
Yusra Schnee

Yusra panted heavily as she held her light pink fan with white accents close to her body. She kept the sharp edge pointed at her opponent, Weiss. This was her chance to show her cousin Winter that she was hardworking. And to show Weiss she would earn Winter's respect before her.

"You seem out of breath, Cousin." Weiss said with a sly but small grin. Winter took note and eyed Yusra unimpressed. Yusra glared at Weiss for a second before summoning a white Glyph behind herself.

Yusra launched herself above Weiss then summoned another one while she was up in the air so she could add force to her strike. Weiss was prepared to block, Yusra then grinned. She threw her fan at the left side of Weiss, the white haired teen took noticed and blocked. Yusra summoned Glyphs below Weiss, then turned black pushing Weiss all the way to the right.

Yusra fell to the ground as she caught her fan then threw it once more as Weiss was caught off guard at the attack. Winter was impressed but she remained stoic.

"Not so fast!" Weiss yelled as she changed her Rapier's dust unit to blue. She created an ice wall blocking Yusra's fan. The black haired girl wiped off the sweat that was forming under her bangs. Her long black hair was styled in a hime cut. Her clothing resembled somewhat Japanese culture but with modern touches.

Yusra didn't look like she even resembles a Schnee. Even if she carries the name, acts, or talks, she will never be considered a Schnee. It bothered Yusra for a long time - even now, she hates the way how dark her was compared to Weiss.' She hates the way her eyes are more slanted, how her skin was too light, and her eye color was gray.

All she had to show that she was a Schnee was her Semblance. That's all she had. Not even her weapon - a lousy fan could show she was a Schnee. Didn't matter if she promoted their Dust.

Yusra hated her mother; a lowlife Half-Faunus who died while giving birth to her. Yusra hates the fact she had some sort of animal running through her veins even if she didn't show any traits. She would never be looked as a normal human. Weiss saw her as some animal. Winter didn't say much about what she was.

"That's why I must prove I'm not them." Yusra mumbled to herself as she jumped up to grab her fan that was flying back. Suddenly Weiss came gliding at her pointing her Rapier. Yusra immediately switched to a defensive position. She began breathing heavily as she took in the surroundings. They were in the lower part of the house, even while it was outside Yusra felt all icy and cold.

A small breeze blew past bringing down the leaves. As some brushed pass there was a pink leaf that looked like it came from a Cherry Tree.

"Yusra!" Winter yelled, the black haired girl snapped out of her daydream. Weiss hit Yusra with an ice attack.


Yusra's aura didn't break but was now very low. Winter raised her gloves hand signaling that Weiss won. She glared at Yusra with shameful eyes.

"You were daydreaming mid-battle!" Winter scolded.

"Ah, I'm - I'm sorry..."