

Vampires have always been beings to fear, but of course, they are only fiction or so they think Unfortunately, our protagonist found that vampires are too real

JosueNieblas · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


It has been about a week since I left the hospital, the thirst has continued persistently, so much so that I have gone to check a couple of times at the hospital and they always tell me that it is the aftermath of the surgery.

And since they are the experts, I am not allowed to take them against them, they only give me medications that are supposed to control my thirst and help me improve my metabolism but it seems that it is not like that until I think it worsens it.

Nao lately I have noticed something strange when she has the opportunity to see my neck, she does, I think it is because it is very visible but also a part of me does not believe that it is that.

And today she is not at home, she was at an autograph signing for her recent hit, "Sactem" although it is something curious, the book that was in that supermarket was called the same and that is why she called me more the attention and since I had nothing to do today I preferred to return to that place.

I grab the car keys and went to the door of the house and then open it and be able to go to the car, the truck I had was lost, once I got in the car I turned it on to go to the supermarket on the outskirts of Osaka.

. . .

It so happened that the day was just as cloudy as that time, but to be honest, that seemed fine to me, since that way I could relax before arriving, so I turned on the radio to enjoy the first song that comes out.

Everything looked the same as the previous time I was here, and even the path was shorter since before I knew it I was already in front of my destination.

And well, to be honest, I didn't want to get out of the car, for some reason I didn't feel comfortable or confident enough like last time.

Before getting off I inhaled an amount of air to clear my thoughts and after a few seconds exhaled and then got out of the car and took my gun before closing the door and starting to walk towards the entrance of the place.

Once in between I put myself on the defensive with the weapon and walk with caution, every 5 meters that I advance I looked around in case there was nothing strange or suspicious, and of course, I was already suspicious enough for anyone who entered that moment.

When I got to the stairs I was surprised by the stage, the ceiling and parts of the second floor were collapsed, as well as part of the stairs, now some debris was in the shape of a ladder and I had no choice but to jump down from one stone to another with the risk that one is not stable enough and thus may fall to the ground.

When he got to the ground floor, I inevitably touched the scar on my neck, I kept walking to the entrance of the room where the book was when I entered I see that there was more blood than the previous time and from what I see it was my blood.

I look back to see if someone or something was not coming, and once I confirmed it, I began to look for the book where it was supposed to have fallen but it was not seen in its place was a pile of debris that was from the roof of that room.

And I had no choice but to remove that rubble from there and start looking for the book until I found it, it had some blood on the cover but it was fine in the rest.

Before opening the book I went to a corner where I could see the entrance and be able to see the content of the book well.

Once I was sure that I could read the book calmly, I started to open the book and for some strange reason I could read what it said

[The sacrifices and the rituals are not the pas of the invoking channels, nous ne pouvons pas être invoqués, nous sommes nés]

Although I read that aloud, the translation appeared in my mind somehow.

"Sacrifices and rituals are not invocation channels for my kind, we cannot be invoked, we are born"

That was interesting to me, since what is in Japanese contradicts what is written in this language, I still don't know what it is.

Keep reading until you find a part that caught my attention.

[Je ne sais pas qui a launched les rumeurs, on ne peut pas être tué par des morceaux de bois, nor par la lumière du soleil, encore moins l'ail, c'est totalement ridicule]

And in the same way, it appeared in a translated form in my mind, and although I have been like this for a long time I did not end up getting used to it.

"I don't know who started the rumors, you can't be killed by pieces of wood, or sunlight, let alone garlic, it's ridiculous."

Continue reading and it was only something similar to what was written, it said the ways of being able to feed on humans, from drinking the blood from the neck to being able to drink it from a part of the leg, where a vein is located behind the thigh or so it seems, although it is a somewhat risky method since it is somewhat time-consuming and complicated that is why they better opted for the neck, or so it says here in the book.

And when I thought I was going through the middle of the book, I could realize that it was one of the last parts in that language, the rest was in Japanese and so I had to read the last part and notice that it was talking about who they had to take care of.

[Les humains are peut-être plus faibles que nous, mais ces derniers temps, des gars avec des armes capables de mettre fin à notre espèce sont apparus, cela semble iréel mais c'est de vrais, foutus chasseurs de bêtes]

The translation of it left something intrigued since it seemed that whoever wrote this was not only worried but that he was trying to take care of whoever reads this.

"Humans may be weaker than us, but lately some guys with weapons capable of ending our species have appeared, it seems unreal but they are true, damn beast hunters"

The term beast hunters made me very curious, maybe in the eyes of humans, vampires are monsters and they come to be categorized as beasts, but if it were the other way around, vampires would consider us as cattle and we would be beasts for food.

Leaving my strange comments, keep reading, and be able to read something that just intrigued me.

[Enfin, si à un moment donné vous laissez votre nourriture à mi-chemin, deux choses peuvent se produire, la première qui meurt du saignement et la seconde qu'elle devient impure]

"Finally, if at any time you leave your food halfway, two things can happen, the first that dies from bleeding and the second that it becomes impure"

Impure ... that word echoed in my head, I touched the wound on my neck and then thought about how I did it, and then remembered that two sharp things were nailed in my neck after a breath.

A breath.

Normal Pov

Makoto threw the book as far as he could and slowly placed his hands on his head as he lowered his head with a look of utter confusion.

I spend a few minutes in that position, it seemed that he did not want to think or hear or feel anything in those moments.

Little by little, it seemed that he was coming out of his confusion and entering his confrontational stage.

[Why is this happening?]

[Will my punishment be living like this?]

Those are a couple of questions of the thousands that he asked himself, it seems that she just wanted to wake up from a dream that never ended and that was when her gaze changed and she opened her eyes a little.

[That's why my thirst was not quenched]

This is how an impure person noted his existence and his own needs.

Now Makoto only has to decide

Live like this


Finish with himself