kiba managed to dodge one of Freed's wild swings and quickly kick the repulsive priest away causing him to crash into some barrels.

"What's wrong priest, is that all you have?" Kiba smirked at his opponent, At least I can get my anger out this way…

Freed picked himself out of the broken bits of wood that he had been kicked into, "HAHAHAHAHAHA!", Freed began to cackle and seemed to slouch over until he surprisingly put his sword away.

"Oh you have gone and done it now you shitty devil if you think this is going to be so easy then why don't I introduce you to my new sword that I just picked up..." Kiba's face suddenly dropped as he instantly recognised what Freed was holding.

"Say hello to my holy sword...Excalibur Rapidly", the sword that Freed was now holding was glowing golden, to Kiba all of his devil senses were shouting at him to run away and get away from that accursed sword that had been designed to eradicate devils, however, Kiba's old human side that still lived inside of him was screaming, DESTROY THAT SWORD!

Once Kiba had seen that sword he instantly rushed at Freed and with all his strength tried to shatter the blade with one swing, due to the force of his swing influenced by his devil strength, a shockwave caused all the windows to smash.

Gohan who was watching from above knew straight away once he saw Freed draw that sword out of seemingly nowhere that Kiba would lose his cool, I need to stop this before Kiba gets himself killed…

"I WILL KILL YOU AND DESTROY THIS SWORD IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!" Kiba's veins in his head and arms were now bulging due to him being so angry at seeing one of the seven Excaliburs. The holy sword didn't break much to Kiba's disgust, unfortunately it was Kiba's sword that broke but just as quickly as it broke, Kiba brought another sword out thanks to his sacred gear sword birth and continued his assault on the potty mouth priest.

Dammit, what is up with this annoying piece of shit… Freed was being forced back yet again by Kiba's onslaught, Freed quickly deflected the next few slashes from Kiba and began his own attack.

Freed began to cackle again as he began to get the upper hand on Kiba and was now smashing all of Kiba's swords one by one, Freed then roundhouse kicked a staggered Kiba which made Kiba smash into a brick wall, Kiba coughed up blood upon impact against the wall and was now just slouched in where he had landed.

"Well, looks like this is the end princess, you really are a pathetic swordsman and devil" Freed laughed while walking towards Kiba, Freed then threw a dagger that had holy water doused on it which pierced Kiba's leg.

"AHHHH" Kiba let out an ear piercing scream due to the now burning sensation coursing through his leg.

Freed cackled maniacally once again as he heard the scream, however he was suddenly interrupted by a somewhat familiar fist to the face which sent him flying though three walls and in a considerable amount of pain to his jaw once again.

Kiba looked up to see just who had intervened in his fight only to recognise instantly the orange and blue gi that belonged to Gohan, "Gohan… what are you...doing here…?" Kiba somehow managed to mutter out in between painful breathes.

"Stay...out of this!" Kiba shrieked while clutching his leg.

Gohan, who still had his back turned to Kiba as he was looking at where he sent Freed with his fist just ignored Kiba's shouts at him, Freed came into view once again holding his jaw.

Freed looked towards Kiba and saw who was responsible for the sudden interruption and upon seeing the familiar get up of Gohan, Freed seized up, Not this guy again, I know he's a devil but something is really off about him and causes my hair to stand up...wait, am I scared of a fucking devil!…

"YOU BASTARD!" Freed shouted, Kiba seeing the sword in Freed's hand again tried to pick himself up only for his leg to give out on him. Kiba then tried to crawl towards Freed, however, just as he got close to Gohan, Gohan bent down and gave a quick chop to the back of Kiba's neck causing him to go limp as he was now unconscious.

"tsk… Now why did you have to go and do that, I was enjoying playing with that trash..."

Gohan stood back up and looked directly at Freed, Freed suddenly found it very hard to breathe as he looked at Gohan. Gohan was steadily increasing his power causing the air around him to become very thin, there was a wind now swirling around Gohan's feet and body, the debre from Kiba and Freed's earlier sword fight was beginning to be blown away by Gohan's increasing power.

Oh shit, If I want to live I need to leave here before this spiky haired freak destroys me… Freed was instantly regretting thinking of getting revenge on the black haired brat.

"If I was you, I would leave before the next punch I hit you with causes you to stay down..." Gohan spoke with such venom towards the priest, just before Freed ran with his tail between his legs he told Gohan one last message, "Just so you know, my master is very interested in you and looks forward to meeting you real soon" Freed cackled as he transported away using his own magic circle.

Gohan lowered his power level and turned to the now unconscious form of his friend Kiba, all you needed to do was ask for help, instead you got cocky and nearly got yourself killed...just like me…

Gohan who at this point had an unconscious Kiba on his shoulder had just landed outside their home, he was just about to open the doors when Rias came charging out followed by the rest of the gang all with rather concerned looks on their faces at the condition of Kiba.

"What happened to him Gohan!" Rias cried out.

Gohan then told them what had happened between Kiba and Freed Selzan, they were all shocked to hear that Kiba had lost in a sword fight as the only person to have ever beaten him was his old master.

"Gohan, you're not hurt are you?" Akeno interjected at this point causing the Saiyan/Human/Devil hybrid to weirdly become flustered at Akeno's concern for him. Rias caught the sudden rosy cheeks of her boyfriend, seriously Gohan could you not make it any more obvious…

"Gohan, please take Kiba inside and into his room, Asia I want you to go with him and heal Kiba's wounds please, oh and I suppose Gohan's if he has any" Rias ordered as she strutted back inside with a bit of a huff.

"What was that about..." Gohan muttered to himself and everyone else was confused by their leaders behaviour.

Kiba had been fully healed by Asia and was now resting on his bed. Asia made her way downstairs to where everyone else was sat and in discussion with Gohan as he was telling everyone what had happened.

"Kiba should be fine now, I have healed all of his wounds but he just needs some rest now" Asia's gentle voice spoke causing everyone to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Asia, I don't know what we would do without you!" Rias instantly went over to the small blonde girl and gave her a big thank you hug.

"I'm just glad to help my friends..."

"So, Gohan, did Freed say anything to you?" Issei asked.

Maybe it would be best if I don't tell them about Freed's message towards me, "No, as soon as I began to increase my energy he soon ran off..." Gohan lied but it was better this way that the others wouldn't be so concerned with a random message that could turn out to be nothing.

"Right, well, I think it's time for bed for all of us, seeing as it is a school day tomorrow" Rias announced causing a certain brown haired pawn to sigh at the fact they had school the next day.

As everyone made their ways to their own rooms, Gohan and Rias had a quick look in on Kiba to make sure he was okay, they found him still sleeping so they left him to his slumber and went into their own room.

Just as Issei had gotten into bed, a sudden raspy voice made its self known as a green light emitted from Issei's hand.

"Partner, there is something I need to talk to you about" Ddraig spoke with seriousness in his tone of voice.

"Hey Ddraig, what's up all of a sudden..." a confused Issei asks.

"As you know, I am one of two sky dragons still left in this world" Ddraig began, "However, those that have been my host have always ended up in a fight with the host of the other sky dragon"

"Wait, so you mean there is someone else, like me, who also has a dragon for a sacred gear?" Issei was shocked somewhat to hear this but listened closely to what his partner had to say.

"Yes, he is known as the white one… his name is Albion and the humans that have been our hosts for centuries now have always ended up fighting each other"

"Okay, so why are you telling me this now?" Issei asks.

"Because partner, he is coming… I felt his presence earlier not long ago when you were at that strange man's house"

"So what do you suggest I do then?"

"I suggest that you begin training again and hard, I'm not going to lie to you Issei, at your current level you would probably be killed very quickly and easily..."

"Figures..." Issei felt annoyed with himself that he not been training but because he was so dead on getting contracts and everything else that had happened, he had put off his training.

"I suggest that you ask Gohan to train you again, I want you to be able to unlock what is known as the balance breaker scale mail armour"

"Balance breaker scale mail… what is that Ddraig?" Issei was intrigued by this.

"It is an armour that covers your body and will increase your strength considerably, along with the boosts that you will gain. Only then will I feel you are at least strong enough to hold your own against the white one" Ddraig informed his partner.

"Okay… one last thing Ddraig..."

"What is it?"

"How many of your past vessels have managed to beat the white one and his vessel?" Issei was curious to know how his predecessors had managed in the past.


"Oh okay...WAIT WHAT!" Issei shrieked at the sudden news.

"None have managed to defeat him Issei, that's why I'm telling you to have Gohan train you. With both of us training you, I feel that you will be the first to finally slay that damn Albion..."

"You really have that much faith in me?" Issei was surprised by this sudden influx in trust and confidence from the heavenly dragon that resided within him.

"Yes, there is something different about you Issei, I feel that you have the power to defeat Albion and his host" Ddraig was telling the truth but he also knew that with the help of Gohan who could more than likely defeat the pair of heavenly dragons by himself that Issei would stand a much better chance.

"I promise you now Ddraig, we will become stronger together and beat that bastard!" Issei proudly spoke while thrust his glowing green balled fist into the air.

"HA, you maybe right partner but remember, you must train vigorously!"

Those were Ddraig's last words as he suddenly went quite and Issei drifted off to sleep…

The next morning, Sona and Tsubaki were just walking towards the school, once they had gotten near to the school gates, Tsubaki was the first to notice two cloaked figures as Sona was reading her small book.

"Sona, look..." Tsubaki alerted her King to the cloaked figures that were staring intently at them.

Sona shut her book and pushed her glasses up as she looked at what Tsubaki was alerting her too. As Sona was looking at them she then noticed the wrapped up swords on their backs, Sona instantly recognised them as being holy swords.

"Holy sword users...Tsubaki be careful" Sona muttered as they walked closer to the hooded pair, Sona was being wary at the sudden appearance of the pair as she didn't know why they would suddenly appear before her.

"Hello Sona Sitri, we would like to have a word with you..." one of the hooded figures spoke calmly making it clear that they were not there to pick a fight.

"Very well, follow me..."

The school day had been a slow one for Rias and co, it was beginning to become warmer during the days now as the summer was now approaching. Issei had noticed a sudden change in personality's in his friends Matsuda and Motohama, they seemed a lot nicer to him which in a way did creep him out, although with everyone else in class apart from Asia, the perverted duo were still just as annoying to all girls on the campus, Wonder why they are acting so strange...oh well!

Meanwhile in Rias, Akeno and Gohan's class, Akeno had noticed that both her best friend Rias and Gohan had been deep in thought for most of the day, to her they both looked like something heavy was playing on their minds which in truth something was. For Rias, she was thinking about how she should approach Akeno concerning her feelings towards her boyfriend. Rias knew even before she was dating Gohan that Akeno had some feelings towards him just like her, however, thanks to the whole arranged marriage to Riser, there relationship and feelings towards one another jumped to the next step as they both confessed to one another. I think I will speak with Akeno tonight and have her come to terms with her feelings…

With Gohan, he had a similar issue as he was thinking about his random feelings towards the black haired busty beauty. Gohan was deeply in love with Rias and knew that nothing would ever stop that but he could not shoulder these similar feelings towards Akeno. I'm going to have to admit it to Rias and see what she recommends, I hope she doesn't use a frying pan at my head…

Gohan was also concerned about this warning message that he had gotten from that annoying priest. To Gohan it sounded like something big was about to happen in this small town, better keep on my guard for anything that could happen to me or any of the others...especially Kiba.

Eventually, the school day came to a close, Akeno had to stay behind after class due to being on classroom duty today. Everyone else that was apart of Rias's peerage had begun to make their way towards the clubroom.

"Ah, good, you're here Akeno..." As Akeno had just finished cleaning the room she looked up at the voice which had come from the doorway only to see Sona Sitri and Tsubaki.

"Hello, Sona" Akeno bowed while greeting the high class devil and her queen.

"I take it that Rias and everyone have already gone to the clubroom?"

"Yes, is something the matter, you seem somewhat flustered?" Akeno could see that something was bugging the Sitri heiress.

"I will explain it soon, first I need to speak to Rias then she can decide whether or not to tell the others" Sona then motioned for Akeno to follow suit as the three then began to make their way to Rias and co.

Rias was currently sat at her desk in the clubroom just going through some paperwork and getting ready to send Issei, Asia and Koneko out as they all had summoners at some point tonight. Issei and Asia were sat together talking while Gohan was currently stroking Koneko's head while she laid her head on Gohan's lap.


They all looked towards the door only to see Akeno walk in being accompanied by Sona and Tsubaki.

"Rias, there is something Lady Sitri would like to chat to you about" Akeno announced, causing Rias to immediately perk up to the sudden appearance of her childhood friend.

"What can I do for you Sona?"

"I need to speak with you in private, please come with me back to my parent's house" Sona ushered her friend hoping that she would agree and they could go quickly.

"...Okay then, it must be important if that's the case, Gohan I leave you in charge, please make sure that Issei, Asia and Koneko all go to their required summoners" Rias quickly got up and grabbed her school blazer.

"Will do, stay safe" Gohan replied and gave her a reassuring Son grin.

The others all said their goodbyes and with that Rias left with Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki.

Sona had brought Rias and Akeno to the baths in which Rias and Sona would tell secrets to each other as children.

"So, Sona, why have you brought us here and what's all the commotion?" Rias asked in confusion to the erratic behaviour of her long time friend.

"I'm sorry Rias, however it was necessary as this concerns you"

All four girl's walked into the bathing area and began to take off their towels which showed off there incredible figures and large assets in Rias and Akeno's case.

"On our way to school this morning, we were confronted by a pair from the church that was wielders of the holy swords" Sona informed the pair.

"What were people of the church doing here, let alone those with holy swords?" a shocked Rias asked.

"They informed me that they were not here to fight mine or your groups and said that they were here on a mission to do with the fallen angels" Sona replied.

"Did they say why they are going after the fallen angels?" Akeno enquired curiously to know the reason to their sudden appearance.

"No… they wouldn't tell us, however, they want to speak to you Rias so I have set up a meeting for you to speak to them in person"

"It will be at the clubroom tomorrow night around 8 pm" Sona informed the Gremory heiress.

"Very well, I will speak to them tomorrow and see what they have to say for themselves" Rias then began to wash her body seeing as the matter had been discussed.

"We have somewhere to be now, you are more than welcome to use the baths and so on while you are hear" Sona picked up her towel and began to leave followed closely by Tsubaki.

"Thank you Sona, I have something I must discuss with Akeno anyway and now is a good a time as any..." Rias thanked her childhood friend and with that Sona and Tsubaki were now gone.

"Rias what did you mean, you have something to discuss with me?" Akeno was confused at this and for some reason worried too.

Rias closed the distance between herself and her friend Akeno, they were both now sat right next to each other, "Akeno, we need to talk about Gohan..." Akeno froze up at this point, oh no is she mad at me…

"What about Gohan?" Akeno mumbled out.

"Akeno, relax… I know how you feel for him, and I want you to know...I am fine with it" Rias smiled warmly at her long time friend.

"I don't know what you are talking about Rias..." Akeno tried to deny what Rias was insinuating and tried to walk away from her King, however, Rias grabbed Akeno's arm and made her sit back down again.

"Akeno, I'm not angry with you I promise, I just want you to confront your feelings for him" At this point, Rias grabbed Akeno hand and interlocked her fingers with Akeno's to stop her from trying to leave again.

"Now tell me, what do you feel for Gohan..."

Akeno knew that there was no way out of this, once Rias had grabbed her back, Akeno knew that she would have to tell her best friend what she felt for Gohan.

"I…canot stop...thinking about him Rias, he makes me happy, he doesn't look at me like all the other boys do, he sees me for who I really am and I love him..." Akeno quickly put her free hand over mouth due to what she had just said.

"You love him? Wow, I'm surprised Akeno, neither me or Gohan have told each other we love each other yet and we've been dating now for at least a month or two" Rias was genuinely surprised by this, she felt that she too loved Gohan and was sure he felt the same way about her but for Akeno to say she loved a man was something she thought she would never hear as Akeno had always hated men.

"I'm sorry Rias, but Gohan just seems to work his way into your heart with that toothy grin of his, I've even had dreams of making him cheat on you with me… I'm a terrible friend to you..."

"Akeno look at me..." Akeno didn't want to see the angry look that she thought might be on Rias face, but Rias was determined to make her look at her so she clasped the side of Akeno's face and made her look at her.

All Akeno could see was a warm, loving smile on her friends face, but what happened next shocked Akeno to her very core… Rias had kissed Akeno.

"Rias, what are you doing all of a sudden?" Akeno blurted out in shock.

"Well, we've got to get used to it seeing as we are going to be in a relationship together with that big lug..." Rias did her own grin which seem to resemble Gohan's as she looked at her friend.

Akeno began to form tears in her eyes, she couldn't believe what Rias was saying.

"But how do you know Gohan will agree to this? I've seen the way he looks at you Rias, he adores you..." Akeno looked down as she said this, "What if he doesn't want to be with me, I mean you saw the malice he showed towards the fallen angels...If he knows about the real me, he may not come to like me at all"

"Akeno, Gohan isn't like that and you know it, he would accept you for you and nothing would change his mind about you" Rias paused, "besides, I have seen Gohan looking at you in similar ways as well"

Akeno was shocked to hear this but smiled for the first time since they began this conversation.

"Now, how about we go and see what that big lug is doing and let them know about tomorrow night, knowing Gohan he will be giving Koneko to much fuss as usual" Rias stood up still holding Akeno's hand, "well I guess he will need some punishment for not giving us any attention..." Akeno chuckled.

"Now that's the Akeno I know and love..." Both girls then went and got dried off and dressed to return to Kuoh town.

Gohan had just got home from a sudden summoning that he was called for, luckily it was an easy one and not like his recent strange requests from older women.

"I'M, BACK" he shouted as he walked in, however, there was no response, everyone else must still be with the summoners…

Gohan made his way upstairs and went to open his bedroom door, as he did this he suddenly felt two familiar energy's from within the room.

"Oh, hey girls, did everything go okay with Sona, she looked serious earlier" Gohan saw that both Rias and Akeno were chatting while sitting on the bed.

"Gohan, come and sit down there is something we need to discuss," Rias said.

Gohan made his way over to the pair and sat down at the end of the bed, "What's up…?"

"Akeno has something she would like to tell you and before she does I just want you to sit there and listen to her, don't worry about me being here as I already know what she is going to say and I can already guess your reply to her" Rias smiled at her boyfriend, she could see the confused look on his face but Gohan just simply nodded in agreement.

Rias nudged Akeno motioning her to tell him. "Gohan, the thing is…" Akeno paused as she was somewhat apprehensive of telling him.

Rias didn't want to wait so she just said it along with Akeno, "I'm in love with you..."

"Wait...what…?" Gohan could have sworn he was hearing things, "can you repeat that, both of you..."

"Gohan...we are in love with you" Rias and Akeno simultaneously spoke.

"I thought that's what you…WAIT WHAT!" Gohan shrieked at realising that he had heard right.

"But, how can you Akeno…? Gohan stuttered in utter surprise.

"Look Gohan, for the past few weeks I have watched you and Akeno here look at each other as we do each other, you both share a look of love and concern for one another and to be honest, I was getting fed up of seeing it" Rias huffed, "Gohan, I know that you feel something for Akeno and I am okay with it because I love Akeno too" Rias stated, shocking her boyfriend.

"So what are you saying, that we should be in a three-way relationship?" Gohan joked.

"Yes… that is exactly what I am saying!" Rias blurted out.

"Gohan, I truly love you, ever since we all met you, you have shown just how caring, loving and kind you really are towards us, for me what I love most of all is the fact that you see me for me and don't look at me like a piece of meat like all the other boys" Akeno began to finally open up and tell her true feelings for the dimension traveller.

"You are the only man I would ever want to be with and thanks to Rias she has made me confess to you..."

Gohan looked at Rias who just gave a smile and nodded to him, Gohan then got closer to Akeno and wrapped his arms around the black haired beauty, "Akeno, I would be happy to be your boyfriend as I too now know that I love and care for you both dearly"

"You are both strong willed women and that is just one of your great qualities that you both share, Akeno, I will make the same vow I made to Rias the day we first kissed. I promise to protect you Akeno Himejima" with that said Gohan cupped Akeno's chin and kissed her lips softly and lovingly, Akeno just seem to melt into Gohan's arms at the sudden feeling, This is what I have been wanting all along...thank you Rias...and thank you Gohan…

Rias looked on at them both, she knew that they would be happy altogether no matter what happened in the future, "heyyyy, what about me over here!" Rias whined as she felt left out.

Gohan and Akeno pulled apart and smiled towards Rias, "sorry Rias..." both Akeno and Gohan said.

That night both girls laid either side of Gohan cuddling into him, "I think we are going to have to renovate our rooms into one..." Rias muttered as she cuddled tighter into Gohan's muscular body.

The three teens then fell asleep in each other's arms with a smile on their faces…

The next day came and everyone was shocked to find out that Akeno was now also in a relationship with Gohan along with Rias. Issei's inner pervert was cursing the muscular spiky black haired teen as he was basically living his old dream out of having a harem.

Kiba, who had finally awakened after a day of rest had already left the house earlier than everyone else, "Rias, do you want me to go find him?" Gohan concerned by the mind state of his friend.

"No, we have to prepare for the members of the church that are coming later tonight and I think it would be best if Kiba doesn't come due to the fact that according to Sona, they hold holy swords which were made from fragments of Excalibur" Rias made clear that nobody was to let Kiba know this fact as it could cause a fight that could quite easily treat as an act of war.

Everyone had been informed of what was said when Rias and Akeno disappeared with Sona and Tsubaki that morning. The group knew how dangerous it would be to have Kiba at the meeting so they all agreed not to mention anything to him if they saw him during the day.

"Right, come on or else we are going to be late!" Rias shouted as they grabbed their bags and left the house quickly.

"They should be here anytime no…" Rias was interrupted as the door suddenly knocked.

Akeno opened it up and greeted the two cloaked figures, Rias motioned for them to sit down to which they did.

"Do you mind taking off the hoods, I would like to see the faces of those I am speaking too..."

Both then pulled back there hoods to reveal that they were both girls that looked no older than the rest of them. The first girl had light blue hair and seemed to be in somewhat of a bad mood as she looked to have a scowl on her face, the other girl who for some reason to Issei, looked very familiar. She had honey blonde hair pigtail hair, Why does she look so familiar…

"Rias Gremory, as I'm sure you were told by Sona Sitri, we are not here to cause a fight between us and you. We are only here to recover the holy swords that were taken by a certain man and we believe to be now in the possession of some fallen angels" the blue haired girl said.

"Before we get into that, I don't know your names and yet you know mine so would you care to introduce yourself first"

"Ah yes, pardon my rudeness, my name is Xenovia and this is my partner Irina who I believe knows you Issei Hyoudou" Xenovia informed with a less than enthusiastic tone.

"Wait… I thought you were a boy!" Issei's blurted out, "How rude, even after all this time Issei, I went to your house earlier only to find a huge house now built there!" Irina shouted, "That is my house still..." Issei mumbled in reply still shocked that this was the kid from the picture with the holy sword in the background.

"Oh God, please have mercy on my childhood friend who has been tainted into becoming a devil" Irina put her hands together as she prayed.

Issei suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head thanks to Irina's prayer, "please don't do that, it hurts my head..." an annoyed Issei said.

"Oh, right sorry about that..." Irina apologised.

"So, you are here for the fallen angels then?" Rias confirmed, trying to move this conversation on as she didn't want Kiba turning up only to start a fight.

"Yes, we have come here to ask that you do not interfere and that if you decide to help the fallen angels then we will have no choice but to annihilate you," Xenovia said with a hint of venom in her statement.

"That sounds like a threat..." Rias now somewhat pissed at that comment began to build her magic energy just to threaten them in her own way.

"We gathered due to your recent addition to your peerage that you would not intervene anyway" Xenovia then looked at Asia with such disgust and coldness that it caused the petite blonde girl to cower.

"So you are Asia Argento, the nun that saved a devil and began working with fallen angels… now you have gone further and become a lowly devil..."

"Do you still believe in God and his faith?" Xenovia asked.

"Erm… yes, just because I am a devil now, I still believe in my faith because I was brought up believing in that helping others was always a good thing to do no matter who or what they were" Asia mumbled, she clung to Issei's arm as she replied, Issei could feel her shaking under the cold eyes of Xenovia.

"If that's true then maybe you should let me kill you now in Gods name seeing as you still believe in our faith" This cold hearted statement shocked the room and brought tears to Asia's eyes.

Gohan didn't want to intervene unless it was absolutely necessary, but even he was pissed off at this comment.

"If you feel that you can come in here and tell Asia what she can and cannot do then, well, you will have to go through me before you can kill my girlfriend!" Issei shouted standing proudly in front of a now tearful and timid Asia.

Gohan looked on at Issei and was proud of the man he was becoming, I think it's time I help you in your training again Issei…

"You really think you can defeat me, even if you are the Red Dragon Emperor, you are weak..." Xenovia laughed off.

"Xenovia, you'd best mind your tongue in my presence but also in his..." Rias pointed to Gohan who gave her a look that simply shattered her entire confidence, Xenovia had heard about the boyfriend to Rias Gremory at headquarters. Everyone had been talking about him but now thanks to that one look he had given her she had realised just why he was becoming feared by Angel's, Fallen Angel's and also some higher class Devils.

"We shall take our leave now Irina" both girls then began walking towards the door, unfortunately due to Gohan being pissed at the blue haired swords women he had failed to realise that Kiba had been listening in and only now decided to walk in.

"If you want a fight...I will give you one, you holy sword wielding scum" Kiba announced his arrival by challenging the pair.

"Kiba, when did you..." Rias then looked to Gohan only to see that he was to pissed off at Xenovia's earlier comments.

"Fine then, I could use a workout..."

Next chapter