
How to show off your bubble butt

Nurse Mysti tried to be as "nursey" as possible. She had learned and mimic all the actions of a head nurse in accidents and emergency department during one of her spying missions. She had memorised the schedule what the nurses schedule were like, what they had done and how they managed the doctors, visitors and ground staffs. She had seen all sorts of patients and memorised all the medication and diagnosis for all of them.

She is well prepared knowledge wise and movement wise. The only thing is the execution of nursing duties. Because of that, her inexperience shows.

"Dr Yan, who is the patient today?"

Dr Yan likewise never had any experience with any patients nor had he diagnose any illness before. But he is able to treat any poison or toxin based solely on his power of observations. One smell and he will know the type of poison, toxins, virus, infection a person has. Mainly because he had personally experienced all of them and gained immunity to sufferings due to his immunity. As a result, he had the experience but lack the knowledge and practice.

So when Nurse Mysti asked him, he panicked.

"Hmmm, that is a good question. Let me have a look.."

Breathing in deeply.

"Nurse Mysti, I am afraid we are out of luck tonight. They are already treated so we just have to make sure they are well rested."

The nurse took a look at the medical notes and give up. The scribbles are unidentifiable, illegible, undecipherable. She looked at the doctor in deep admiration, contemplating how the doctor deciphered the contents so easily.

"Do we need to administer anything to the patient?"

"No, we just need to kick back and relax until the mother wakes up and ready to go home. Although, you might need to change the diapers of the baby. And prepare a meal in case they need to be satiated. Dragons do have quite an appetite, so make sure it is 10 person worth. Here's the list of ingredients for the midnight snacks." The doctor quickly scribbled. The nurse was speechless. I am a cook now too!?

"Oh, don't do anything funny. I will know."

"Oh my god, how did he found out?" Mysti thought to herself.

Dr Yan had knew something was weird about Nurse Mysti since day 1. She smell like all sorts of weird - poison gem, escape rope, poison barb, big root which seemed to sap spiritual and vital energy. Then again, he is a poison master and he would not hesitate to defend the usage of poison as medicine and if he does raise his suspicions, it will be akin to pot calling the kettle black. So in the end, he did not bother. After all, he is only here to fulfil his contractual agreement.

While Dr Yan was distracted in his own world of thoughts, nurse Mysti/ spy whispered, "I choose you, Lutini!"

A small bluish magenta slime appeared.

"Go find the ledger and copy it and send to me." Mysti commanded.

The slime give a quick salute sign and proceeded to sneaked into the shop. But alas, the baby dragon caught sight it and starting crying for food! It tried to escape from his mother's embrace but felt too comfortable to move so it started to cry instead.

The slime immediately transform into a piece of book with the title inventory.

"Why is the baby crying? Can you attend to it Nurse, it's disturbing my rest." The doctor said.

Tired of waiting, the baby stretch out his tongue. The tongue grew longer and longer as it attempted to reach the slime on the floor.

Mystic quickly grabbed a pacifier and plug it into his mouth. The baby found the pacifier tasteless and begin to bawl.

"Mysti!! Do I need to do everything myself?"

"It just needed milk, not to worry." Mysti immediately prepare some baby powder and fed it to the dragon. But the dragon was not pleased because it tasted bland, so it bawled even louder and harder! On hearing the cries, the dragon lady, instinctively hugged her baby towards her breast and exposed her bosom to feed her child. The kid happily suckled.

"Phew, that was close. Maybe I should read up more on dragon kind." Mysti than picked the book up from the floor. As she was about to leave the clinic and put it in the Mitch's office. The doctor confronted from his armchair In his sleeping mask, "Where are you going?"

Mysti felt as if she was being interrogated. "To the office doctor, I think the staff left the inventory here."

"Leave it here, I will ask the staff to collect it." the doctor said.

'You won't get to do anything funny, not under my supervision, lest you soil my reputation.'

"Paging for Bradshaw, paging for Bradshaw. Come to the infirmary."

"Yes Dr Yan! Bradshaw give his best pageant smile while sashaying into the room."

"Bradshaw, is there something wrong with your hips, should I treat it?" Dr Yan teased.

"Excuse me! This is pageant walk okay! Oh ya, you have never entered a pageant before so you have no idea, oops." Bradshaw retorted.

"Why are you so sensitive. Anyway, your boss left his stuff here again. He keep leaving his junk around. Make sure you remind him that this," he uses his arms and circle the entire room, "this territory belongs to me at night. So clean it up! Nurse, throw it to him!"

Mysti, gently passed the book over to Bradshaw.

"Okay, okay. Thank you Mysti, at least you are not so rude." The handsome ghost flashed a smile and did a quick turn on the spot. "Hmmph!" The ghost stomped off with hips swaying left and right showing off his bubble butt.

'Mission success! It's all up to you now my pet! All the best Lutini!' Mysti prayed silently in her heart.

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