
Sage of Senju

"Destiny is like a river, where the weak find it hard to go against flow and if they stand in the way of the current they drown. I can't stop the flow of history from sinking them if they are in the open all I offer is a place to hide till the storm dies down." -- said the sage to the god. A child supposed to die in his mother's womb and a soul that was being washed of memories come together, born in the Shikkotsu forest watch as he seeks to get back his family, and how the encounters he has guide him to new possibilities.

NPCthatKILLS · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 37 - Evil plans in the dark

One morning a few days later I was in my room working on a new sealing technique when Aunt Mito knocked on my door, when I opened the door she entered inside and sat down.

I waited for her to tell me the reason for her visit and after taking a moment she spoke

"I have some speculations about how the clan will get exterminated."

I was shocked at her words and asked


"Yes." she said in a grave voice.

"Then how did it happen?" I asked and she started telling me what she came to know.

"I will start from the beginning, after receiving your warning I asked some of the trusted people in the clan to report to me about any unusual activity, no matter how small." (Mito)

"A month ago I received the news of a disturbance on the frontline where the Senju clan moved without orders which caused some casualties, when the case was investigated the leader of the Senju forces argued that he received a written order but after a search, no such order was found." (Mito)

"Though the incident was buried because of the Senju name it has become widespread somehow and caused some discontent on the frontline." (Mito)

"When I asked for a thorough internal investigation we found that 2 jounin and a chunin member of the clan were involved in the destruction of the order and when we traced back to the source of the order, we found it was issued by none other than Danzo." (Mito)

"So I asked my people to keep an eye on the members of root and see if any of them in a high position is frustrated and capture him, they brought me one yesterday and after I removed all the seals present on his body we came to know of Danzo's plan." (Mito)

"Is he the one planning the whole thing?" I asked for confirmation from her.

"For now it appears to be as such, I don't know if Hiruzen and his Elder council are aware of his plans or not but he must know that Danzo is planning something because if he does not then as the leader of the village he is very incompetent." She said in an angry tone.

"You suspect him even if Tobirama was the one that chose him?" I couldn't help but question

"Yes." (Mito)

"Why?" (Sen)

"Because I have seen what men can do in pursuit of power and position, and I know that some people's greed knows no bounds, I know how corrupt they can get and how much one's desires can cloud their judgement, and those subordinates of Tobirama except Kagami and Torifu have a complex character."

she said as she explained the reasons behind her belief.

"I see, what did you do with the person you captured?" I asked so I could know if any problems occurred.

"I erased his memories of a few hours and put him back in the position he was in, while putting him to sleep." (Mito)

"I see, all he will think is that he fell asleep and even if he is suspicious he won't voice it out in fear of punishment." (Sen)

'That's ingenious.'

"Yeah, I ordered to have him dealt with when he goes out of the village next time." she continued.

"Ugh...okay, then what are Danzo's plans?" (Sen)

'I didn't need to know that.'

"That is the important part." she said

"He plans to have Nawaki brutally killed and pin the blame on the enemy village and then use the Senju clan members under his control to incite the emotions of those on the battlefield." (Mito)

"He will then separate them into different teams and have them rush through the most dangerous places on the battlefield." (Mito)

"I see so he plans to dwindle the numbers, this way until the final casualties are tallied, no one will notice how many Senju clan members died." I said as I realized what he wanted to do.

"Yes, and I think that after most have died he will pick out the remaining survivors one by one after my death, but I don't know how Tsunade survived." continued Aunt Mito.

"I think I can tell you that." I said

"Why?" (Mito)

"Simple, because she is strong, the only reason he might be able to kill the rest of the members silently is because they can be silently killed but sending people after Tsunde will cause a large disturbance and he might get punished due to it, so if she is a sole survivor, while troublesome, she won't be much of a threat."

I told her my inference and after hearing what I said she agreed with it.

"Yes, that is true, they can't even trap her as she can escape with reverse summoning, she signed a contract with Lady Katsuyu just like you."

"I know(?), then what do you plan to do Aunt Mito?" (Sen)

'I feel I didn't know it before, but after she said it it was like I knew beforehand.'

'Damn! My knowledge and memories fell messed up.'

"I-, I won't do anything, since you will be the one doing it." she said pointing her finger at me.

"What!? What can I do, I don't have that much strength, at best I can fight an elite chunin and that is with my good luck, though I can escape anyone, that isn't much help in this war." I asked in shock.

"Yes, and that is exactly why you are the right person for the mission. For the duration of the task that I assign you, you will act under your disguise of 'Katsugi-te Denrei', the messenger." she explained

"Really? Why not another?"

I questioned the reasons for choosing that persona.

"Because that name is already used and has a connection with me so under that disguise if you present someone with a letter from me it will be easier to believe." (Mito)

"I see, so I just need to deliver letters?"

"No, there is a lot that you have to do, I will tell you tomorrow after I finalise some details, get prepared you will depart in two days."

she said pouring cold water over the embers of hope inside me.

"Yes~" I said as I accepted my fate.