
Aura Hunt

Somewhere in the Emerald Forest. A pair of youths was treading through the forest while looking around. One was a boy with short blond hair, and the other one was a girl with red hair.

'I'll be honest, this is going much better than I expected.' Jaune thought as he walked through the forest with his new partner, Pyrrha.

Pyrrha wore her red hair in a waist-length ponytail. As a top, she wore a brown overbust corset with a vertical strip of lighter brown in the center. Additionally, Pyrrha wore an elastic, black, A-line mini skirt and brown opera-length gloves on both arms.

She wore a red, ankle-length sash that wrapped around her skirt. She had elaborate bronze greaves that started below her mid-thigh before continuing downwards into her brown boots, as well as a pair of cuisses that began mid-thigh and ended slightly above her knees. She was also equipped with a bronze bracer capable of connecting with atop the sleeve on her left arm.

There was also a small circular bronze plate on her right hip opposite two pouches with both connected to a belt. The plate bore her "shield and spear" emblem. She also sported a large bronze gorget around her neck and a bronze bracelet on the upper half of her left arm.

After a rough start that involved in him being pinned to a tree, by his own sword no less, Jaune managed to find himself a partner, or rather a partner managed to find him.

After helping him get off the tree, Pyrrha asked if the two of them could become partners, much to the blonde teen's delight, so of course he accepted.

'I still don't know how I managed to pin myself to a tree like that.' Jaune continued to think.

'Was my sword not in the sheath all the way? Oh well, it's in past now.'

He then turned his head back to the trees behind him, 'We heard gunfire earlier, so the others must be fighting monsters right now. I hope everyone's-..'

"Ow!" His thoughts were interrupted by a tree branch to the face,

Pyrrha then turned to him with an apologetic look, "Oh Jaune, I'm sorry!"

Jaune just laughed a little as he got up, now sporting a small gash on his cheek, "I'm fine. Just a scratch."

Pyrrha walked up to him, still concerned, "Why didn't you activate your Aura?

Jaune looked at his partner in confusion, "My what?"

"Your Aura." Pyrrha repeated


Pyrrha became a little confused with her partner's response and asked, "Jaune, do you know what Aura is?"

Jaune thought back to the training he did with his Dad and shook his head, "Nope. Dad never said anything about it to me when we were training. Mind explaining it to me?"

Pyrrha smiled at his honesty and began explaining, "Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts. Have you ever felt you were being watched without knowing that someone was there?"

"Yeah, I have actually." Jaune said after a moment of thought.

Pyrrha continued, "With practice, our Aura can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals."

"I take it that the monsters we fight don't have Aura, do they?" Jaune guessed.

"That's right, Jaune," Pyrrha smiled as he caught on.

"The monsters we fight lack a soul. They are creatures of Grimm, the manifestation of anonymity. They are the darkness, and we are the light."

"Is that why we fight them?" Jaune asked.

Pyrrha shook her head, "It's not about why; it's about knowing. Understanding dark and light helps us manifest our Aura. Everyone has some of both."

She then looked at the sky with hands behind her back, "By baring your soul outward as a force, you can deflect harm. All of our tools and equipment are conduits for Aura. You protect yourself and your soul when fighting."

"I see." Jaune muttered, "Kind of like a force field I guess."

Pyrrha turned to him and smiled, "Yes, if you want to look at it that way."

Jaune became lost in thought, 'Well that explains some of the things Dad was able to pull off during training. I wonder why he never told me about it before. I guess that also explains that why the students were pretty calm when Ozpin said that they would be launched off, cause they can actually protect themselves with Aura.....I wonder if I can do it too?'

He was brought out of his thoughts by Pyrrha touching his head gently, "Uh…"

"Close your eyes and concentrate, ok?" Pyrrha asked softly.

"Ok." Jaune obeyed and closed his eyes and focused.

Pyrrha smiles before closing her eyes herself and glows a faint red, trying to unlock Jaune's Aura. The two stood there, Pyrrha still glowing red and Jaune now glowing white.

Pyrrha then mentally recites, "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death."

She places a hand on his chest. "I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee."

Following her chant, an invisible and intangible wave of force was unleashed around the area, but Pyrrha only felt a gust of wind coming from Jaune.

As soon as she finished, Pyrrha slumps over a little in exhaustion, causing Jaune, thats still glowing white, to worry, "Pyrrha! Are you ok?"

"It's all right." Pyrrha said as she got up.

"I just used my aura to unlock yours." She smiles as Jaune's Aura automatically heals the cut on his cheek.

"And.....you have a lot of it." She sain in bewilderment.

Jaune places a hand on his face to feel that the cut is gone. He then looks at his hands and sees the white aura around them fade.



*Sniff* *Sniff*

A certain Grimm's nose twitched at the scent of a strong and tremendous Aura, freely being used without restraining it from a far distance.

The glowing of its red eyes intensified and its savagery reached to the max, as it found the scent to be very stimulating. Its monstrous wolfish mouth then showed its terrorizing canines, it seemed to be smiling in delight.

"This.....What a powerful Aura! I need to find the human who has it!" It thought as it then turned to a certain direction.

(Authors Note: It has the voice of 'Warwick' from League of Legends. Try searching it if you guys wanna hear his beastial voice.)

"This human seemed to have his Aura recently unlocked, then he will be an easy kill! If I consume him, then I'll get myself a huge power-up from just one meal!"

And with that, the talking and bizzare looking Beowolf then did a commanding howl before it chased in a wild hunt on that juicy Aura.

"When I go back, I bet Elder Brother will be surprised at my sudden power gain!"

Following it, was dozens of Beowolves that was grouped together in different eight packs, there were even some Alpha Beowolves mixed in the group, but they only seem to be followers of the leading unique Beowolf in front of them and they also just functioned as secondary leaders.



Jin was treading around in the forest and reached a small clearing before he paused at a feeling of something strange.

"Aura Resonance..." He said to himself.

He then looked at a random direction, 'Someone just had their Aura unlocked, and that someone has a lot of it.'

Jin was highly sensitive to Aura, and he managed to feel the unlocked resonating Aura from a large distance away, and from the force of that resonance, the person who just had their Aura unlocked must have alot of it.

'That must've been Jaune, he finally unlocked his Aura, or to be precise Pyrrha unlocked his Aura.'

He then walked through the forest while pondering, 'Jaune Arc.....Every person who's surnamed Arc is bound to have a strong Aura. Both in quality and quantity, they are greater than a normal hunter. From the feeling of this resonance, Jaune must have four times the Aura than a normal Hunter, both in quality and quantity.'

'The Arc bloodline is truly amazing, I estimate that a normal member of this family might have at least three times the Aura of a normal person, that means their soul is at least three times stronger than the average...'

Jin then looked at his hand, that was now slightly glowing with silver light, "But still, mine is better. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm the best Aura manipulator there is."


Just as Jin was about to run off again, his ears suddenly twitched at hearing multiple Beowolves loudly howling from his left.

"Someone must be there, and they're in trouble. Heh, well, I guess I'll help out."

Jin then turned into a blur as he quickly dashed his way towards the howling sounds. He was hoping that the guy or girl or the pair over there was still holding their ground against those monsters.

As Jin was nearing the area, he saw some smoke rising to the air in the distance and he smelled some burned wood.

'Fire Dust? In a forest? Are they idiots?'

He later arrived at the area but he just saw some trees being burned down. It was then that he heard some howling again and he was greeted by a pack of Beowolves running towards him.

"That person must have escaped."

Jin just sighed as the Beowolves were howling while charging at him. He then saw the Alpha leading the charge, who was twice the size of a normal Alpha Beowolf.

"Wow..." Jin said before using his Aura.

His Aura then physically manifested to the material world, covering his entire body with a silver tangible Aura light.

His Aura then formed into a giant skeleton, causing the Beowolves to stop from their charge and step back in fear. The giant skeletal avatar was releasing a powerful pressure and the Beowolves couldn't move a muscle.

Jin moved his right hand and the skeletal avatar did the same, before swinging it with great speed towards the group of Beowolves.

The force of the impact instantly killed all the Beowolves as their bodies were sent flying towards several trees and boulders.

The Alpha Beowolf survived the strike somehow and it quickly gets up. It knew that the entity before it was extremely strong, so it did a wise thing and started to run away.

But the skeletal avatar's arms extended rapidly as it neared towards the running Grimm and grabbing it before crushing its body like it crumping a paper.

Jin stopped using his Aura and the skeletal avatar disappeared. He then walks towards the crushed corpse of the abnormally large Alpha Beowolf and stares at before letting out a whistle.

"A big one.....Probably the biggest Alpha Beowolf I've seen."

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