
On to the Initiation

As the two opposite pair walked out, Ruby was gazing at their leaving figure with a questioning look, "Wonder what those two are so worked up about?"

"Oh, who knows?" Yang said before turning to her brother and putting her hands on her waist.

"Hey, Jin! You know those two?"

Jin smiled, "Yeah, I kinda do."

"What's their names?"

"The oranged haired girl is Nora, while the green clothed guy is Ren. You guys should remember it, I feel that were definitely going to meet them in the test." Jin said.

"Ok, but when did you meet them? How come you've never told us?"

"You expect me to constantly update you guys on the new friends I make?"

"Of course you should! So Ruby will be encouraged on making some new friends too!"

"Shut up! You think I can do it?! I don't even know how to properly introduce myself!" Ruby exclaimed as the memories of last night with Blake replayed in her head.

Ruby couldn't help but slump her head in embarassment everytime she remembered how she acted. Specially that handshake, she could never get over the denied handshake. Everytime she thinks about it, she just wanted to find a hole to hide herself in.

"Of course you can! Your trusty siblings are always ready to help you anytime!" Yang said as she puffed her chest out.

"Definitely not trusting you guys again..." Ruby comically said in a betrayed tone.

Jin then instantly appeared at Ruby's back before hugging her from behind around her waist and held her up. He needed to 'console' her to make her feel better. Afterall, he understood her pain when she was denied by that handshake.

Ruby felt the chills as she was lifted to the air and she whined, "AAHHH! Don't do that!"

"Come on, its been awhile since I've spoiled my little sister. Heh, I'll definitely get you some new friends today, so cheer up." Jin purred to her ear.

Ruby was flustered as she furiously blushed at his actions, but then she recalled the 'little' from his dialogue and her flustered blushing face instantly turned into that of irritation.

"Who're you calling little, huh?! I'm the older one dang it! How dare you say that! Now, let me go!" Ruby did a verbal outburst as she began struggling from her brother's embrace.

"Alright, alright..." Jin freed her and Ruby just walked back to her locker in a huff.

"You know, your very cute when you act like that." Jin said with a smile.

Ruby blushed at her brother's remark but said nothing in return. She just tuned her back to her locker, still getting her stuff ready.

Yang just grinned at their antics before she spoke out, "Wow, Ruby, you seem to be feeling chipper this morning."

"Yup!" Ruby beamed as she took out Crescent Rose in its storage form.

"No more awkward small talk or 'getting-to-know-you' stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." Ruby said happily as she hugs and caressed Crescent Rose while purring a little.

Jin just had a helpless smile while Yang just rolled her eyes.

"Well, remember, Ruby. You're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together."

"Ugh, you sound like Dad!" Ruby groaned in frustration as she puts away her weapon.

She then rambled on, "Okay, first of all: What does meeting new people have to do with fighting?"

"Forming teams, comparing fighting styles, and learning new skills from each other to name a few." Jin listed, gaining a glare from Ruby and a look of approval from Yang.

"Quiet, you!" Ruby childishly pointed at him, completely not accepting her blunder.

"And secondly: I don't need people to help me grow up! I. Drink. Milk."


Yang was speechless by the absurdity of Ruby's words as she hang up her opened mouth, while Jin just gave the shorty a deadpan look.

Yang managed to recover, "Ok.....but, what about when we form teams?"

Ruby suddenly became nervous, "Um, I don't know, I-I'll just be on your team or Jin's team or something..."

Yang became nervous as well and began playing with her hair, "Well…..Jin and I talked about this earlier and....we thought that maybe you should try being on someone else's team."

Hearing this, Ruby couldn't help but be angry and march towards to her sister, "My dearest sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me!?"

Yang just put her hands up as Ruby then turned to Jin and pointed at him, "And you, my sweet little brother! Are you also planning on sending me off to some random strangers?!"

At this point, Yang panicked, "W-what? No! Of course not! I mean....we want you on our team but....We just thought.....I don't know, maybe it would help you....break out of your shell?.."

Ruby lashed out, "What the-?! I don't need to 'break out of my shell'! That's absolutely ridiculous! You traitors! I've experienced so much betrayal from you two ever since I've arrived in Beacon! What happened to 'always stay together', huh?! Where did the trust between siblings go?!"

Ending her outburst, the siblings then heard a girl yelling at someone. They turned towards the source and they saw Weiss, Jaune and a certain red haired girl talking to each other.

The trio listened as Jaune made a fool out of himself at the girls. The red haired girl seem to have a positive vibe towards Jaune while Weiss basically thinks that Jaune was an ape.

Soon, Jaune started walking out like a complete idiot before he looks back just in time to see a spear flying at him and hitting his hood, pinning him into the locker.

"I'm sorry!" The red haired girl apologized.

Their antics were then interrupted as an announcement then loudly plays on the intercom system.

"Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately."

Following those words, all of the first year students poured out from the locker room. Weiss just through Jaune as he hangs from the wall of a locker. The red haired girl follows her, but she grabbed her spear off Jaune's hood, dropping him to the ground.

"It was nice meeting you!" Pyrrha said as she walked out with a smile.

Jaune slumped his back against the locker and muttered, "Likewise...."

Jin, Ruby and Yang then walked up to the downed Jaune, and Yang called out to him, "Having some trouble there, lady-killer?"

"I don't understand. My dad said all women look for is confidence. Where did I go wrong?" Jaune said a bit depressingly as Ruby picked him up from the floor.

"Snow Angel, probably wasn't the best start." The eldest sister said.

"I wonder what gave you that thought. For those girls, you just made a fool out of yourself." Jin said, only to receive a smack from Yang,

"Ah! What?!"

"You really suck at pep talk."

"Well, I'm just telling the truth. What do what me to do? Encourage him to continue to act like a complete idiot that will make girls scared of him or think of him as a moron?"

Jin's words only made Jaune slump his shoulder and bow his head in shame.

"Come on, Jaune, let's go." Ruby said as she then leads Jaune out of the locker room by supporting him and his damaged self-esteem.

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