
Prologue: Reincarnated?!

"Damn.. another murder case," Alejandro said as red and blue lights hit the wall of the house he was exiting.

It was just another murder scene that he got called to. It had become increasingly common as the violence between the Mexican cartels and the police, and other cartels, increased. But they never ceased to sadden Alejandro, especially when they involved children.

This one claimed the lives of three people, María Cano, Andrés Cano, and Fernando Cano. Fernando was the son of Andrés and María, born into a family that was involved with a cartel. Luckily, or instead, unluckily, the Cano family was in a fairly high position within the cartel, which was the cause of their death as their enemies wanted to deal a big blow to their cartel.

From what Alejandro has heard, Fernando was known as a bit of a prodigy, he had high marks in school and was primarily known for taking an interest in and excelling at chemistry, engineering, weapons, and biology. Apparently, he studied these subjects to help his family rise further up the cartel and maybe even take over and increase his cartel's power in the future. It's quite sad that he died this way,

'Maybe if he was born somewhere else or at another time, he could have grown up to do something good.'


'10,109, 10,110, 10,112, 10,11...3? Was it three or four?... Ah, this is what I get for not paying attention.'













'Hmm, still nothing happening.'

Fernando has been in this dark place for what has felt like years. This place only has a flat grassland with black grass that goes for what seems like an infinite amount. No matter how much he goes in one direction, there is just more grassland, an endless amount of black grassland.

The grass wasn't the only thing that was weird in here, his body had also turned completely dark blue.

'This place is so weird... and boring….

The complete nonexistence of anything entertaining has led me to think about a lot of things about myself and my life. Such as my death, to be honest I expected myself to react more panicked or desperate when I concluded that I'm most likely dead, but I didn't. I just accepted that I was dead, there was no point in reacting another way in my opinion, after all, there was nothing that I could do that would magically bring me and my family back to life.'

"I wonder where my mom and dad are… hopefully they're not in a place like this. Ah, who am I kidding, if they're anywhere they're probably in a worse place than this. They've committed multiple crimes, so if there's a hell they're in it."

"They are."

Turning around to find the source, Fernando saw… him? Her? It? He wasn't sure what the thing is. The thing in question was tall, tall enough to where Fernando had to take a few big steps back and look up to look at what he assumed to be its face. Its body was humanoid in appearance though the being had no clothes on it and even its humanoid appearance was a bit confusing as there was no indication of whether the being was a guy or a girl, just human looking. It would have blended in with the environment of pitch black if it wasn't for the glowing white outline that cloaked the being as if were a 2 Dimensional character.

"...Uh, hi, what are you doing here?"

He was trying to start a conservation with the ominous being since after it said "they are" the being just stood there, looking at him, staring down at him. Doing nothing.



"Goodbye." it waved its hand.


After the being waved its hand, Fernando was teleported to another dark place, but this time, all he could do was float in a void of nothingness. That was until a dim white light appeared in the void, the light slowly pulsed, and with each pulse, it increased in brightness and pulled his body closer to it until Fernando was completely swallowed by the light when the light abruptly disappeared.

"Oi! Kunin wake up!"

Startled at the sudden loud voice and pushing on him, Fernando quickly got up on his arms and opened his eyes to try to find out where the unfamiliar place was.

He saw that he was in a large flaky concrete room that was lit up with bulbs hanging from the ceiling, with rotting wooden beds laid out on each side of the room, and a pathway to the middle that goes to the end of the room to an open door that led to an equally rotting spiral wooden staircase.

"Kunin! Kunin! Hurry, you're going to be late for breakfast!"

Another push and exclamation grabbed Fernando's attention to the left, where a little girl with short brown hair stood.


"Yea, you, Kunin! Hurry, get up, breakfast is being served right now!"

Before Fernando could ask anything more the girl scurried off and up the wooden stairs.

"… who the hell is Kunin?"

Mumbling as he got off the bed, he was caught by surprise when he saw a girl in a mirror near the door.

"Oh shit!… that scared me for a bit..... wait."

Fernando didn't want to admit it. But there was no other logical explanation as to why there was a girl in the mirror.

'No no no no no.'

Running towards the mirror, he and the girl touched hands, or rather she simply touched hands with her reflection.

"..... I'm a girl?!"


AN: Hello everyone, this is going to be my actual first attempt at writing a fanfic so if you have any constructive criticism, that would be much appreciated.

Anyway, have a good day.