
New Allies?

Jormun walks through the portal. His presence startles the three people watching the train crash into the wall. The turn around prepared to fight. A man with grey hair launches towards him with a kick. Jormun grabs his ankle and throws him at the tan girl heading towards him with weapons drawn. The third person standing there is a beautiful girl. Her dark hair is over one shoulder. At that moment Jormun decides that she will belong to him. She looks at Jormun with orange eyes glowing in intrigue. The other two stand up and start to attack him. Neo appears and steps in front of Jormun, protecting him from their attacks with her umbrella.

"Oh my..." The woman in the back says. "Strange of you to be protecting someone other than Torchwick, Neo. So who is he?" Neo pulls out her notepad and writes down something. Jormun doesn't see what she writes. He is distracted thinking about this Torchwick person. Memories from the fauna he ate pop into his head. He sees a man with orange hair and a hat. He walks around with a cane.

Neo looks back at him and sees the scary expression on his face. She writes a message that only he can see. "We can talk about him later. I belong to you now." He nods but still has a dark look on his face. "Handsome, you look better when you smile. That dark look doesn't fit your face." The woman with the orange eyes flirts with Jormun. Neo stares her down. Jormun starts laughing at her possessiveness. He pats her head. She smiles, stunning the other three there. Neo always had the straightest face, only smiling in an aggressive fight.

The guy standing there gets impatient. "We've got stuff to do. Let's go." The three of them head off towards the battle in the city. Neo looks up at Jormun. "Are you going to help them?" she asks in her raspy voice. Jormun shakes his head. "I've got no reason to. I'm not against watching." He opens a portal and holds out his hand to the beautiful woman next to him. She takes it and they step through.

On the other side, they appear on top of a tower near the battle. After a few minutes, the three from earlier show up to join the fight. The woman that attracted Jormun's interest looks around and sees them and starts walking to the building they are on. The other two immediately jump into the fight.

Jormun scans the battle and sees the many types of weapons being used. He transforms his scales, copying the weapons he sees. He sees a small girl with a scythe. He tries it out but shakes his head. "Feels a little awkward." He keeps trying out the weapons. He goes back to the scythe and modifies it. He changes it to a halberd. He spins it around a few times before changing it to a battle-ax. He tries it out and modifies it a little more. The final product ends up being a large battle-ax with an extended handle and with a rifle in the handle. He makes two, and when they are in storage, It can wrap around his wrist and be used in that way as well.

The woman finally reaches the top of the tower and joins them. "I never introduced myself early. I am Cinder." Jormun nods his head. "I am Jormun." He says as he watches the battlefield. The train he had been chasing earlier had crashed through a wall, and all the Grimm that had been following it came through the hole it made. There are tons of hunters and huntresses fighting the Grimm. He sees several girls that catch his eyes, including the blonde girl, a fauna with black hair that is hiding her ears in a bow and a bunny girl.

Several Grimm have surrounded one of the girls that had caught his eye. She had white hair and an elegant dress. She was wielding a rapier but seemed to be getting overwhelmed. Jormun pats the head of Neo, who had been holding his arm into her breasts. He didn't want to leave the comfortable feeling, but he wanted to make the impression of a hero on the girl. "I'll be back in a minute." Neo hesitantly lets go of his arm with a pouty face. Cinder laughs at the new expressions she was seeing on the short woman's face. Jormun jumps off the building, freefalling. He lands with a punch into a scorpion Grimm. He runs forward with his axes out. He cuts down several Grimm in the blink of an eye.

The girl is startled, but she regains her composure almost instantly. Jormun gets back to back with her as the remaining Grimm surround them. "Your help is much appreciated. I am Weiss Schnee. Who are you?" She asks bluntly. "You can call me Prince Charming," Jormun says with a wink. He jumps into the battle, quickly killing off many of the Grimm around them. The two fight off the Grimm before Weiss's teammates jump into the fray and quickly finish off the remaining Grimm. Jormun slips away through a portal before anyone else sees him leave.

Weiss looks around for the man that saved her life. When she isn't able to see him, she frowns. The short girl with the scythe walks up to her. "Who was that guy that you were fighting with? And where did he go?" Weiss just humphs and walks away with the girl bugging her. Jormun watches all this from the top of the building. He hears it all with his enhanced hearing.

Cinder who watched the fight from the top of the building found herself very interested in the man. When he came through the portal, she instantly tried to use her body to appeal to him. She got really close to him and pulled his arm in between her breasts. "Would you like to join us? I can give you some very..." She runs a finger down his chest. "appealing incentives. Your power would be welcome within our group." She whispers seductively in his ear.

He looks into her eyes. "How about you become mine? My power would be yours, but your loyalty to me would have to come first." Cinder thinks about it for a minute. She backs away from him."I can't make that promise at this time. But I am willing to work towards that. How about we work together for now? You don't quite have to help us, but I know you've been eyeing those girls. I can help you get close to them. I just need you to fight in the first round of an upcoming tournament."

Jormun nods his head. "Very well." Cinder smiles when she hears this. "Shorty over there will lead you to the base. We'll get you set up from there. Then get you moved into the school." She walks off while waving. The battle was ending and she was going down to meet up with her subordinates. Jormun opens a portal to his treasure room. He pulls Neo in with him.


18+ warning for the next chapter.

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