
RWBY: The Boy

Story of a boy who died and gets reborn in the world of Rwby, there will also be changes to try to make the story interesting.

Xeo_Jump · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

My Life (Part two)

Five hours passed since Noor did his meditation, he really needed it to calm himself down after the accident with the bandits and his anger, it seems he still needed to work on his emotions.

Now there was just one problem left, he had now his hunger as his stomach felt like it was growling at him.

After he was finished he head decided to head into the city of Vale to get something to eat, he look around the store deciding what should he eat b


Once he arrived in the city he headed to one of his best stores in vale, he was quite in a happy mood buying spaghetti he started to sing to himself.

"You've got to press it on you

You just think it

That's what you do baby

Hold it down there dare

Jump with them all and move it

Jump back and forth

And feel like you were there yourself

To work it out"

he was singing one of his favorite songs that he didn't notice he was getting attention in the store as some look confused at him and some look at him at amazement because of his voice, this didn't stop him from getting his food as he sat down a table eating his spaghetti with meatballs.

He was really enjoying his food, however he noticed it wasn't as good ss his mother's, it was still good though to him but still not close to her's.

But what surprised Noor was that he saw two individuals he thought he would never see come here, a boy with gray hair and pale skin and a green hair with medium-brown skin and dark-red eyes.

Noor obviously knew who these two were.

They were Cinder's underlings, Mercury and Emerald.

Noor noticed them and quickly took his eyes off them trying not to stare too much for attention, but he was wondering what they were doing, were they here for trouble?

"I'll take two pizzas," said Emerald.

I'll take the usual" said Mercury.

Usual? So they've been here before, they don't look like they're here for trouble, I guess even the bad guys gotta eat too.

While we're waiting for their order Noor decided to wait until he made his appearance known to them.

Soon as they grab their order Noor walks up to them as he spoke to the one that was working here in this store.

"Hey Mary, I just wanted to say thanks for the spaghetti again, it was really great.

I'll come by next time later for something else" said Noor,

"Sure, Anything for you dear Noor, I mean you come here every day, your like our favorite customer." Mary chuckled to herself.

"Well when you got money like me, and train a lot like me you will be surprised of what I do." He said.

"You must be quite rich" Emerald smiled at Noor, that when he sensed something, obviously he knew what it was, it was her illusion made as she was trying to steal his money from his pocket.

Her illusion made it seem like she was right in front of me but Noor could clearly detect that she was behind him.

When she reached for his pocket she noticed he didn't have any cash on him which confused her, how was he able to pay for his food?

"Well I would like to pay for more food now but I gotta run to the ice cream store now, gotta have my ice cream you know. Noor said smiling, while emerald with a concerned and confused look on her face.

"I can see you didn't cash this time, Noor" Mary said.

Noor chuckled to himself slightly as he whipped out his credit card right in front of them.

"Well yea I had to, one idiot tried to steal from me so I punished him, but it worked out in the end.

As you can see I have no choice but to use credit, a lot of people can't seem to keep their hands off of stuff that is not there, there's a lot of thief's here in Vale, I wouldn't even be surprised if there was a thief with An illusion Semblance snatching pockets without anyone knowing. Noor said acting worried.

Mercury grew pale at this statement and Emerald…she had a more pale face then he did.

"Good heavens no! That would be bad! You should be careful here in Vale Noor" Mary said.

"You too Mary" Noor then turned his attention towards the other two who held his laugh when he saw their pale faces.

"You too okay?" Noor asked them, looking innocent and confused at the same time.

"No…we're fine, your quite the strange one" Emerald stated.

"I get that a lot, the feelings are mutual I guess." Noor said.

"I'm Emerald, and this is Mercury, we're from haven Academy" she said.

Noor didn't say anything as his smile grew wider, he couldn't wait to see their reaction when he mentioned his name.

"Noor Fall." He replied.

When he said that, The two looked at him in shock, because they knew something they work with who has that last name, who would have guessed that their boss had another relative.

Noor saw their expression as he knew they had them right by the book.

"Why are you two shocked when I said my name, could it be you know my family or something?" Noor said, looking confused.

"…No… It's just that…we know someone who has that exact same name as fall." She said,

"…Well I don't have any brothers or sisters, you must be referring to one of my cousins, I knew I had other family members but I never met them due to family travels." Noor replied.

"Would you like to meet your cousin?" Emerald replied.

"Hmm…I honestly don't mind meeting this relative, but that is going to have to be for another time, as you can see I'm busy right now.

Maybe next time we cross paths again we can catch up, anyway I'm off. It was nice meeting you two though."

Noor said walking towards the door speaking once again to the store worker Mary.

"Take care Mary, and tell Joe stop stealing food in the back or he's going to get fired, I can't keep saving his ass and his family." He started while Leaving.

while he left Emerald looked at Mercury as he looked back at her with a smile.

"Wait till Cinder hears this" Mercury said laughing.


After a while Noor finally got Ice cream that had chocolate and vanilla as

the same into an ice cream cone, and he must say it was indeed tasty, surprised he never knew that the Rwby world had such good food, however it still never came close to the food his old world had, quite the disappointment.

He was heading back home to take a shower and see if he could help his mom around the house this time, he was so busy training that he never really spent much time with them, he did a couple of things with them for fun but it still wasn't enough.

Noor did want to have fun in this world, he wanted to spend time with his family as well, though this wasn't his actual family by heart and soul, but he still saw them as his family.

He still trying to get used them since he never had family around him in his old world, it didn't bother him since he was the type to walk alone, but wanted to try new things, he has a family now so he why not spend time with them while he has the chance, after all nothing last forever.

So he walks through the city, and he sees someone that he would NEVER thought see out here in Vale, the headmasterof Beacon Academy, it was the great wizard of oz himself, Ozpin.

And who was next to him was someone Noor wasn't surprised to see him with, it was Misses Goodwitch.

Noor was confused as to why they were on the streets out today in Vale, now that he thought about it, he doesn't know if the plot has started or not, he doesn't remember any of this in the show so his guessing was the plot hasn't even started yet.

Noor did not like Ozpin, he was very manipulative in his greatergood shit, but Noor knew he was a great man trying to do this for the greater good, the problem is how he does.

Honestly Noor thought the war between Salem and Ozpin was stupid, he saw Salem as a spoiled brat because she couldn't get her way and didn't have a happy ending. Well guess what, we all don't get happy endings in our life's Surprise Bitch welcome to the club!

Although he didn't blame her much for she has done, he blamed Ozpin bold head ass because he chickened out instead of trying to take responsibility for her and what he did. They both are wrong and they need to see that, but now that Noor is here all of that is about to change whether they like or not.

When Noor was able to pass Ozpin He let out some of his magic so Ozpin would be able to sense it, the problem is that Noor let out to much at an insane speed this Snap Ozpin out of his conversation with Goodwitch as she sense it too but it more of the air getting intense than her really sensing it.

Ozpin put his attention towards the boy that walked past him with insane magic that surrounded his body.

This didn't disturb the people in the city because it was directly towards Ozpin.

Noor continued his walk as he pretended to not notice that he was being stared at by Ozpin and Goodwitch as he ate his ice cream as he went back to singing his favorite song from his favorite band, gorillaz.


"You've got to press it on you

You just think it

That's what you do baby

Hold it down there dare

Jump with them all and move it

Jump back and forth

And feel like you were there yourself

To work it out"

As for Ozpin…

This concerned him greatly, as someone who weld Magic himself, he never felt magic like this, this magic was a mix of many types of elemental magic and even others even never felt before.

"Could it be that he has one of the Maidens' powers, it would be impossible since he's a boy…" Said Glynda Goodwitch.

"No, each maiden corresponding to one of the four seasons, that boy's magic just now was a mix of all elements and something else.

Glynda I want Qrow to spy on that boy for a while."

"Are you sure Oz? That boy could be dangerous, what if he could be working with her!" Said Goodwitch said.

"I doubt it…Although it could be a possibility, let's just watch him for now"

(Time Skip)

In an unknown place Mercury and Emerald returned back with their boss as they saw her speaking with one of the best criminals in Vale, Roman Torchwick.

When she was done threading him she noticed them walking towards them.

"I see that you two return with your little trip, now that you two are here I need you two for our next plan." Said Cinder.

"Yea…Well Cinder, we found someone that you mind interesting" said Mercury.

"Oh, and who will that be?" She asked.

Mercury looked at Emerald as she spoke up.

"We ran into a relative of yours, he said he didn't have any brother or sister so he guessed that you were his cousin since you both have the same last name." Emerald said.

This shocked Cinder because she thought she had any family members alive since her family was gone.

She was quiet for a moment, closing her eyes, then she opened them looking at the two.

"What was his name?" She asked.

"He said his name was Noor Fall." Emerald response.

"Does he know of my existence?" Cinder asked.

"Well, we were kind of surprised of his last name, he ask us why were we surprised when he mentioned his name, and we told him we knew someone of that name, so he said he have never met anyone who that last name other than his family, his guess was that you were his cousin he never met before."

Cinder took a chair and sat down thinking putting her hands on her chin, this was news to her.

"Do you know we're he is now?" Said asked.

"No…He said he was busy so if we come across each other again he wouldn't mind meeting you again." Emerald said.

"So you let him go without getting any info on we're he was going" Cinder said glaring at them.

"…Ah…we'll we…we didn't really think to get his info on him or anything since he said he wouldn't mind seeing you again if we cross paths…" Emerald studded.

"It could be months or years if we come across him again, you should have asked him!" She said with a little venom in her voice.

Emerald and Mercury stayed silent, they knew if they did something she didn't like they might get punished, but Mercury spoke up.

"Cinder…if I pay, ask, if we do see him again, what are we going to do?" He said.

"I would want to meet him, if he really is my cousin then it is only best to get to know him, maybe we can even get him on our side." She stated. "As of right now we need to focus on someone else, I just recruited the best criminal in Vale, he will be stealing dust in the future, for now we just need to worry about the fall maiden and her location."

while Cinder and her minions were talking about their future plan in a dark room, a figure hidden in the shadow we're spying on them.
