
A new god !

The cave was plunged into intense tension, Ayden's new transformation had surprised the whole hive who was contemplating the energetic manifestation of their ancient fallen god.

Maria looked at the scene with a gaze completely overwhelmed by the events.

Maria: "What's even going on?!?"

Ayden on his side looked at zulmak and alak-hul with a satisfied smile.

Ayden: "Looks like it worked!"

When he was training in myo ayden temple he discovered something very important. While meditating he felt a new source of energy coming from the symbol on his hand and from Crota's sword. He tried to discover the origin of this power and understood where it came from.

The first time he touched the sword in the graveyard when the green flames were expelled from the blade he thought it was getting rid of the remains of Crota's soul but what really happened was that. It is that the sword fused the fragments of Crota's soul with Ayden's soul causing the symbol to appear on his hand and change the color of the flames which corresponded to Ayden's soul from now on.

The thing is, when he tried to use that power he could feel it trying to feed off his anger buried deep within him. When this happened he could feel his power increase without any limit but his sanity also deteriorated to the point that he almost lost control of himself on several occasions.

That's why he trained to control his emotions even though it meant that his power was greatly reduced but he preferred that to the risk of losing control and becoming berserk and hurting someone he cares about by accident. or worse....

It would seem that the remains of Crota's soul still have an effect on his soul. He knew himself in the shape he was in right now, he knew that he couldn't drag things out and that he had to settle this quickly.

Zulmak and alak-hul looked at ayden and started growling, suddenly they both rushed at him and attacked him at the same time but he blocked their attack with his sword and pushed them back with his brute force then he hit zulmak with his punched in the face and kicked alak-hul in the stomach.

Zulmak made appear a ball of solar fires and launched it on ayden who created a ball of ki in his own and threw it canceling the attack of zulmak making explode the two balls creating a wave of shock which spreads in all the cave.

Seeing the fight intensify between the three colossus maria and the rest of the hive decided to retreat several meters for security reasons.

Alak-hul brought down his ax on ayden who blocked it with his sword made of pure energy, zulmak attacked him again but ayden narrowly dodged the blow.

When the zulmak blade touched the ground a huge storm of solar flames appeared, seeing that ayden thought he better be careful with those flames.

The fight lasted a while but neither side had the upper hand, the impacts between their weapons sounded like thunder and the cave shook with each blow.

Suddenly ayden saw alak-hul back away and disappear like a shadow in the dark.

Ayden's mind: "Damn! I forgot that alak-hul has the ability to disappear from reality and reappear at the worst moment.

Now it was just him and zulmak but he had to be on his guard because at any moment alak-hul could reappear and attack him from behind.

He continued to exchange blows with zulmak when alak-hul suddenly reappeared on his right and brought down his ax on him which he barely managed to dodge, when he saw that ayden had avoided his attack he disappeared again.

Ayden couldn't continue like this, he felt his sanity starting to deteriorate and the anger rising in him, he had to finish this fight quickly!"

Zulmak brandished his sword and knocked it to the ground which made it ignite, he took it with both hands and with a horizontal slash sent a torrent of flames right on Ayden.

Ayden created an energy barrier to prevent flames from hitting him. It was then that alak-hul reappeared behind his back to attack him but ayden managed to block his ax with his sword but now he was stuck between the flames of zulmak and the ax of alak-hul.

His eyes began to burn a golden color and his jaw clenched in anger, suddenly a wave of power created by the anger that began to invade him allowed him to push alak-hul away then he deactivated his barrier all dodging to the side.

Zulmak's attack landed in the face of alak-hul who was hurt by the impact, ayden took the opportunity to grab him by the neck and throw him with all his might at zulmak.

The two knights collided and fell heavily to the ground. Ayden raised his sword, a colossal amount of energy building up in the blade. He raised his sword revealing a giant slash of energy that hit zulmak and alak-hul head-on.

A huge explosion occurs creating a large cloud of smoke, when the cloud disperses ayden saw the two defeated knights on the ground.

He thrust his sword into the ground and let out a howl of victory so powerful that the whole cave shook. Crota's roar could be heard over his voice.

After that the cave was plunged into a deep silence but this silence was broken when zulmak and alak-hul got up with difficulty.

Ayden took his sword in hand ready to continue the fight but worried because he was going to lose his transformation soon but what he saw surprised him.

Instead of continuing to fight the two knights advance towards him and put one knee on the ground and a fist on their chest and bowed in front of him. Suddenly all the rest of the hive did the same and bowed.

He looked around him and seeing that he deactivated his transformation and fell back to the ground, he leaned on his sword, breathing heavily because the fact of being literally transformed into Crota consumed a lot of energy.

The fight being over, Maria approached him.

Maria: ": I must confess that this is something that I would never have imagined seeing in my life! You fought well my boy!"

Ayden: "Thank you!"

Suddenly a shrill scream echoed through the cave, a scream that Ayden and any other Destiny player could recognize anywhere.

He looked up and saw a wizard who immediately recognized approaching him.

Ayden's mind: "Omnigul!"

She looked at him then looked at the symbol on his hand as well as the sword he was holding then turned to the rest of the hive and started to speak in a strange language but ayden managed to understand what she said probably thanks to the soul of cropta present in him.

Omnigul: "Today! A new hive god has appeared!"

The hive roared in unison, cheering their new god.

Maria: "What's going on?"

Ayden: "Don't worry, there's nothing to worry about now."

He got up and walked towards omnigul who shifted to make room for him. He then looked at the legions of hives that stood before him. If he could understand them then surely they should understand him too.

Ayden: "I only have two orders that will be absolute, if any of you break any of these orders, I will take care of your case personally.

The first: Protect the people who are dear to me as well as my allies!

The second: If someone tries to attack the person who is dear to me, my allies or a member of the hive, destroy them until there is nothing left! "

The hive roared again as they waved their weapons in cheers at ayden's words.

He knew very well that he couldn't protect everyone by himself that's why he needed help and he had just found the help he needed thanks to one of the most dangerous that exists.

Maria went to his side and watched the hive celebrate.

Maria: "So if I understand correctly in a way you became their leader..."

Ayden: "In a way yes!"

Maria: "Ok and now, what do you plan to do?"

Ayden: "I can't keep them here, fortunately I have the perfect place for them! The problem is that it might take a while to get there, especially with an army of this size."

Maria: "Well, better get going as soon as possible!"

Ayden: "You want to come!"

Maria: "Of course I'm coming, it's been so long since I've done something so thrilling!"

Ayden smiled at her answer but he couldn't forget that she was old and that such a trip would exhaust her.

They started to move towards the exit of the cave followed by the hive after Ayden gave them the order to follow them but Ayden's gaze was attracted by two ogres much bigger than the others.

To be honest they were really tall, they were 30 feet tall, ayden was really small in front of them so let's not talk about maria...

One was chain covered with beehive symbols engraved on the cuffs. It Was (Phogoth, the Untamed)

The other had six spikes sticking out of its back with a yellow sphere in its center. It was (Golgoroth)

Seeing them, a smile appeared on Ayden's face.

Ayden: "That gives me an idea!"

Next chapter