

I spent a year training and getting used to my body and power. Now I can perfectly control my strength and energy. Recreating gohans skills wasn't too hard.During this period my power level grew due to training.'though I wonder what my power level is?'. "computer what is my power level?" i asked. It replied" sir your power level is 52 trillion". "And how strong is that?" i asked. " You can fight vegito in his base form if you transform into your mystic form". 'that is a very good improvement'. There was still another problem bothering me, I was unable to use super saiyan form.'I guess that lack the raw anger to transform, well what ever mystic form is more powerful, turning into super saiyan would be cool though'

I have been practising saiyaman poses in my spare time. 'I must admit i look cool'.

"computer set the ship course to planet earth, but land the ship at the polar ice cap."

As the ship starts moving I sit down to meditate.

(1 hour later)(normal pov)(mc is refered as gohan)

"hmm? why did it take so long to travel?"asked gohan." sir, since the distance was short it is more advisable to travel without hyper drive"said the computer ai. "Ok,but calling you computer is too troublesome, I shall call you acom from now on". "new name registered"acom replied. " acom hack into their tech before landing, and mask our presence". "affirmative, hacking...presence consealed...begin landing prcedure......landing complete." as the ship came to a halt.

"well its hero time, but first costume. acom where is my saiyaman costume?". "it is in the locker beside the fridge,sir". gohan moved towards the locker and opened it. It comtained three items a watch, a sword and a note, picking up the note it read

/hello this is toaa or you may call me stan

,the watch you see has two buttons, the green one to change costome and red one to change out of costume.

ps-the sword is an extra gift, it is the improved z sword.

pss-only you can lift it

psss-make sure to give it to thor to try to lift it.

"well it is time to make a name for myself", pressing the green button goh-saiyaman headed towards america.