
Chapter 58 Chaos Unleashed: The Rocks's Resurrection of and the Dragon Kingdom's Destiny

"It's just a few crazy people," Gao Yang said to Megumi. "They might cause some trouble, but it's nothing serious."

Ulquiorra sighed, "A bunch of mindless things."

Boss Bai was surprised, "Your popularity is even more exaggerated than I thought"

Gao Yang nodded. "I didn't expect it either. I didn't think that my value in their eyes would surpass the Great Secret Treasure"

Gao Yang didn't expect these people to be so cunning.

But he was prepared for this.

These people were crazy and needed to be woken up.

"It's normal." Arturia said, leaning on her sword.


Boss Bai and Huihui nodded in agreement.

The Great Secret Treasure is nothing compared to Gao Yang.

Gao Yang thought for a moment and ordered, "Let the Dragon Kingdom get ready for battle. We want to keep the enemy away from the island so we don't have to disrupt everyone's normal lives."

Issho volunteered to take care of the arrangements.

Gao Yang smiled slightly. "This is our first challenge to the world, but I believe in everyone."

Megumi pouted. "You're so mean, Gao Yang-sama! Don't worry, I'm here!"

Gao Yang laughed. "Megumi is amazing."

Megumi replied, "Of course I am... wait a minute, don't talk to me like I'm a child!"

Gao Yang shrugged. "I wasn't."

Megumi crossed her arms. "Yes, you were."

Gao Yang smirked. "But aren't you just a child?"

Megumi's eyes widened. "Gao Yang-sama, I will bite you to death! I will grow up, I will grow up!!"

Gao Yang laughed. "Then I'll wait until you grow up."


Smoker, Crocodile, King, and the other captives were amazed.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

The Dragon Kingdom was being coveted by almost all the powerful forces in the world, but the people there didn't seem to be worried at all.

The king of the Dragon Kingdom was calm and collected.

The others had some worries, but they didn't show any panic or fear.

"These people's psychological quality is amazing!" Smoker thought. "It's hard to believe!"

"Do they not know how powerful the top powerhouses in this world are?" Crocodile wondered. "Or do they think they can handle it?"

The captives were all curious about the Dragon Kingdom and its people.

They wanted to know how they could be so calm in the face of such danger.

"I know a little bit about the various forces on the sea"

Smoker was surprised by his own words.

He had seen how good the people's lives were in the Dragon Kingdom.

He didn't want to see that disappear.

He also didn't want the Dragon Kingdom to become like Elbaf.

Elbaf was a once-great kingdom that had been occupied by various forces for a long time.

Tashigi was surprised by Smoker's words.

"Smoker, you..."

Vice Admiral was shocked.

He was about the same age as Smoker and knew some rumors about him.

Smoker was known for his integrity and his unwillingness to compromise justice.

He had just been assigned to East Blue, but he was already ignoring his Marine position and offering information to the Dragon Kingdom.

"The Marines' positions changed really quickly, huh?"

The CPO is silent. He doesn't know if the Five Elders will rescue them

"Thank you for your offer, but we have our own way of gathering information."

Gao Yang was surprised. They were untied and their treatment was good.

Umit said respectfully, "Gao Yang-sama, let me call the other captains back!"

"Also," Boss Bai said, "I am the Minister of Science, and I am authorizing the activation of the Mana Ecological Defense System."

"I hope you don't use that thing." Artoria didn't really want to use some kind of power.

Issho has gone to take care of everything related to the people's livelihood.

Ulquiorra is still calm. He stands quietly behind Gao Yang like a shadow.

People often ignore him because he is too quiet.

The video is still popular.

Many kingdoms that have been persecuted by various forces have stood up to speak for the Dragon Kingdom.

No matter how dark the world is, no matter how broken it is, there will always be someone who is a good person

[King of the Giants: You cancerous tumors of the sea, do you have to destroy the last piece of pure land in this world? King of the Dragon Kingdom, our giant clan cannot help you much, but we will try our best to help you here as long as possible.]

[Gao Yang: Thank you. ]

Elbaf is willing to help the Dragon Kingdom, but they're not very hopeful about the situation.

[Cobra: The World Government needs to stop these crazy pirates!]

He didn't realize that the World Government didn't make a public statement because they were weighing their options and trying to save face.

Pirates can scream and shout all they want, but the World Government is an official organization and they have to be more careful about their public image.

[King Riku: Is there no one who can help the Dragon Kingdom?

[Neptune: Help? Hey... At this point, it would be great if someone didn't attack the Dragon Kingdom!]


Marko sighed. "It's getting harder and harder to buy angel medicine."

"This is a new era that's driven countless forces in the world crazy since Roger started the era of pirates!"

"Father, what about us?"

"We're pirates! This is chaos, but it's also an opportunity! But even pirates have to have some morals. We don't attack the Dragon Kingdom. We attack those who attack the Dragon Kingdom. That's what the red-haired brat must have planned, right?"

The Whitebeard Pirates are a powerful pirate crew that is known for their strength.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates sympathize with the Dragon Kingdom, they are not the embodiment of justice.

The Whitebeard Pirates make money by stealing from other pirates. They are not the good guys, even if they sympathize with the Dragon Kingdom.

But he made a decision that shocked the world.

[Kingdom resource ranking NO.1, main resource source, seastone mine, angel potion, Devil Fruit, electric energy, coal mine, natural gas, oil... ]

Everyone is excited about the situation.

[Loan usury king: You're loaded!

[Ochoku: Just one bite would be enough to feed our entire army for a long time!]

[Big Mom: I have to say, Dragon Kingdom is really a remarkable and wealthy country!]

At this moment, these people seem to have calmed down.

But everyone knows that they're suppressing a crazy beast inside of them.

The wind blows, and countless ships set sail from their respective ports!

The storm is coming.

[The Three Kingdoms before the Fortune List has been played, please answer the previous question, what is the nature of the resource?]

Everyone was stumped by the question.

[Golden Lion: If there was no Dragon Kingdom, the answer would be plunder! But the Dragon Kingdom is the world's largest resource-rich country without plundering.]

[Rocks: Plunder!]

[Oden: Plunder! Because Wanokuni was looted!]

[Big Mom: It's hard to say. Elbaf, Wanokuni, and the Dragon Kingdom are two completely different extremes. Maybe the common factor is that they are all used by humans?]

[Doflamingo: I choose "distorting human nature"! Whether it's Wanokuni or Elbaf, Kaido was driven by huge interests to do things! And in Elbaf, all forces will do anything to conceal the truth for their own benefit. There are no bottom lines!]

[Loan usury king: Everyone is the same! But it makes sense. I also choose this!]

[Garp: For the benefit of all people? From the perspective of the Dragon Kingdom, it seems like a good answer!]

[Sengoku: No, it's ! There's nothing wrong with it!]

Sengoku looked at the answers and realized that Rocks had already posted his answer.

He was annoyed, but he knew that he couldn't do anything about it.

The answers were all different, and everyone had their own opinion.

The answer would come soon.

The correct answer is plunder! Rocks D. Xebec is the answer to this round of questions.

[Sengoku: I knew this was the correct answer. Even though the Dragon Kingdom's resources were not obtained through plundering, aren't pirates plundering them now?]

That's right! The Dragon Kingdom's resources didn't come from plundering!

But in the end, it couldn't escape the fate of being targeted by others!

Resources are always accompanied by plunder! This is indeed the essence!

[Morgans: Haha, I just answered this question!]

[Stussy: Why are you happy? Before you answered, I saw others reply. Being quick matters more than being right!]

[Big Mom: Wait! Who gave the correct answer earlier?]

[Apu: Rocks D. Xebec!]

This surprised many of them!

[Kaido: Darn it!!]

[Whitebeard: Turns out the old guy got it right!]

[Ochoku: The captain is amazing!!]

[Golden Lion: The old guy has been dead for so long, getting the answer right doesn't matter. You can't affect us no matter how strong you are!]

[Silver Ax: I have a bad feeling! What if he come back to life?]

[Rocks: You jerks! Treating your captain like this?!]

[Capone Bege: Wait, what's happening?! Is this Rocks the captain of big pirates like Whitebeard, Big Mom, Kaido, Ochoku?!]

This discovery was really frightening!

[Garp: It's okay if the younger generation doesn't know about Rocks Pirate.]

[Kid: They were an actual pirate group!! And Whitebeard wasn't the captain back then!! What kind of monstrous pirate group is this?!]

[Hawkins: This is too scary, who is Xebec?!]

[Urouge: It's seriously terrifying!]

People are learning more about a pirate named Rocks.

He used to be just a name people mentioned in passing, but now they know he had a powerful pirate crew with many famous fighters.

His crew's bounty was very high, and it affected many people in the past.

[Random rewards are now given to those who answered correctly...Random rewards, resurrection!!]

[Sengoku: What?! He's back?! Can he really be resurrected?]

[Garp: Are the Rocks Pirates threatening to take over the seas again?!]

[Doflamingo: Fufurfur! This world government is really something! The world is in chaos! Let everything be reduced to ashes!! Hahahaha!!]

[Zephyr: Damn it, how did such a dangerous guy get what he wanted?!]

[Ochoku: Hahaha! Captain! Welcome back! Let's turn the world upside down again!]

People all over the world are remembering the sea that was ruled by Rocks.

They can't help but tremble in fear.

[5 Elders: Don't worry too much. The Rocks Pirates are no longer the same. Even if he's back, guys like Whitebeard and Kaido have already become successful. They're not going to obey Rocks' orders anymore.]

[Sengoku: That's right! Rocks were killed back then!]

It was even because of a few people who didn't contribute much!

They caused water paddling in the Valley of the Gods battle!


At this time, Rocks seemed to react from the shock and ecstasy!

[Rocks: Hahaha!! I didn't expect that I could be resurrected! This is wonderful!! It doesn't matter if anyone continues to follow me! This sea will surrender under my feet again no matter what! First of all, the Dragon Kingdom is a good place! I want Gao Yang too! Boy! Let me show you how wonderful it is to dominate everything at the top of the world!]

[Gao Yang: Haven't you woken up yet?]

[Old Pirate A: Oh no! He's back! He just appeared on the street! I'm sure of it, I saw his wanted poster 40 years ago!]

[Rayleigh: Silver Axe was right! He really is coming back!]

[Sengoku: Damn it!]

[5 Elders: No matter what, Gao Yang must not fall into Rocks' hands!]

If Gao Yang falls into Rocks' hands

His reputation as one of the most feared pirates in the world.

This would allow him to raise an army of terrorists that would be difficult for the world government to defeat.

[Whitebeard: The storm is getting worse. What will happen to the world?]

The world is in chaos and fear. Soon, the most important vote in the list will take place.

[Kaido: We Wanokuni will never vote for the Dragon Kingdom!]

[Big Mom: That's right. Even though the Dragon Kingdom is stronger, we can't stop them. But it's better to avoid unnecessary trouble.]

[King of Giants: We vote for the Dragon Kingdom!]

Even though Elbaf is also in a difficult situation, they don't want to see the last piece of pure land in this world destroyed.

And the Dragon Kingdom needs this reward more than Elbaf does now.


"All the kingdoms under our command are banned from voting! Well, actually, the top three can still vote for Wanokuni." The Five Elders decided after thinking.

They think Wanokuni is stronger and has more resources, which is good for their world government.


"But like Gao Yang said earlier, we can't know for sure if they voted or not."

"If the consequences are serious, even if it doesn't affect everyone, there will always be people who will do what we say."


Everyone cast their votes, and the Dragon Kingdom is still in the lead!

And at this moment, Gao Yang made an astonishing decision.

[Gao Yang: Hey, sky screen, if the Dragon Kingdom wins first place, can you give the rewards to other kingdoms instead?

Are you all working together? Do you all want to attack the Dragon Kingdom?

I wanted to accept the rewards honestly again and again.

I didn't expect you to force me to activate the double reward in the system

[5 Elders: are you crazy?]

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