

"Robby. Wake up. School starts today."

Those were the last words I heard my mother say to me before my neighborhood was involved in a terrorist attack. Someone important was living among us, and to confirm the kill, they chose to bomb the place, casualties being necessary sacrifices in their minds.

Sixteen years of life and not once did I think that something like this would happen to me. The only saving grace of this event was that my family was finally reunited. I lost my father at ten years old and my mother has raised me by herself from then on. At times I wondered why she never got remarried even though life was hard on a single mother, but her response converted me into her fan.

She told me that her husband was waiting for her in the afterlife so she was going to join him when it's her time. According to her, the concept of death does them apart didn't exist in their marriage. They will always be together whether it's in life or death.

Truthfully, I would've loved my mom no matter what her decision was. Yes, I admit that I might have resented her, but that never happened. Widows and male equivalents of them are angels in my opinion. They stayed faithful to their partner no matter what separated them.

I'm a weird blend of traditional, change, and strict beliefs. It's probably why nobody likes me.

I hate divorces. Marriage has always been sacred to me and my parents are living proof of confirmation of that for me.

Consummation should only happen after marriage as it is the act of ultimate trust and love between two people. Hence why I respect most of my neighborhood.

People should only love others of their opposite genders. I never meant this in a hateful way even though it comes out in that manner. The potential of humanity has been an interest of mine since I discovered it. What would happen if this person had kids with this one? What would happen if this person had kids with that one? What kind of person will be procreated? What can that person bring to the table? That kind of thing is why I dislike homosexuality as they can not have children. However, while I have a valid reason, in my opinion, many others have hatred for them because they exist. It sounds silly to hate a group of people for that reason. Why waste time on things you hate? Doesn't that seem counterproductive? All that precious time could've been used to learn a skill or do good in the world, but it's squandered instead. I never understood it.

That brings me to another thing I don't comprehend. What's wrong with genders? Why must people change what they are and not appreciate it? Why must people fight each other to obtain rights they should already have? Why do they keep belittling each other or harm one another?

Humanity can do great things had it not been for these unnecessary fights. It's almost like we need a common enemy at this rate to get along.

I could go on forever about my issues with people in general, but sometimes, I had to keep my mouth shut. The phrase 'Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it' was one that I did not believe till recently.

It has been several days since I woke up in a forest on a small island called Patch. According to some locals, I was lucky that during the period I roamed the wild, I wasn't Grimm chow as it is infested with creatures called Beowolves and Ursas. It was unknown as to whether there were other species, but those are the most common.

This was why I preferred to not talk unnecessarily. Who can guess what kind of calamities I can bring by jinxing it?

Anyway, I have been living off of bounties. By planting traps and using sneak attacks, I have captured low-level criminals that became my source of income. Fighting wasn't my forte, but using my brain was. With the money I obtained, I settled in a cheap apartment where I picked up gardening and book writing.

The former had proved to be a huge success in my first month due to my Semblance while the latter is a work in progress. Writing wasn't my forte at all, but I do enjoy my imagination getting a workout.

Oh right. Semblance. Turns out, everyone has a unique ability within them that comes from their soul. Let's backtrack. Aura is the manifestation of the soul and Semblance is its projection into a more tangible form. Semblance being the ability I mentioned before and Aura being the energy pool that Semblances draws from. No Aura available equals no Semblance use. Simple.

Except mine is very peculiar. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm from another world, but I have many components in my semblance. First of all, I named my Semblance, Spirit Weapons. Keyword being weapon with an s at the end to make it plural. Long story short, I have a Semblance that acts like multiple Semblances.

Here's what I mean.

My first Spirit Weapon is Green. Yes, it has a name and no, I did not name it. I actually can't name any of them. Its personality is that of a nature lover. To unlock it, I had to involve myself in nature and like it. I loved gardening as it relieved my stress and Green awakened due to the requirements being met. From what I learned from it, its active ability enhances plant growth and changes it to be independent of good soil, sun, and water.

What a shock that was when I realized how much money I was going to save from this. Green turned my vegetables into pure profit and did it super fast. Vegetables that should've taken two months to grow were ready and ripe in a week. I had both foods on my plate and money in my pocket that day. I was proud of my accomplishments. Though it is funny that every plant I tested this on had the same growth time of one week.

The best part is that I'm not done explaining everything.

I mentioned the active ability. It's safe to say that it has a passive ability. When Green is worn, any plant that I cultivate for one day receives a boost in its quality. Seriously, I ate the best vegetables I have ever eaten in my whole life. It made my conversion from omnivore to herbivore an easy decision. It saved money and it tasted wonderful. Win-win for me.

Though I question if being utterly exhausted was worth it. As much as I wished that there wasn't a cost, there was. My Aura, because I used Green's active and passive ability, has been constantly low. I don't even have the Aura skin defense thing anymore due to it. Green's active has to be used once on any plant for it to be special. It won't absorb Aura from me anymore; small blessing. Although the passive is the one that constantly drains me. Hence why I wear Green when I'm fully recovered.

As it turns out, every one of my Spirit Weapons has this feature of active and passive ability, but not every single one of them works the same way Green's do. Green's passive forces me to have it on my body to activate it while it dries me of Aura. Gemini, on the other hand, has a passive ability that allows me to freak out people without a price.

Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, I love Gemini so much.

You can write a title for me. I'll pick one randomly.

DaoistRWFfUncreators' thoughts
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