
ch. 4 5 years old

(AN: upload schedule will be varied due to my work hours constantly changing. Also there will be time skips bc I don't have anything really planned for the orphanage due to it only being a temp thing.)

"Silver wake up." A woman with yellow and black hair spoke as she nudged a sleeping boy with bright blond hair.

"Hmm five more hours." The boy now named silver moaned out sleepily.

Sighing in annoyance the woman reached down and grabbed silver by the back of the neck and balled him up before dropping him on the ground. "There we go." She spoke while wearing a smug smirk.

"Dammit woman why'd you do that." Silver yelled up at the woman.

"You wouldn't wake up. I thought maybe your suicidal tendencies finally came to fruition." She stated bluntly

Rolling his eyes silver replied "I'm not suicidal I just want to be healthy."

Raising an eyebrow the woman replied dryly "oh so training yourself till you pass out from exhaustion isn't suicidal. Especially for someone with your condition."

"No because I don't plan on dying yet. Also be realistic Bee no one would adopt a sick kid, so I need to be prepared for when the old hag kicks me out." Silver replied

"Kid it's only been 5 years you still have 12 before she gives you the boot." Bee replied before adding "is there no way to convince you to stop."

"No I either unlock my aura and become a huntsman or I die trying." Silver replied with a sigh.

Groaning the woman spoke more to herself than to silver "what am I going to do with you, I tell you off and you just go and do it again the next night. I lock you in a room and you refuse to eat till I let you out. I lock myself in a room with you and you just annoy me all night till I throw you out."

Smirking silver's eyes lit up'perfect I got her right where I want her.' Silver thought. "you could help train me you know." He stated and seeing the coming rebuke in the older woman's eyes he added "so you can keep and eye on me and make sure I don't overdo it."

Closing her mouth the woman hummed in thought 'hmm that might work this stubborn little shit won't stop till he trains his body up to a point where unlocking his aura won't just straight up kill him or dies trying.' Looking down at the smirking boy she added 'smart little shit led me into a trap.' Letting out a amused sigh she finally spoke "maybe, I'll tell you my answer tonight. Now todays Friday so violets bringing her daughter over."

"Alright so I get to tease my favorite little bunny huh." Silver spoke with a gleam in his eyes.

Snorting in amusement the woman rolled her one hood eye before pushing the boy out the room. Than smirking the woman added "oh I also heard that jade and Jen will be coming later today."

Wincing the boy turned to face the older woman "don't tell me the stalker is back."

Palming her face Bee replied "juniper isn't a stalker silver she and her twins help out at the orphanage."

"Thqn why does her eyes always lock onto me whenever I enter the room." Silver asked already knowing the real answer as to why.

"I don't know maybe she wants to adopt you." Bee replied with a shrug as they exited the room and headed for the dining area.

"Nah with how happy she looks when I chat with the twin tomatoes I doubt it's to adopt me. Maybe pawn me off to one of her daughters." Silver replied with a roll of his eyes

Shaking her head Bee returned "sure in your dreams kid, your five and they're both 12."

"Oh and why would I have two kids in my dream when I can dream about two curvy women like you and violet." Silver replied with a laugh

Smacking the back of his head Bee sighed out "you don't even know what your talking about."

"Oh on the contrary I know plent after all I found Sasha's book collection." Silver replied innocently making the older woman's eye twitch before face palming and asking

"Oh and may I ask what books you found?"

"Sure there was one called ninjas of love, another was just called primal." Silver answered back innocently. 'I hope the second one was based on real facts about faunuses because of it is in definetly finding myself one as a wife' he thought excitedly.

Palming her face bee mumbled "dammit I knew I should have checked that damm vixens room after last time." Than honking silver on the head she stated "don't let that shit corrupt you or I'll beat the pervert outa ya."

Smirking silver just nodded "don't worry I'm still only five my lower regions don't even work yet." Than after a second he went fuck it and bit the bullet. "About the second one is it true, you know what it says about Faunus or is it just erotic bull."

Gaining an eye twitch bee sighed out before replying "since I know you'll just pester violet or Sasha later I'll tell you. Most of its bull but Faunus do have enhanced senses and are more in tune with their instincts."

Humming silver nodded before gaining a more calculating look "so better instincts, enhanced senses, and night vision. Faunus are basically made for battle."

Nodding in approval bee replied "yup also some Faunus have special abilities depending on their personal traits. Like violet is fast, nimble, and has more power in her legs so she can jump higher and farther. Sasha is a fox Faunus with a tail so she has superior agility and balance."

"Damm wish I was born a Faunus those advantages are so useful" silver muttered in disappointment.

Snorting in amusement bee shook her head "only if more people could see Faunus like you do than the world would be a better place."

"Ehh." Silver replied while scratching his cheek bashfully. "Such praise from a beauty like you is too much." Silver spoke out with a nervous chuckle.

Snaking the back of silvers head bee pushed him through a door labeled cafeteria as she replied "I'm old enough to be your mom focus on girls your age."

Pouting playfully silver pointed at the screaming and yelling children within the room replying "ya no thank you I'd rather go after woman who know what they want instead of some little girls who think they're the center of the world."

Rolling her eyes bee pushed silver toward the other kids "go be a five year old while you can. Also come to my room tonight for my answer." She finished before turning around for the door to leave.

Getting a glint in his eyes silver called out "oh your going to invite a young, innocent, and vulnerable child into your room at night. Should I be worried for my chasti~*gah*"

Silver was cut off as a sandle smashed into his face before returning to its owner. "Don't make me change my mind boy." Bee warned as she put her sandle back on and walked out the room.

Chuckling while rubbing his face silver mused inwardly 'ha teasing her is so fun, if only she wasn't 37 already.' Than turning to face the crown of children he cringed 'yay now I gatta deal with a bunch of whiny, bitchy, or moody little shits.'

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