
Burying the dead

"Urgh." Revant groaned.

He was feeling extreme pain in his head, although he has already been fully healed by Bob, his head was still in the process of healing.

His head hurt so much to the point he want to bang it on the ground just to relieve the pain, he clutched his head so hard as if he was about to pull out all of his air.

Revant right now was beffudled and in daze, his memories from the tragedy was still in the process of coming back. Clearly he suffered a deep trauma as one can see from his state of pain.

After a few seconds, Revant slowly opened his eyes as he saw Saitsma and Bob staring at him.

In instinct, he rolled backwards and gripped more tightly the dagger in his hands, which was in his hands all the time he was unconscious. Taking a stance, he glared fiercely towards the two, ready to attack at a moment's notice.

"Easy boy, we are not your enemies. I just healed you so you need to take it easy, your mind is clearly in a mess right now so you need to calm down." Bob said in assurance and gentleness, as if he was taming down a wild dog that has been cornered.

Revant wasn't pertubed by Bob's statement. He was still wary to the two of them as he scrutinize the two greatly.

As Revant observed the two figure, one was a middle-aged man that has a bearing of a noble, with his pitch black hair gently waving in the wind, his whirlpool like hazel eyes that can drown if one stared long enough, his sharp jaw that exudes confidence and dominance. Lastly, the middle-aged man was wearing a expensive looking robe that has strange design in them. Revant concludes that this man was anything but ordinary.

The other one was a bald guy in his middle twenties. With a strange outfit of red and white. Revant can only say that this bald man was anything but extraordinary.

But still, Revant guard was still up.

"Boy, calm down. Although this might hurt you but try remembering what happened. You are suffering a trauma right now, you're head is still unstable and if not stabilized quickly then it will permanently affect you." Bob once again advised.

He was feeling quite hurt for the child, he already know that Revant belonged to the village that was just massacred near here. But such thing is completely normal across the Cultivation Realms where the rule of the jungle prevails. Even he himself massacred a village that practices vicious cultivation techniques and demonic skills. There are not a single day where not a single person was killed. The cultivation world is a merciless system, and if steps in it, then one must expect and prepare die.

The massacre of Revant's village was just a drop in the ocean, it is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It will not create an impact that can hange the natural order in the universe.

Bob was becoming melancholic as he thought of those things.

This time, Revant heeded to Bob's words. He slowly calm down and tried to remember what happened. Revant crossed his eyes as memories started to resurface and come back.

Revant trembled slightly and opened his eyes. His eyes flickering in different emotions, grief, fury, sadness, self-blame, madness. Every negative emotions that exists, he experienced it in that instant.

Revant took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down. He forcefully swallows all the negative emiotions to clear his mind. He knew that excessive recklessness will not benefit him of anything.

As of now, he needs to go back to his village, bury all the dead first and salvage all what he can. Then become stronger and get revenge. For a noblemen to get revenge, ten years is not too long.

After regaining his composure and calming himself down, Revant clasped his hands towards the expert in front who just healed him.

"Thanks for all the help Seniors. But I still need to get to the village to bury the dead." Revant said politely.

Surprise flickered through Bob's eyes as he was amazed by the kid's willpower. This kind of person, even if average will make his name resound throughout the world. Not many people can just do what Revant did earlier.

"Then we will accompany you boy." Bob offered.

Revant just nodded. If the middle aged man planned to harm or kill him then he would already do so earlier. Revant has no choice and just agreed the offer.

The village wasn't that far from where they were, Revant knew the forest like the palm of his hand so he knew where to go then led Saitama and Bob towards the village.

But as the three of them got closer and close to the village, Revant heart started to become heavy the closer they get close.

Few minutes of walking, one can already smell the burning woods and flesh from a distance.

Not long after, the three of them can now see the site of tragedy. The burning gate that was smashed down from the outside, dozens of fire inside the persistent sea of flame and the sorry corpses of the villagers.

Although Bob was not that pertubed, his brows was still furrowed from the sight. The murderers are really ruthless and merciless, they did a good job murdering everyone brutally, as if the victims were killed by vicious and wild beasts instead.

There are not a single intact corpse at all, the corpses are either badly mutilated, chopped and beheaded. There are even corpse that sre charred due to the fire. Even elderly and children are not spared.

Saitama has a dark expression on his face, he was clearly bothered by the sight. He can even feel a hot sensation inside his body as if he was a volcano ready to erupt.

Back in earth, even when Boros almost annhilated if not completely, Saitama wasn't bothered and instead directly went to find and challenged Boros. But he didn't know that his cold emotions back from earth was slowly thawed and bothered when he got here.

Saitama himself felt guilt, the duty of a hero that he stubbornly believed and stick with which he failed overwhelmed him. Saitama was constantly thinking if only he arrived here earlier, he can surely save everyone but now it was too late.

The most affected of all was Revant, who was now kneeling bawling his eyes out and screaming to the whole world to show his agonizing pain he was now experiencing. He fisted his hand so hard his nails dug deep onto his palm and started beeling profusely.

Bob was also feeling pain for the child and Saitama was clearky bothered.

Then Revant suddenly stood up, went to the nearest corpses and gathered it together. He placed the corpses side by side and for those corpses with missing limbs or missing some parts of their body, he did his best to find the corresponding parts and placed them to the right owners. He even gathered the charred and still burning corpses, burning his hands in the process but Revant didn't care, as of now Revant was completely devoid of any painful feelings.

This whole process of gathering the corpses and finding the missing parts took 3 hours.

Bob and Saitama was also watching Revant for the whole 3 hours with heavy feelings.

After gathering all the corpses, Revant tears was now all dried up, as he cannot cry any further. His eyes blank as if it was soulless and his moving body seemingly like a puppey being controlled.

Revant began digging up the ground and burrying them right here. He uses his already burnt bare hands to digged, furthering damaging it more, his nails was no more and both of his hand was now skinned due to the digging.

Saitama and Bob who have been watching his heavy heart started to move and helped Revant digging and burrying.

Bob didn't bother putting in protection for his hand, which is already virtually indestructible, and just used it to dig and move the corpses dirtying his hand.

Bob now didn't care of his image as a Martial Immortal ever since Saitama accepted him as his disciple. A Martial Immortal doing such act will warrant realmwide bafflement if known.

But Bob didn't care and just helped the poor boy.

Revant continued moving without showing any reaction from the two, as if he didn't see them at all.

Even I feel bad for Revant, poor boy T^T (why did i even write that.)

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