

It was a quarter to eight when my eyes shot open.

I lay on my bed, belly up and the first thing I saw was the ceiling. My heart was beating fast. Slowly I tore my eyes away from the mobile stars that dangled above my head to examine my surroundings. My eyes met the familiar setting of my room: photos hung up against the solid color of the walls. It had been all a dream.

I sighed in relief. What a horrifying nightmare that was. I shut my eyes with the prime motive of going back to sleep again but a sudden surge in me stopped me. "Oh," I groaned to myself, struggling to sit up on my bed. I felt like I was going to throw up. I got up and run to the bathroom, bursting in at the right time. I let everything out, feeling disgusted. After what felt like a long time, I finished.

After that, I felt drained and weak yet lighter at the same. I slowly got up from the floor and headed for the faucet. I rinsed my mouth thoroughly. Feeling better, I came out, alarmed by a vibrating noise. It was my Nokia, laying somewhere. I couldn't remember where exactly, yesterday was a haze in my head. After searching for some time, I found it on the floor beside my bed. I gasped, silently praying it hadn't suffered a crack. Thankfully, it had not.

"Bri," the person at the other side breathed when I placed the phone at my ear. It was Juanita, my best friend. "Hey—ow," I hissed at the sharp pain in my head. "Sabrina, are you alright? What's wrong!?" Juanita asked in alarm. I'd woken up with a severe headache. Could the nightmare have been the cause of it? I sat down on my bed. "I had a bad dream, Ju and it's causing a bad headache."

"A bad dream? Spill," she pressed. "Um…" I heaved. "It's quite blurry in my mind. All I can remember is being surrounded by some men who were kind of hot, by the way but they did the nastiest thing—" "What?" "They raped me, Ju."

"Oh my," she gasped. "Nothing else happened after that but I won't lie: it bothers me—" "I'd be madder if I were in your shoes! I know what will make you feel better," she said the last part with so much enthusiasm. "A day at the best Beauty Parlor & Spa!"

I smiled. "Yes Ju, I'd like that very much." "Great! I'll be over in an hour. You'll have the time of your life, Bri. Trust me!" We said our byes after that and I went into the bathroom for my morning shower. The water was warm, just what I needed. I felt good after my bath.

It was a Saturday, mom and dad usually didn't wake up so early as they often had date nights on Friday. I went down for breakfast, glad to meet them there. The weather was cold but they made it quite the opposite with their topic of discussion. It was a heated one.

"Good morning mom and dad," I greeted them as soon as I entered the kitchen. "Good morning, Sabrina. How was your night?" mom asked cheerfully. I froze for the first few seconds but recovered quick enough so they wouldn't suspect anything.

"Good," I muttered with an assuring smile. "And your day yesterday?" dad inquired. Yesterday? Oh, he meant the party. "Er…it was very fun," I muttered again. Two lies under a minute? What?! I took a seat on one stool behind the counter. Mom slid my breakfast over. I smiled gratefully at her, "Thanks, mom." I was the one who usually made our breakfast but I'd slept in today. "Don't sweat it, baby. I can see how tired you are. Eat to your fill."

"Your mom and I just want you to know, Sabrina," dad began. He took a sip of his coffee. I waited eagerly for his next statement. "We're very proud of you for taking that huge step yesterday." I frowned in confusion. "It's not easy to get out of one's comfort zone but you did it and we are proud of you," mom explained. I laughed.

"Prove just how happy you are: Ju's inviting me to a day out. Can I go?" I asked. "Why not?!" dad exclaimed. "Have fun, Sab! It's a Saturday." I nodded. "Shall we have breakfast now?" mom said and we sat together, saying a prayer before starting.

I was the last child of my parents and the only girl. My parents loved me to bits, supporting me in everything I did. We weren't the wealthiest, we lived a middle-class life but I was grateful for everything. They were my joy yet I couldn't understand my inner conflict even as my loving father sat right opposite me. They must have been talking about a funny topic since they couldn't stop laughing. I wasn't so sure, my mind was rather at sea.

I couldn't help but ponder over the nightmare I had. It had felt so real, like I'd actually experienced it. The feeling scared me, it made me anxious. I couldn't have been raped. I…I'm a virgin. I convinced myself over and over but a taunting voice in my head shot back:

Are you, Sabrina?!

Hi guys. Tbh, I'm nervous about this... what do you think of the first chapter?

KarlyBlainecreators' thoughts