

The airship finally arrived at the Academy. But before the students could go out, an announcement was heard from its speakers.

"All students, we are now docking in Beacon Academy. Please do not exit the airlock until the docking ramp has been safely secured. Do not worry about your luggage for the time being. It will be brought to you at a later time. Thank you and have a good day."

A few seconds after that, the hatch finally opened up and the students are now making their way out and headed towards the entrance of Beacon.

Ruby, Yang and Jin were sight-seeing around the area, and then they finally looked at the Academy itself.


"The view from Vale's got nothing on this!"

"I have to say, it's very impressive."

It was beautiful. There was a wide avenue leading up to what appeared to be the main Academt buildings and their large, impressive main doorway. The avenue was marked with trees and flag-draped with a myriad of emblems on light-poles.

Beyond the doorway appeared to be a large, open-air Amphitheater. Within this was a raised platform upon which a speaker can address those standing below. This Amphitheater looked like it can also serve as a fighting arena, where the audience would stay on stands at the sides.

The most prominent part of the Academy building's was a large tower. It was surmounted by what appeared to be some kind of signal light, possibly the beacon which the institution was named after.

The Academy also showed to have large gardens, apparently at the rear of the buildings, including a large pond surrounded by a path, where students can possibly be free to wander as they please.

The campus of Beacon Academy included a large statue featuring two figures, one a male and the other a younger-looking female, standing on a rock outcropping. They were both dressed in some kind of robe with hoods over their heads.

The male had a sword in his right hand and is raising it up in a seemingly triumphant gesture. The younger female has a double-edged battle axe in her left hand. She was looking off to the side at something on the horizon. Below the two figures was a Beowolf looking in the same direction as the male figure.

Jin took his time at gazing on the Academy. It was bigger and more beautiful than how it was portrayed in the series, so he took his time to feast his eyes on its majesty.

In fact, Jin has been looking at its surroundings for awhile, that he hasn't noticed that his sisters already walked ahead of him.

A few seconds later, he finally notices it and moves out to find them, especially Ruby.

'Great, now I have to find this little trouble maker.'

He couldn't leave his sister alone, especially in her first day in this Academy. His mind immediately began thinking on what kind of trouble did Ruby get herself into after being left alone for several seconds.

Luckily, he spotted that Ruby was with Yang. Jin then walked up to them, only to hear Ruby loudly fawning over some kid's fire sword as she clinged onto Yang.

"Look, Yang! That kid's got a collapsible staff!"

"Are those claws?! OMG! Look at that kid! He's got a weapon that looks like Wolverine's claws!"

"Fans?! Fans as a weapon?! That so cool and creative! I bet the tips spits out fire!"

"Rocket Sword?! Oh, its really a rocket sword! I gotta add in some rocket thrusters to Crescent Rose too! Aaahh! How come I didn't think of that!"

"Is that a scythe?! Another scythe?! *Gasps* There can be only one!"

Ruby was pointing around and was loudly calling out at almost every student that passed by with some kind of unique weapon. Some of then even turned to her and had a face as if they were looking at a weirdo, before hurriedly scurrying away from the crazed red riding hood.

This just made Jin sigh at the sight. He then saw Yang strongly pulling in Ruby's hood so she would stop being so noisy.

"Ow! Ooww!"

Yang smiled as she crossed her arms to her chest, "Easy there, little sister. They're just weapons."

"'Just weapons'? They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us! Oh! They're so cool!"

"Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?"

Ruby then took off her hood before pulling out her weapon, transforming it into scythe form and then stroking it affectionately.

"Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose! I just really like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people, but better."

Jin letted out an "Uh-huh" in a mumbling tone, while Yang playfully pulled Ruby's hood down over her face again.

"Ah! Why?!"

"Ruby, come on, why don't you go try and make some friends of your own?"

"But.....why would I need friends if I have you and Jin?"

Yang had the look of hesitation, "Well.....I..."

Suddenly, a group of students approached and surrounded Yang while attempting to talk to her. With this, she managed to find a way out of Ruby's question.

"Actually, my friends are now here. Gotta go catch up. Kay, see ya, bye!"

And just like that, Yang just dashed off with her 'friends', completely ditching her younger siblings.

Ruby was spinning and was dizzy from the wind of the crowd that tore through her, while Jin just watched in disbelief that Yang would actually ditch them just like that.

"Wait, where are you going?! Aren't we supposed to go to our dorms? Where are our dorms? Do we have dorms?" Ruby asked dizzily before stopping for a moment while still reeling.

"I don't know what I'm doing..."

Ruby then falls backwards into a luggage cart, sending cases flying to the air and scattering them. Jin quickly went for his sister's aid.

"You okay, Rubes?" Jin asked as he reached out his hand.

"I'm okay." Ruby replied as she accepted Jin's hand and stood up.

Someone was standing in front of them and was glaring at Ruby. It was a pale skinned young girl with pale blue eyes and long white hair pulled back into an off-center bun tail and pinned with an icicle shaped tiara. A crooked scar runs vertically down her left eye.

She wore a thigh-length strapless dress with a faint color gradation from white to pale blue at the hem. A small piece of black lace sits in the front of her neckline and the hem of the dress is scalloped and stitched to resemble snowflakes, with layers of white tulle under the skirt.

Over this she wears a bell sleeved bolero with the same color gradation as her dress from shoulder to wrist, lined in red and with a ruffled collar.

'Weiss...' Jin thought. He was dazed at her beauty for a second.

"What are you doing?!"

"Ah, sorry!" Ruby apologized in shock.

"Sorry?! Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused?"


Ruby was getting scared at Weiss' glare. She then picked up a random luggage in an attempt to clean up her mess for the white haired girl.

"Give me that!" Weiss said with a tone of annoyance as she snatched the luggage from Ruby and opens it to reveal a vial of powdered Dust.

"This is Dust! Mined and purified from the Schnee quarry!"


"What are you, brain-dead?" Weiss yelled again as she was holding out the vial of red Dust and starting shaking it in front of Ruby.

"Dust! Fire, water, lightning, energy!"

"I....I know..." Ruby said as she starts coughing from the Dust being poured on to her face

"Hey! Stop shaking that!" Jin exclaimed as he saw that Weiss was carelessly shaking the half-open vial in front of Ruby, but the white haired girl just ignored him.

"Are you even listening to me?! Is any of this sinking in?! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

Ruby, who had been receiving more and more Dust to her face, finally sneezes, which made the Dusts ignite into a full-blown explosion of flame, snowflakes, and electricity right onto Weiss, covering her with soot.

The bottle she had been holding flew over the courtyard, and finally landing over at the feet of a black haired girl, who was reading a book.

She notices it and she picks it up, her eyes then landed on the Schnee Dust Company logo on the side of the bottle and she looks over at the scene besides her.

"Unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!" Weiss yelled again as she removed the soot off her clothes.

"I'm really, really sorry!" Ruby rapidly bowed her head.

"Ugh, you complete dolt! What are you even doing here?! Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?!"

Ruby was getting even more nervous on her question, "W-well, I-I-.."

"This isn't your ordinary combat school, its-.."

"Okay that's enough!" Jin interrupted as he was finally fed up at Weiss for treating Ruby like that. The two then turned at him and saw that he was wearing an annoyed look.

"First off, if you know that Dust is so volatile, then why are you carrying it in unmarked cases? Isn't that what a moron would do?"

Weiss couldn't say anything in rebuttal, she just stared at him in daze and blinked.

"And, YOU are the reason why the explosion happened! For god's sake, you consider yourself an 'expert' of dust, but you just kept shaking the half-open vial in front of her, you really are quite of a dolt yourself. I'd say that you should spend less time scolding nervous girls, and more time in taking good care of your stuff."

Weiss was shocked at what Jin just said to her, but in the same time, was completely embarrassed. Ruby was lowly giggling at her brother's damning words at the girl, making Weiss' face distort into that of a furious look, as if she wanted to kill Jin on the spot.


"And second!" Jin rudely interrupted Weiss, which causes her rage to grow even more.

"Nobody talks to my sister like that, especially a spoiled flat chested girl." Jin said with an insult.

This just made Weiss erupt in anger, she was on the verge of pulling her weapon out and cut this man down on where he stands.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?! YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST WALTZ UP AND SAY THAT SORT OF THING TO ME?!" She yelled at him, but Jin just shrugged at her.

"Your just a spoiled princess that makes me want to smack you on the head."

Weiss about to shout at him again, but then a soft "ahem" silenced her. The trio's heads then turns to the interrupter, who was steadily approaching them.

"It's heiress, actually." She said.

It was a fair skinned young girl with amber eyes and long black hair. A ribbon is tied with a large bow on the top of her head. She wears purple eyeshadow in catseye style.

She wears a black buttoned vest with coat-tails and a single silver button on the front. Underneath this is a white, sleeveless, high necked, crop undershirt and white shorts with a zipper on the front of each leg.

She also wears black low-heeled boots and full stockings with a color gradation of black to purple at her ankles. On her left arm is a detached sleeve with a silver cuff around her bicep, and black ribbons are wrapped around both forearms. A small, loose scarf is wrapped around her neck and a gray magnetic backpack is strapped to her back, hidden by her hair.

"Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world." The girl continued.

Weiss' furious look was quickly replaced with her now smugly smiling face. It was clearly one of Weiss' hobbies, she wants having her enormous ego stroked.

She then forgot about Jin and focused more on the girl, "Finally! Some recognition!"

"The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners." The girl said again.

Her words causes Weiss' anger to return once more as Ruby chuckled at her statement.

"Wha.....How dare.....The nerve of.....Ugh!" Weiss groaned as she got closer to the girl's face before taking the bottle from her. She then stormed off in a huff, as her seemed to be servants, gathered her luggage and followed her.

Ruby still felt sorry for Weiss so she called out, "I promise, I'll make this up to you!"

The departing Weiss just downright ignored her, making Ruby sadly sigh as she looks down, "I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day.....So, what's-.."

Just as Ruby was about talk to the girl, she then sees her walking off as well. Jin watched her figure walking off into the distance and then he turned to his poor sister, who looked like a beaten puppy.

Ruby had a downcast expression before suddenly collapsing on her kness and then lying on her back, "Welcome to Beacon..."

Jin just kneeled down and lets out a small smile, "Come on Rubes. It's only been the first day."

He then gives her his hand, "Come on, get up little sis."

"I'm not your little sis!" Ruby roared in irritation as she gets up without Jin's help.

"Yes, you are!" Jin said in a teasing tone.

"But I'm older than you!"

"Only by two minutes right? Besides, I'm taller than you."

"Because you're a guy! So it's natural that you're taller than me!"

"Well, if you didn't focus on eating sweets all the time then you might grow taller. Maybe you should cut off with the cookies and strawberries."


When people see's the twins being together, they would immediately think that Ruby was the younger one and Jin was the older one. They would obviously judge this from just looking at their heights, and this really made Ruby frustrated.

She was two minutes older than Jin! Ruby already considered it as a proper, legal, appropriate, valid, and any other kind of an agreeing reason that she was the older sibling.

But Ruby has the height of a smalling 5'4, while her 'little' brother towers at over 5'9. This made Ruby even more frustrated, as people would always think of her as the younger sibling just because of her height.

This made her have some Napoleonic denial of her shortness. Any and all references to her stature, might make her cause some outbursts and tantrums in both physically and verbally.

Distinctive to her tantrums, is Ruby's tendency to take even the most casual nitpick of her height as a gross insult and interpret it exaggeratedly.

Simply calling her 'little', might make her think that she was described as 'so tiny, that she need not fear of being crushed by a boot because she fits so easily between the grooves of the sole'.

"Hey there!" A voice called out. The two stops bickering and they turn around, only to see the blond guy in the airship who vomited on Yang's boots.

"N-nice to meet you. I'm-.."

"Aren't you the guy who threw up on the ship?" Jin interrupted with a smile, which made Jaune look down on his feet in embarassment.

"The Vomit Boy!"


Authors Note:

- Ok, so I added a new kind of personality to Ruby. A proper reason I can tell you, is because of Jin's presence in the world. So don't call me out now for my decision.

Also, I know that Ruby's height was originally 5'2. But with the power of Authority, that was bestowed upon me as the Author, I made some slight changes in her height, but ONLY in this book.

I really believe that these kinds of changes, won't really affect the story line.

Also, there will be a few changes to the height of other characters. So, I'll mention the newly changed height of those characters below.

- Weiss: Originally 5'3. But in this book, she is 5'5.

- Blake: Originally 5'6. But in this book, she is 5'7.

The rest still has the same height. Only three cannon characters in RWBY have their heights changed by me.

Next chapter