
The fall of a mayden!

Pyrrha: "Ayden?!? What are you doing here?!?"

Ayden turned to pyrrha without saying a word and approached her then carried her like a princess and put her against a wall on which she could rest.

He then turned to where Cinder was but was interrupted by Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "Wait, what are you going to do? You're not going to fight her in your state!"

She could see the bandages covering Ayden which made her worry even more.

He turned his head towards her and just smiled.

Ayden: "Don't worry, we're going to take back the power that's rightfully yours, so be ready."

Hearing this, Pyrrha's eyes widened but she regained her composure and nodded to Ayden who nodded back.

Ayden then turned to Cinder who got up after Ayden's kick.

Ayden: "I hope you're ready to take the beating of your life! "

Cinder: "Why do you join weaklings like them? Join me and you can put your colossal power to good use and I'll reward you appropriately!" She said with a seductive look.

Ayden could feel a shiver of disgust and anger run down his spine.

Ayden: "Sorry girl but you're not my type, now if you're done it's time to get down to business!"

Cinder: "Don't be full of yourself, you may be a little capable but you're nothing compared to me!"

Ayden: "You want to bet!"

Cinder conjured up a ball of fire and threw it straight at Ayden who dodged it by simply leaning to the side.

Ayden: "Well....Let's dance!"

He rushed straight at Cinder kicking her which she blocked with her arms while being thrown out of the tower but she repositioned herself in the air.

Ayden flew away as well and an exchange of blows started in the sky. Even if he had reached a power much higher than that of a mayden he was still hurt from his fight against augus which meant that his power was greatly reduced making the use of the kaioken impossible during this fight because he could die. He had to do with his current strength to defeat Cinder.

Cinder created several crystals which she threw at Ayden who fired several ki blasts to destroy them. Cinder then made one of her famous swords appear and rushed at Ayden who activated her ki blade and blocked Cinder's attack.

blades echoed in the sky and sparks shot out with each impact. Their two blades collided and Ayden took the opportunity to kick Cinder in the stomach, causing her to recoil. She created several fireballs in a circle around her that she sent on ayden who created a sphere of ki around him to withstand the attack.

A cloud of smoke was created after the impact of the balls of fire and shortly after a ball of ki emerged from the cloud and rushed straight at Cinder who dodged it. Ayden appeared right in front of her and landed a punch that she blocked with her arm, a mocking smile on her face but Ayden smiled in turn which made Cinder's smile disappear then with a quick movement of his other hand, the ball of ki he had thrown just before turned around and exploded in the back of cinder causing her to lose her guard. Ayden took advantage of this and clapped both hands together and slammed her down on the head, sending her crashing to the ground.

He then raised his two hands to the sky creating a ball of ki between his two hands then sent a storm of ki blast right on cinder (like gogeta against broly)

Cinder didn't have time to get up when she was hit from all sides. Once her attack was over, Ayden landed next to her and grabbed her by her leg then smashed her several times on the ground before throwing her against the tower.

Cinder was struggling to stand and her aura began to flash dangerously. A look of anger and fear was visible on his face.

Ayden: "What's the matter! Scared?"

Cinder: "sh....SHUT UP!!! I'm a mayden one of the most powerful beings that exists!!"

Ayden: "Oh really? Well show me!"

Now cinder was completely enraged, she flew very high in the sky and created a huge sphere of fire around her.

Cinder: "I'm going to burn you to death like the miserable insect that you are!!"

She gathered all the flames in front of her and sent a giant beam of fire straight at Ayden. Seeing the attack coming right at him ayden created a ki barrier around him and rushed right into cinder's attack.

Cinder: "Hahaha!!! Hope you like it motherfucker!"

She intensified the power of her flames aiming to reduce ayden to ashes but her gaze was caught by something, something in her attack, something that was approaching at full speed when suddenly ayden emerged from the beam of flames in front of her, the ki barrier disappearing at the same time.

Cinder's face was pure shock, Ayden then clenched his fist with all his strength and accumulated the energy of the kaioken only in his right arm which covered with a red aura then landed a punch right in her face sending her crashing to the top of the tower and shattering her aura in the process.

Cinder got up while spitting blood and one of her teeth on the ground after the blow she had just received.

Ayden landed in front of her and in a burst of pure rage cinder launched a wave of flames right at him.

Cinder: "GO TO HELL!!!!!"

Ayden stood still as the torrent of flame approached.


Ayden disappeared completely and reappeared instantly behind Cinder who had no time to react. Ayden tucked her arms under Cinder's arms completely preventing her from moving. She turned her head back with a murderous look.

Cinder: "What the hell are you doing!!"

Ayden: "NOW!!!!"


The top of the tower was suddenly plunged into total silence.

Cinder: "What.....what the...."

Cinder slowly turned her head to look ahead and see Pyrrha with a piece of her spear that had been destroyed by Cinder during their fight planted in her chest.

Pyrrha: "And now.....do you believe in destiny?"

Blood began to flow profusely from Cinder's mouth.

Cinder: "How.....dare....you....."

Suddenly, Pyrrha pulled her spear out of her chest and Ayden released her, dropping her lifeless to the ground.

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