1 New start

'Damn gotta run , I need this food and if I'm caught I'm dead ! Gotta go , gotta go sis needs m-' The teen running with stolen food who was now knock out with a pain in the back of his head .He had teal hair and deep green crystal like eyes that looked like emeralds.

"Boss 'es up ." A grunt of the yakuza said "Wry amb I on bocks " The teen opens his eyes what he saw made his eyes tear and blood boil His little sister had a knife in all four limbs she was screaming in pain and the bosses katana was about to go through her chest. She was only thirteen and she had their fathers auburn hair their mothers purple eyes which look like an ocean of acid .

'SHINK' The last thing she mouthed was "goodbye , Ryuka " The man yanked out his blade and kick his sister Rika into the ocean . His rage boiled to a point it could not be contained he thrashed out of the cloth wrapped around his hands and tore the one off his mouth.

He ran in for a right corkscrew to the yakuza's neck . The one who was about to be hit didn't dodge in time but he grabbed Ryuka's arm and yanked him into his sword . Enduring the pain a bit longer he took the yakuza into the water with him. He saw different types of aquatic carnivores start sniffing the blood .

All of his anger was gone all that was left was self pity and and self blame . The last thing he saw was a ocean of sharp teeth with a quick but excruciating pang of pain.


I've been floating in this weird liquid for 9 months it feels weird like I'm perfectly fine swimming there are walls . I was too scared to bump into it but today was the day . When I tapped it ready for some meeting with god it felt kinda like ... fleshy round wall . Wait has it been getting cramped in here lately or have I been ... growing !? was my time in here my time as a fetus !? That would explain this tube and faint sounds I heard outside . Then I'm due any day I wonder if it's the same world hopefully not .


A week later In the village hidden in the clouds . " Honey , he's adorable " The 2 tails jinchuriki Yugito Nii has just given birth to her son Ryuka Supāsu . He has his father's hair and eye features but his face looks like a copy and paste of Yugito's .

Someone came barging into the room in a hurry . " Sir Supāsu we need you on the front lines Iwa is moving in ! Orders from the Raikage sir ! " A chunnin came and informed .


When I first opened my eyes I could finally see correctly and what I saw confirms my earlier suspicions . I got baby hands and I'm wrapped up in a white blanket . Now the next thing I saw shocked me to the core someone in a Chunnin flack jacket busted through the door it was a Kumo nin .

All of a sudden I got really sleepy but I'm used to these feeling from my time as a fetus so I turn my head to the person I think is my mother and She WAS THE TWO TAILS JINCHURIKI YUGITO NII ! There was too much strain on my baby brain from the surprises and I pass out in my mother's arms before I had the strangest dream of my half an hour lifespan .

There was an a man with a 'I'm a corporate slave' vibe about him . He had a small black mustache and matching rugged beard which complemented his slicked back hair . He had small bags under his storm grey eyes . He was seated across from me who was back in my old body .

"Hey kid this message will come as a dream later on , anyway . Yes you are dead , yes you have a bit of karma to spend on wishes and you can go to those anime worlds or whatever you earthlings like . Any questions?" The man said explaining everything thing without missing a beat .

"You do this a lot don't you ah whatever I want to go to the naruto verse . I wanna be born in the village hidden in the clouds , there's way to much corruption in Konoha with Danzo and the root .As for wishes .... hmmmmm. I got it !" The teal haired youth exclaimed and snapped his fingers " I want space style not like space time ninjustus but I can use different aspects of the Galaxy as power . Like I could make it the gravity of jupiter on an area or pull out small pieces of the sun to attack . My next wish I want to have a special dojustu that with at the first stage can sap the chakra from a tenkestu point , second stage can sap the physical body energy and add it my own and lastly can create a dragon like sūsanno out of the energy sapped with purple flames that can seal someone and add 2 other random powers to my draconic form ." Ryuka explained .

" Your an interesting kid . And I can read your mind , your sister chose to reincarnate somewhere else she said not to tell you where she wants you to have fun with your second chance ." The immortal office worker explained . It cleared my worries but then I yelled " If you could read my mind why'd ya make say all that you old fart ! "

"Moving on next wish kid ." The previously mentioned 'Old fart' said ." Huh there's no point with you I want a random summoning contract to a creature from another world ." The teen said

" Your really bold kid randomizing powers could be your down fall . " office worker- sama said ." If I wanted to become strong enough to end all wars I would've asked for six paths chakra and to be gilgamesh with Mokūton ." Ryuka said . " And if that's all then I'll go to waring states period and add your clan . What name would you like for your clan Ryuka ? " The office worker asked .

"Let me think uh .... let's go with Sūpasu it means space so it makes sense and make my space style a clan kekkei genkai along with my Dojustu which will be named the Gōtōgan since it steals energy .Wait can my Dojustu act as observation Haki to ? " Ryuka replied

The office worker gave a lazy looking thumbs up and said " Everything is set have fun in the new world there are other reincarnated people there with you and you will see there special chakra with your Dojustu but since there only 5 of you on that version of the planet you'll all be born the same year . Thank you for your patronage the karma has processed have a good life ." The said almost everything in that small speech like he has said it way to many times.


Hope you liked the first chapter this is my first time writing something like this so I hope it's not to bad.
