
Sage's Cultivation: Mage in Cultivation World

Lucas, a renowned immortal mage and holder of the title "Sage," has grown tired of his immortality and sets out to end his life. But when he stabs himself with a legendary sword, he finds himself transported to a new world where cultivators seek immortality through spiritual energy rather than magic. In this new world, Lucas faces new experiences and challenges as he journeys to reach the upper heavens, where he hopes to find other immortals. With his mana rising to prominence, Lucas must overcome destiny's plan and embrace his own path to attain a different form of immortality. --- A/N: Just read until your reach the end of the free chapters, then decide what you want to do. I am still editing the old chapters so flaws would be obvious.

yohananmikhael · Eastern
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351 Chs

Pocket Dimension

"So, does this mean I'll need to undergo training for the Origin Martial Technique we purchased?" Lucas inquired, a sense of unexpected change unfolding within him, fostering a newfound sense of independence.

Though only a few days had passed, Lucas found himself drawn to Felicity's determined spirit. However, admiration didn't equate to binding promises in his worldview. He believed promises were often transient, subject to change or even betrayal.

With a sigh, he absorbed Felicity's plan. "You aim to heal May Luo with your family's aid. But how do you intend to achieve that? Isn't your family based in Celestial Heaven?" Lucas questioned, still navigating the intricacies of the interconnected realms.

Unaware of the extensive network of powerful families with branches across realms, Lucas sought clarification. Felicity elucidated, "We have a branch in Immortal Heaven, where they will recognize me based on my essence."

Understanding the logistical aspect, Lucas delved deeper, "But how will you bring Mary Luo? Won't the ascension process pose challenges?"

Even if some individuals had previously passed the ascension test, returning to lower realms necessitated retesting unless they held exceptional recognition.

Felicity's expression shifted, grappling with the complexities of their plan. Sensing her concern, Lucas's mind raced with possibilities.

As an idea took shape, Lucas closed his eyes, focusing his mana to craft an item without relying on his third energy, showcasing his resourcefulness and adaptability in navigating their predicament.

However, there was a loophole in the test system—those who had already taken the test could exploit it if the test remained unchanged from the past. The 10 Judgement Hell's Path, a complex ten-floored, three-dimensional space, offered varying tests on each level. With minimal oversight, only the highest floor had regulators monitoring the tests. This lack of scrutiny allowed those retrying the test to use their knowledge to their advantage.

"This presents a significant challenge," Felicity sighed, her spirits dampened by the complexities of their plan. Lucas, sensing her distress, seized upon an idea.

Instinctively, he closed his eyes and focused on regulating his mana. Opting not to rely on his third energy, he channeled pure mana to create an item with precision.

Using Creation Magic, Lucas manipulated particles to form the item, mimicking the process of creating water by conjuring particles with mana. Felicity watched in awe, marveling at Lucas's ability to wield creation-type mystical arts.

As minutes passed, Lucas completed his creation—a unique ring with a pocket dimension resembling a natural environment. While it drained a significant portion of his mana, the ring served as a viable solution for Felicity to transport Mary Luo without detection.

The ring, adorned with a gold band and a green stone, stood as a testament to Lucas's ingenuity and resourcefulness in overcoming their challenges.

"This is for you. It's a pocket dimension I created, and I've also applied spiritual energy to activate it. Just ensure it remains intact, as repairing a damaged pocket dimension is risky and challenging," Lucas explained, offering the dimensional ring to Felicity.

Felicity was astounded. "How did you manage to create a dimensional ring suitable for living creatures? Isn't the interior of a dimensional space typically hazardous?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Lucas shook his head, contradicting Felicity's assumptions. "The pocket dimension within this ring mimics the natural environment of our world," he clarified.

Reflecting on his achievement, Lucas marveled at his ability to defy conventional cultivation laws. "I was fortunate to possess skills that transcend the limitations of cultivation. Normally, creating such a ring would be exceedingly difficult. But magic allows for rapid acquisition of extraordinary abilities, unlike cultivation, which requires years to master a single mystical art," Lucas mused to himself.

Felicity was left speechless, grappling with the implications of Lucas's extraordinary abilities. "Lucas, what exactly are you? How can you perform mystical arts that defy the rules of cultivation? While you may be at the pinnacle of the Master Spirit Realm or beyond, this level of mastery is unprecedented," she remarked, her eyes filled with determination and curiosity.

"I've already mentioned that I'm not native to this realm like you," Lucas responded cryptically, evading Felicity's probing questions. Sensing her eagerness for answers, he added, "I promise to explain everything when we meet again. For now, let's focus on the task at hand, okay?"

As Felicity realized she had reached a dead end in her inquiries, she relented.

"I understand. I won't pry any further. But don't be surprised if I uncover information that you haven't disclosed," she remarked with a hint of humor, acknowledging Lucas's elusive nature.

Lucas chuckled at Felicity's persistence, confident that she wouldn't uncover anything about his origins in this world.

He gently tapped Felicity's shoulder. "So, what's the plan now? When do you intend to depart?" Lucas inquired.

Felicity pondered before responding, "Ideally, I'd like to leave now. However, I'm concerned that you might still need my assistance."

"You've already done more than enough. Don't worry about me. How do you plan to navigate the ascension test?" Lucas queried.

Felicity explained, "I just need to utter a specific word to initiate the test. It's a combination of my name and the name of the test."

With Larry and Mary Luo now inside the pocket dimension, Felicity prepared to bid farewell to Lucas.

"Thank you for everything, Lucas. I'll see you again," she said, a tinge of sadness in her voice.

"Thank you as well. And remember our agreement," Lucas replied with a smirk.

Felicity returned his smirk. "Likewise. But how can I trust you'll keep your end of the bargain?"

Lucas shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, I am an immortal, after all."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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