
Time for a party

Although Lutini was really hungry, it did not forget its mission. It remained in its "book form". However, it added a small unnoticeable detail. It transformed its mouth into a book mark. As it landed with a solid thud on the ground, small purplish baby slimes started to crowd around it in curiosity. The closer the slimes gathered around it, the hungrier lutini became. It's been a while since master fed it, and its body was itching for a good battle at the same time.

"Stop!" A blue slime with purple-ish hue and white long beard stopped the rest of the slimes. "Move back! It looks carnivorous!"

The baby slimes throw themselves back into the grass in shock and watched as the elder slime approach it.

The elder turned around and suddenly decided to give a long speech to the baby slimes with its back facing Lutini, "While slimes are usually harmless, there are a rare few which possess the ability "Gluttony". While most ordinary humans know that the special slime ability allows the slime to utilise special berries when in a life threatening situation. What they do not know is, when the ability is used against us, not only will the slime fully recover its health but also inherit the abilities of the other monster or fellow monster slime. The only downside is, the ability will make the slime more likely to consume and eat the other party in the wild rather than eating the special berry it's holding.. so steer clear of this beast! Who knows how many of our kind it has devoured!"

Lutini held back its tongue upon hearing the bitter truth. At the same time, everyone looked so delicious, especially the shiny one!

"Is there anyway to cure it!?" A small female baby slime asked.

"Once the slime in question eat something, the hunger will subside. The reason it happen is usually when the slime senses danger." The elder said while stroking its beard with its "hand".

"Summon the best chef now! It's time to party!!!" A slime that appears bigger than the rest said holding a bottle of alcohol. The party of slimes cheered.

The "book" was thrilled! Food at last! It has been starving for a long time! Finally someone who cared enough to feed him! An ink like blob trickle from the cover of the book.. feeling extremely touched. "Even my master don't treat me so well! I really should sue my master for monster abuse!"

After cheering, the slimes went off in different directions to gather food. The elder stayed where he is to watch over the new slime.

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