
You want my honest opinion or the lie?

"That... I don't know what to think... Give me some time to process this..." Reaper walks over to a wall and slides down and sits like a skater girl.

"How old are you?" Ozpin narrows his eyes.

"You want the truth or the lie?" Reaper sighs.

"The truth, obviously." Ozpin sips his hot cocoa.

"Guess... I started as a mercenary at 9 years old... semblance... My semblance is a result of my fear of death... And so my semblance made me become death... Becoming Reaper was a necessity I never wanted to be a mercenary old man...

I was desperate... Just because I can't die doesn't mean I don't need food or water... I do need those... I won't die from starvation or dehydration but my body, if you could call it that... Would just stop working and I'd just be a person on the ground at the mercy of this cruel world. I ain't gunna tell you my life story or why I developed a strong fear of death since that is my own problem and rather personal. I also won't tell you everything about my semblance but... I'm in. I'll join your brotherhood." Reaper walks over to Ozpin and holds her hand out for a handshake. Ozpin does not take the handshake, making Reaper snarl.

"I'm glad you joined. You will be a fine addition to our circle. However... I can't let you take the important missions on your own... Not that I find your abilities lacking. I just don't know if I can fully trust you yet... So you will shadow Qrow here until he says you are trustworthy. I hope you understand why I am doing this... You are an unknown and very dangerous... You mere presence sends chills down my spine... I feel my adrenaline pumping through my body in a fight-or-flight response... Such a dangerous person like yourself needs to be monitored until you prove yourself." Ozpin can tell the girl is just scowling at him, bringing him a small measure of delight.

'Making someone like me fear you... Only Salem has ever done it. I need to know if you won't stab me in the back like so many others. Please show me... What truly lies underneath that mask!' Ozpin can tell that she is masking her true intentions, which set off alarms in his mind... He could just be acting paranoid but it always pays to be safe.

Reaper walks away.

'I will be the victor next time Chiggums... I will not lose again!' Ozpin narrows his eyes, and the squirrel glares at Ozpin and stands upright, showing some boxing moves.

'I won't forget this... I will defeat you!' Ozpin goes back to doing his paperwork.


"This is boring..." Reaper speaks to the drunk.

"Not to me." Qrow takes a few small gulps from his flask while they spy on a girl who used to be taking an exam to become a bullhead pilot but has since gone dark and was presumed dead.

'No fucking way...' Reaper narrows her eyes at the girl getting naked. She uses one hand to grab Qrow's skull and snaps his head away from the teen getting nude. and then sees the outfit she put on and blinks out of existence, only to reappear in an alleyway.

"Well, the target has quite the semblance..." Reaper keeps her eyes narrowed.

'If I was only a little over a decade younger...' Qrow shakes his head and sees the dirty look Reaper sends his way. He may not be able to see her face, but he can see Reaper's judgemental eyes.

"I ain't interested in underaged kids, so was that really necessary? I Think you popped all the bones in my neck." Qrow rubs the back of his neck.

"That statement doesn't fill me with any confidence in your character..." Reaper jumps from rooftop to rooftop, following the girl.

'I'm 28 years old and female. It doesn't matter much if I look, but you not understanding that Qrow is very creepy. When will I find a nice person to marry me? Qrow has too much baggage and is not a prime candidate. Ironwood would sooner put a bullet in his brain before even entertaining the idea... Glenda is too old... Everyone else is too young and thus is checked off the list of date material. Raven Branwen? Ehhhhhh... She is only like 8 years older... Maybe if she took better care of herself... But that is clearly a low priority for bandits. Why is this kid going to a downtown area full of thugs and criminals?' Reaper stealthily follows the kid, trying to see what she is planning do to in these parts of the city.

"Oh god... Is she seriously going in to this as a damn vigilante? This ain't a comic book, kid!" Reaper sighs.

"Well, kids have great imaginations... I came to the same conclusion that she wants to dispense a little justice." Qrow stands right next to Reaper.

"Oh god... She has terrible fighting skills... Pretty good for a kid but not the best I've seen coming from a teenager... She doesn't have much variety when she attacks... Too predictable." Qrow chuckles too when he came to the conclusion that this kid is too predictable at the same time as Reaper. They both said, too predictable at the same time.

"Tell me where Crimson is!" The Tracer Knockoff starts punching him and beating him until he gives answers.

"That could've been easier" Reaper speaks up.

"Reaper! You're going down!" Tracer blinks and reappears above Reaper doing an axe kick. Reaper grabs the kids ankle and sends the poor kid flying into a dumpster.

"You want my honest opinion or the lie?" Tracer spits the blood in her mouth and it lands on Reaper's mask.

"I'll give both then... You're a great fighter! It was amazing! Now for the honest opinion... Sloppy predictable and I've seen better from an eight-year-old... Ozpin the headmaster of beacon wants to meet you after we have assessed your character." Reaper has a hand over Knockoff Tracers mouth so that she couldn't speak.

"MMFPRHF!" The kid glares as she tries to speak.

"Sorry I couldn't hear that... What were you trying to say? I'm all ears!" Reaper says while still blocking the kid's mouth. The kid rolls her eyes at the level of childishness from the Mercenary that crippled Atlas's economy.

'This is Reaper? I thought she would be some sort of psycho... Not... whatever this is... She is really annoying though! Wait... We?' Tracer looks to the left when she heard the sound of gulps.

'A drunk that hasn't shaved in years...' Reaper stops, holding her mouth.

"You expect me to believe a mercenary works for the headmaster of beacon? I can see that, but I can't see this hobo ever working an honest job in his life!"

"AHAHAHAHA! Oh man! I like you, kid!" Reaper puts her arm around Tracer's neck and gives a fierce rub that messes up her hairdo with her other arm.

"I hate kids!" Qrow shakes his head.

"Get off me, old lady!" Tracer backs up when she notices the normally outgoing Reaper become silent.

"Old? I'm old? I'm only 28 years old, you little punk!" Reaper commits an assault on a minor by punching the kid. When the kid fell down from the force of the punch, Reaper stomps on Tracer's head, knocking the poor girl unconscious.

"Ouch... She's going to be feeling that for days... Note to self... Don't tell Reaper she's old..." Qrow has an imaginary notebook and pen writing it down and ignores the scathing glare sent his way.

Reaper carries the vigilante like a sack of potatoes and motions to walk away. "Let's bring the little brat to Ozpin... I'm getting paid for pretty much doing nothing... This wasn't difficult at all."

"Of course it was difficult... This was supposed to be a stealth operation, not an assault case..." Qrow chuckles nervously when he senses the killing intent from Reaper.

To be continued.

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