
Get Ready

"Like this..." Ruby smirked as she skipped over to her sister before kneeling and leaning on to her ear.

She then whispered, "Yang, I'm taking the last piece of pizza. Okay?"

The result was almost instantaneous, as Yang's eyes immediately shot wide open and she had a panicked look on her face.

'How come I didn't know this before?' Jin thought in amusement.

"OH NO, YOU DON'T!" Yang yelled as she sprung up and suddenly tackled her small sister.

"Jin…..Help..." Ruby choked out as Yang pinned her down on the ground.

The male twin just sighed at the scene before he steadily approached Yang. However, as soon as he got close, Yang turned around with a maniac's face.

"That pizza slice is mine I tell you! Mine! You already had your share!" Yang roared out in a frenzy as she attempted to grab Jin's coat.

But Jin just casually parried her hand before grabbing her arm and locking it behind her back. He then quickly pulled Yang off the blue-faced Ruby and he put her down in an arm-lock.


This time, she was the one that was being pinned down to the ground, but was on her stomach.

"Yang! What the heck is wrong with you!" Jin said, trying to get some sense into his crazed sister.

"You guys were gonna-.."

"I was just kidding! I only said that to wake you up!" Ruby spoke out as she got up and winced at a pain on her back.

"Ah..." Yang finally managed to think properly and she calmed down.

Jin just sighed as he freed his sister, "Yang, do you really have to overeact when pizzas are involved?"

"Yeah! You were about to kill me!" Ruby whined as she fixed her aching back.

Jin couldn't help but turn to Ruby with a blaming look, "You were the one who woke her up like that, you definitely knew how she would react, yet you did it anyway! So its your fault!

"No! Normally, Yang would react like she just woke up from a nightmare. I don't know why she reacted like that this time!"

Yang got up as she tended to her arm, "Ugh, sorry.....Ow..."

*Sigh* "Sorry about your arm. How about we just get some breakfast to clear our heads up."

"Yes, breakfast!" Ruby jumped, somehow full of energy in the early morning.

Yang then rubbed her growling stomach, "We gotta hurry up before all the food is gone!"


After a quick change of clothes from Yang, the siblings soon managed to get to Beacon Academy's large Dining Hall.

It was a large, formal dining room running down the length of a cloister-like hall. The dining room features four long tables running the length of the hall with benches to either side and walking areas located in between. Students were able to sit, not only with their teams, but other groups.

Some of the tables were empty and some were occupied by other students. They were there eating pancakes, eggs, bacons, and all sorts of other breakfast foods.

The trio got their own food and sat down at a random empty table close by.

Jin decided to start off his morning with three pieces of ham-and-cheese sandwiches. Ruby on the other hand, had three plates full of cookies, while Yang only had a few pieces of pancakes.

Yang and Jin were taking their time on munching on their own food, but Ruby was taking all the cookies she could get her hands on at a rapid pace and put it in her mouth.

Seeing this, Yang couldn't help but look at her sister like she was a freak, "Ruby, don't you think that you should slow down or something?"

Yang has seen this alot of times back at their home and she was actually fine with it. But this shameless shorty was actually doing it right now in public.

What would she do if the other students think that Ruby was a weirdo and they would try to avoid her at all cost?

The black and red haired girl just ignored her as she continued on ravenously devouring her cookies. Her mouth basically worked like a grinder, as cookies were tossed in and was crushed into tiny pieces immediately.

"Ruby..." Jin spoke up in a demanding tone, making the girl herself look at him while her mouth was full of cookies.

"Thaff, Mi me mine." Was her reply.

"I'm going to assume that means no." Jin said as he took a bite of his ham-and-cheese sandwich.

Across the Dining Hall in the distance, Jin could see Nora sitting next to Ren as he ate his pancakes, and Nora still loudly pestering him around.

As they ate, Jin couldn't help but listen to the talk that was happening around them as he unconsciously enhanced his auditory senses with Aura.

He could hear Nora ramble on something about being partnered up and be on the same team, as well as planning on bribing Ozpin.

"Teams, huh..." Jin muttered.

"A what?" Yang somehow managed to hear him.

"Nothing. Just wondering what fate has in store for me."

"Sthorre hor hwat?" Ruby said with a mouth full of cookies.

"Ruby, swallow before you talk." Jin said.

With a loud gulp, Ruby finally managed to swallow all of her cookies and spoke, "Store for what?"

"Oh, I think your talking about the partners and teams." Yang said.

"Yeah, I'm quite curious of the people that I'm about to work with but I'll just leave it to the world to decide, as long as I'm in a team. But with me in a team, that team is bound to become the greatest bunch in Beacon."

Hearing this, Yang could only roll her eyes, "Ugh, its good to be confident, but please don't be that full of yourself."

"What? You think it won't be possible?"

"Just don't.....don't let your ego get in the way when your in a serious situation, ok."

"I know how to act in the right place, so don't worry Yang."

Ruby looked a bit nervous, "T-teams? L-lets not talk about that and.....just get ready for the test."


The siblings walked into the locker room and they saw that there were only a few people there.

Looking to the right, Jin could see Nora and Ren together as usual. They were getting their weapons ready while still discussing about how they can become partners.

Weiss was with Pyrrha in a distance away and then there was Jaune, who looked more lost than a 4 year-old alone in the super mall.

He was muttering something about where his locker was, and about how his locker number was too high.

"Great, my locker is considerably far away. Rubes, Yang, I'll be gone for a moment." Jin said before leaving off to his locker.

"Let's all meet up before the test begins." Yang said before similarly searching off for her locker.

"Okie, dokie." Ruby spoke before skipping off to find her locker while humming. She was quite lively this morning and she seemed to be in a good mood.

'Yes! The kind of test I like!' Ruby thought.


A few seconds later, Jin finally managed to find his locker. He opens it and grabbed his 'mundane' silver gauntlets, and properly putted it on.

After doing some checks to make sure that he won't be uncomfortable while wearing it, he then donned it over his long sleeves and proceeded to go to Ruby, who was still preparing herself from across his position.

But while walking, he then paused in his tracks as he saw a certain pair of opposites walk by; that was now discussing on some secret signals.

"Oh, hey Ren. Hi Nora."

"Hi, Jin!" Nora waved.

"Hello, dude." Ren said as he did a simple hand gesture of greetings.

Nora had a confused look on her face and she couldn't help but ask, "Hey Jin! What's with the upstart look? You look like your one of the people who's always fussy when it comes to tea!"

"Yeah, I mean, we are gonna go out and fight. Why are you wearing like your attending a prestigious party or something." Ren asked, similarly weirded out by Jin's outfit.

Jin smiled, "Well, I do like to look good in the battlefield."

"Look good and fight good! Now that's awesome!" Nora jumped in glee.

"Jin!" Yang called out from behind.

The man himself heard her and he turned to the pair, "Well, I'm gonna be going somewhere else. I'll see you guys in the initiation, good luck."

"Bye, Jin!"

"Likewise, now farewell."

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