
Going home

I woke up to some movement in my fur. I looked at the cave and noticed that the day had passed, and it was morning. I also noticed that Thomas was starting to wake up and the little human I had met the other day. I nudged the two of them to wake up all the way and not stir. I wanted to ask more questions today, or maybe even meet more people. It was a new day for me, and an exciting one at that. I had learned many things yesterday and hope to continue to do that today. Thomas was the first one to wake up. He looked around confused before looking at me and saying.

"Did…did you bring us here?"

"Yes, I did," I said to him.

"Why?" He asked me. I decided to tell him the thoughts I had yesterday on it.

"I did not wish to make more people…fall as I did to you. Not only that, but it would be quite annoying if all the bigger humans attacked me."

"Oh…but why is my sister here, and why are we wrapped up?"

"I met your…sister yesterday when you fell. When I met her, she fell too, so I decided to bring you here. The wrapping thing was because you were both cold last night."

"Thank you," He said to me. I was happy that he said that to me. My kind never said such words to me before; they were never thankful for really anything in this life. They did not care about themselves, about others, about anything. All They wanted to do was to kill, and that was it. Kill and nothing more, nothing less. I was glad to know that humans did more than just that; if not, then I do not know what I would do. I saw that Thomas`s sister was also waking up. When she woke up, she saw her brother staring at her and me looking at her. She looked for a second before screaming. It took Thomas a while to calm her down. He explained to her what happened, how I protected them last night. The little being I learned was name Jocelyn seemed to see me in a new light, which was better for me, so that was good.

I looked at Thomas and was going to say something before he looked at his sister and yelled.

"What are we going to do? Mom is going to kill us. She will never believe what happened, and neither will anyone in the village." Was killing something that humans did to smaller humans?

Jocelyn opened her eyes wide before saying, "You are right brother, what are we going to do?"

I watched them talk to each other, but the whole killing thing I was curious about. Finally, I asked both of them.

"What is a mom? And why would she kill you?" They both looked at me and then at each other. Thomas finally said something after about a minute of silence.

"A mom….is…well…she is something that protects and loves us…she has been watching us since we were little. I say kill, but I mean she will be mad at us. I do not think our mom would ever kill us."

"I see. Would you like me to come with you? To meet this mother of yours."

Thomas seemed happy about that, and so did Jocelyn. The village was some distance away from here and would take some time to get there with the speed that Thomas and Jocelyn walked. Thinking of this, I decided that I would let them on my back; that way, we can get there faster. I looked at both of them, lower myself to the floor, and said.

"Get on my back; I will return you to the…village." They both seemed even happier about that. They climbed on and held to one of my many bones on my back. I made sure that they were ready before I said.

"Here we go!" Running through the forest, we met a couple of Grimm, but I dealt with them with a single cut with my claws. Looking at them made me feel disgusted that we were the same being. We made it back, not enough to fully be in the village but enough for them to walk back without trouble. Thomas seemed a little confused and asked.

"Do you not want to see the village."

"No. I do not think they will like me too much." I said to him

"Okay" He seemed a little upset, and I could feel some negative energy from him. I dropped them off and left.

----------------------(Thomas POV)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Everyone said that Grimm were evil creatures that would attack any human. That was all I heard growing up, but today I met a Grimm that was different. He talked to us and protected us, and even let us ride on his back. I could not help but remember the feeling of riding on his back. We were moving so fast it was crazy. I looked at my sister to see that she had probably the same thought as me. We stay the whole day with a Grimm, and nothing happened to us.

If I told anyone this, then they would call me a liar. The only thing was what was I going to tell mom. She would want us to tell the truth, and my sister and I agreed to do just that. The only problem was if she was going to believe us or not. I looked at my sister and said.

"Well…let us go back home and try to tell this to mom."


We made our way to the village. It was a small village that held a few hunters and huntresses here. Our village was known for the wood and ore that we had here. It was small, but it was home for my sister and me for years. We did have some problems a while ago with Grimm; I wonder if 'he' came with them or something else. I still could not believe it. It felt like a dream talking to that Grimm. If it were not for my sister next to me, I would have thought it was a dream.

We finally got back to the house to hear our mom crying and our dad trying to comfort her. I felt bad for not telling them about what happened yesterday and a little angry at the Grimm. He could at least dropped us off here. My mother had long blonde hair; she had a thin figure with an oval face and brown eyes. She still had her work uniform on from yesterday. Our mom worked as one of the managers for the mine that was here in the village.

"Hi, mom," I said. It was not a moment later that My mother turned her head towards me and stared at my sister and me. Her sadness was replaced with anger. I looked at my sister, and she looked at me, and we both knew what that looked our mom was giving us meant one thing….we were so dead.

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