
Wake Up!

Jin slowly opened his eyes in awakening, but he felt that he was being wrapped around by someone's arms and he already knew who it was.

'What was I thinking.....Actually sleeping besides, this...'

He looked to his side and saw that Yang was hugging him from the side like he was some sort of teddy bear. Jin could also feel something wet on the side of his shirt.

'Great, she's also drooling.'

Jin then proceeded to carefully unwrap himself from Yang's arms. It didn't look much from an outside perspective as she wasn't somehow crushing Jin's body while in this state.

But if someone attempts to get her arms off, then they would feel that they were pulling some steel bars off.

Such was the situation Jin was facing right now. But after applying some strength that was greater than Yang herself, he managed to successfully get out from her clutches and carefully stand up while not waking her up.

"Nooo...my baby brother...where are you...don't leave your big sister behind...I'm not ready yet..." Yang was sleep talking as her arms searched for something to hug on, and her arms was dangerously close on grabbing onto the sleeping Ruby.

Jin just sighed at the sight and he decided to do something. He bended down and picked up his pillow before tossing it to Yang.

His blond sister immediately grabbed it and proceeded to do a crushing hug on the blameless pillow. If that pillow was a person, then some of their bones might snap and they won't be able to breath.

"Well, at least Ruby was spared from that." Jin muttered.

He then stretched his arms and legs up before picking up a towel from one of his stuff on the sleeping bag. He then looked around and saw that many of the students were still asleep.

'Today is the day, where the test is going to begin.' Jin thought to himself.

He then looked at the windows, that was on a distance away, and he saw that the sun was still about to rise. Seeing that he still has plenty of time, he decided to go outside to do some exercise to start off his day.

Jin went to the Academy's Main Avenue and he did his work out there. He still wore his sweatpants, as it could also be used for exercises, but he was now shirtless.

His workout consisted of one-hundred push ups, one-hundred sit ups, one-hundred squats, and a twenty-five kilometer run around the Academy.

This kind of workout was really useful for him, cause not only it strengthens the entirety of his physique, but it also increases his stamina.

He has done this ever since he was in Signal. It was really hard at first, but after doing it everyday and not giving up, he managed to get used to it in the later days. And now, he was able to do all of it without spending even a one-third of his stamina.

He also did some different kinds of leg and arm strengthening exercise such as the Dupla drill, Maximum Speed Cartwheels, Sideways Flips and many more. This would strenghten his physical strength, even without the use of Aura.

He managed to do all of his exercises within thirty minutes before deciding to not do some extras and ending it for now. Jin was still full energy, but these exercises were enough to warm him up for the coming initiation test.

Jin wiped his sweaty body with a towel and he thought of going to the washroom to take a shower. But then he remembered something.

'My sleeping bag and some of my stuff is still in the ballroom.....Meh, I'll just get it later.'

With that, Jin then proceeded to go to Beacon Academy's unisex locker room, which also had washroom facilities. He then took a quick refreshing shower before changing into some new clothes.

His new attire consisted of him wearing a black Victorian Swallow-tailed coat that had a silver predator-faced tiger emblem on the back.

Underneath it, he is wearing a silver button down formal vest over a black dress shirt. He also wears a silver dress pants and black shoes.

'Some of the students must've woken up by now...'

With that thought, Jin properly adjusted the sleeves of his swallow-tailed coat and he went back to the ballroom to get his stuff.

And also to wake his sisters up.


Jin entered the ballroom and he looked around him.

Somehow, a few other students were still asleep, but there were plenty of empty sleeping bags laying around, indicating that many have already woken up and was now doing their own thing. In fact, some of the students just got up and was now doing stretches.

He found that Jaune, Ruby and Pyrrha were also already away, and was probably off changing their clothes.

As for Yang, she was still fast asleep while hugging the pillow that he gave to her, but she was now drooling on it and was snoring loudly than a speed boat. And of course, many students that was considerably near her already woke up from her abnormally loud snoring.

'She wasn't doing that earlier, so why is she snoring now?....And my pillow....I'll have her clean it up for me later....' Jin thought.


Jin heard an incredibly loud yell, that managed to wake some of the sleeping students up, and he looked over at the source.

There, he saw Nora, that was staring at Ren's sleeping face with her turquoise eyes and was poking his head. She was obviously the one who yelled out loud to wake her best friend up.

Lie Ren felt disturbed at the pokes he was getting and he slowly opened his eyes, only to see Nora's smiling face as she stared at him.

"Wake up, lazy butt!" Nora yelled again before dashing out of his sight.

Ren just sighed as he steadily got up, but he had a look like he'd rather still be asleep. Jin walked over to the pair and he saw an energetic Nora, that was pestering Ren around as she was doing a singing chant.

"It's morning, it's morning, it's morning, it'ss-..Oh, hi Jin!" Nora stopped singing mid-way, and she took some time to greet the approaching boy as she waved her hand to him.

"Nora, that was the rudest awakening you can ever do." Jin said in a half-scolding tone.

"You're telling me." Ren sleepily said before stretching his arms.

"Sorry, but I'm just so excited! Can you believe that we've been at Beacon for a full twenty-four hours! But not that I thought that we'd get kicked out or something. I mean, you're the per-.."

As Nora was being energetic and was rapidly speaking her words up, Jin walked closer to the eastern boy and patted his shoulder.

"Good luck with her." He said to Ren.

"Thanks, and good morning by the way." Ren replied.

"Morning for you too. Oh, and good morning Nora." Jin said before he walked over to Yang.

"Morning to you too!" Nora yelled at his leaving figure before continuing on pestering Ren.

"Ok....Now, how to wake her up..." Jin said to himself as he kneeled over the sleeping Yang.

"Wakey, wakey Yang. You gotta get up now. You still have to clean my pillow for me." Jin said as he shaked her body, but it didn't do anything.

He tried again, and this time, it was slightly violent, but it still gave the same effect. It was then that frustration kicked in.

Jin attempted on rolling his sister over and over, throwing pillows at her, and banging some frying pans together near her ear, but it still didn't do anything.

Though, he didn't want to do anything that would seriously hurt her, but it was about time as Jin was getting annoyed.

'How can I forget on how much of a heavy sleeper she is.' He thought to himself. But that's when he finally wanted to do what he wanted to really do earlier.

Jin generated a considerably high voltage of red electricity on his right arm as he slowly moved it in contact with Yang's shoulder.

'This kind of method may be, SHOCKING.....Oops, I'm sorry. But if Yang heard me, I bet she would've been proud of me.'

Just as Jin was going to zap his own elder sister, Ruby finally walked back into the ballroom with her regular attire.

Her smiling face then turned into horror as she saw Jin with his right arm dangerously sparking with red electricity, which was also only an inch away from Yang.

"What the heck are you doing!" Ruby screamed.

"Ah, sorry." Jin heard her and immediately pulled his hand out.

"Were you trying to kill her or something?! You shouldn't wake her up like that! In fact, don't wake anyone up like that!" Ruby yelled at him.

'Well, it always works. I can't see why I should stop doing it.' Jin thought.

"How do we get her up, then?"

"Like this..." Ruby smirked as she skipped over to her sister before kneeling and leaning unto her ear.

She then whispered, "Yang, I'm taking the last piece of pizza. Okay?"

The result was almost instantaneous, as Yang's eyes immediately shot wide open and she had a panicked look on her face.


Well's how that bois?

Idk how you guys feel about the remake...

You ok with it?

Lul, and if your ok with it, then do you love it?

Padoru_Sabercreators' thoughts
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