
Sacrificing Mortality for Mr. Right

[Warning: Mature content] I graduated, but not just with the diploma. I was invited to live in an otherworldly realm by my professor, who surprisingly is the Dong Clan's Emperor. Yes! I agreed, to find my supernatural man out of greed. My name is Celestina Marquez, who later became Gu Muyan, the Dong Clan's princess. I never missed an opportunity, but I made a mistake by falling for our enemy. I was betrayed blindly, and used my weaknesses to defeat us easily. A strong woman like me, will never let anyone fool me. I will mark in my mind that there is no destiny of being in a relationship with my enemy. I was offered to be the princess, then became the ruler of the Dong Clan. And as a powerful ruler, I am destined to destroy the Demon Clan. As a powerful ruler, I will make them all shed their own blood for the better. POWER to POWER! SWORD to SWORD! I will protect my clan even if my life is like a double-edged sword. I don't mind their arrows; I can defend myself with my powers. I will use my power correctly to make them all disappear permanently.

AZPRETTY · History
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17 Chs

Muyan's Escape

At five o'clock in the morning, Muyan woke up with a broad smile on her face. She assumed that she and Yutu had become a couple after what happened to them yesterday.

Muyan still remembered their passionate kiss and how he had driven her crazy in the secret pool. Right now, she's really ecstatic because she believes that Yutu finally owns her.

While she was staring at his innocent-looking face, she drew closer to him. She started hugging him tightly and planting a kiss on his forehead. 

"You're mine now, Yutu." She whispered something that only she could hear.

After declaring to herself that Yutu was hers, she touched his face with her cold palm. Yutu was roused from sleep by the chill of her hand on his face.

"Wah! It's so cold!" He exclaimed, sitting up suddenly and hugging his knees. While hugging his knees, he noticed Muyan watching him with a serene and intense expression.

"Muyan, why are you staring at me like that?" He questioned.

After he finished uttering his question, Muyan showed him a very sweet smile.

The princess was now eager to ascertain the state of their relationship after their intimate encounter. She looked forward to his response, confident that Yutu loved her too.

"Ahmm, we're a couple now, right? Yutu, do you really love me?" Muyan inquired with assurance, maintaining direct eye contact with him.

Yutu was stunned and sweating when he heard her question, realizing this was not the best moment to confess his love for her.

Now that there's no alcohol in his system, he regrets their forbidden actions yesterday. Hell! He didn't want her to become his girlfriend; he still has a mission that he needs to finish to get the throne that he has wanted since childhood.

For now, he'd remain silent, withholding his true emotions. But he promised that when he became the Demon Clan's ruler, he'd reveal everything.

Yes, he loved Muyan, but he also aimed to foster unity between the two clans first, as he desired a peaceful future with Muyan. He disliked seeing that the two clans would continue fighting in the future; he didn't want any hindrance if he wanted to marry his beloved woman.

A minute had passed, and Muyan was puzzled by Yutu's lack of response. Even though her question for him should be answered by yes or no, he still didn't answer what she asked.

Muyan took a deep breath while waiting for Yutu's answer to her question. Yutu started looking at her with a sad facial expression.

 "I'm sorry, Muyan. No! I don't love you." Yutu lied. Her world was crumbling because of what she heard.

This was the first time she felt fooled by this one person. It wasn't just about the answer; it was about the disappointment radiating from her. She fought back tears, determined to speak her mind.

"That's all I needed to hear. Well, at least it's clear that you don't truly love me. Your affections were all an act, right? As your servant, I followed your desires, unable to defy you due to my powerlessness." She bowed her head and continued talking. "I know that I'm a weak woman who fell for the wrong man. I am like a discarded toy to you. Look at me, shattered because of you!"

Muyan was shocked by his answer after what happened. "Don't worry, I won't regret giving myself to someone who doesn't care. Don't bear that as your responsibility. Just pretend nothing happened. By the way, I'm leaving. I'm signing off as your maidservant and signing off from loving you. Don't ever search for me again." She bowed to signify her departure, then fled the house in tears.

Unexpectedly, the prince followed her. Determined to bring her home despite hurting her, he grabbed her arm tightly.

"Come home with me!" He shouted.

Muyan remained stubborn, screaming loudly as she heard the bunches of immortals finding her. She did her best to attract the attention of those who were searching for her.

When they heard her scream, despite the tears in her eyes, she smiled, thinking she was escaping his grip. The forces quickly ran in her direction to get her from the hands of Ling Yutu and send her back into the Dong Clan.

Ling Yutu was frustrated when he saw the immortals coming in their direction to get Muyan. The fact is, he had wanted to change for her, but his anger got the best of him. Though he'd considered sparing his kinsmen's lives to prevent her from hating him, he would now use his full power to eliminate those who wanted to take his beloved woman.

He has become self-centered now. His inherent demon nature has suddenly awakened. Since he also committed wrongs against the girl, perhaps there's nothing to lose by intensifying them just to be with her for a lifetime.

Taking someone's life is a way to show his love. Well, he's known to be a demon in their world, so at this point, his desire to do whatever he can to spill the blood of his enemies in his territory is overwhelming.

Yutu's eyes gleamed with anger as members of the Dong Clan arrived. This hidden place belonged to him, so they couldn't discover that he often took refuge here.

Driven by his intense fury, he was considering that if the girl wouldn't willingly join him, he had no choice but to resort to kidnapping. Muyan was meant to be exclusively his. She's not for the other immortals. He owned her.

Exerting all his strength, he commanded his power to shoot arrows and strike down all his adversaries except the one he loved. Arrows flew, and one by one, he killed all the warriors.

"Wiped out, Muyan! Who told you to run away, huh?" He boasted, looking at Muyan as all the fallen soldiers lay lifeless on the ground. "This is the consequence for not obeying my rules. Come home with me if you don't want me to kill you and destroy your clan!" He said in anger. Yutu then grabbed the trembling girl, terrified of him.

"Your home is not my home. I have my own home, Yutu!"


The girl said this while crying. Ling Yutu was about to speak, but he paused when his beloved suddenly collapsed. He was immediately alarmed.

In fact, his emotions drastically shifted. The anger he felt just a while ago swiftly turned into deep concern as Muyan fell to the ground. Yutu promptly employed his power to transport them to a resting place where he could tend to and care for Muyan, the one he cherished.