
Flashback... (4)

Flashback… (4)

The two criminals follow the girls thinking that they are so vulnerable with no protection that it will be easy to play with them. They are considering playing around with them before having their way. Just the thought of being buried deep in those young girls flesh while they cry helplessly fills them with so much excitement.

Meanwhile, the four girls stop 50 yards away from where they can't see the boys and vice-versa. They take turns to do their business as the other two stands guard. Aisha had already communicated with them about her intuition and how strong it has become which can only mean that danger is close by. Although the other two girls didn't believe in superstition and what Aisha said, they stayed alert.

Two to three minutes in, they felt dread creep in deep into their bones as they heard some rustling sounds and a voice telling them to put down their weapons. They quickly turn their heads towards the sound of the voice only to see two old guys leering at them and in that same second, they knew, absolutely knew that they were dealing with the rapist. They felt their skin crawl and the hairs on their bodies stand on end from pure and paralyzing fear. With shaking hands, the girls immediately raised their guns to point at the men which were, unfortunately, a big mistake as one of the men raises his gun and shoots at the girl closest to him, point blank in the head, instant kill as the other guy yells at the three remaining girls

"I fucking said, put your freaking guns down now, do not make me repeat it again. I can just shoot you now and have my way with your dead bodies, I don't mind.

Aisha and Selana threw away the guns the moment the other girl was killed due to fear and dread. Aisha looks the other girl who fainted due to fear and closes her eyes briefly while telling herself to calm down. She calms down her fear enough to hear the men discussing how it is a shame that one girl is dead and only three are left. They could have shared two on two, but no matter, the three are enough. They spit on the dead girls body before looking over to the other girls expecting to see fear and hear them begging for their lives, only for them to see two girls standing, one shaking so much that it was extremely exciting to them, while the other, the one who looks the youngest just stood there staring at them, albeit with fear in her eyes but they still felt unnerved for some reason. They instantly push aside the feeling thinking it's just a coincidence. They look over to the third girl but find that she fainted.

The man looked at each other only to see the same look of anticipation on each other's face for what's to come and the same creepy grin. They slowly start to walk over to Aisha and Selana.

For Selana, her mind is blank at this moment. She's paralyzed in fear and she lost her courage the moment the partner was killed. It was her first time seeing a real murder, just like the other two in fact so she is completely lost.

The men reach the girls and overpower them instantly as the difference in strength is huge. They drag the girls a bit further as they put away their guns. At this moment, Selana is crying and struggling at the same time. She knows that this is the end…

Aisha could hear Selana's cries. She considers her as a close friend like she does the other three in their group so hearing her cries is tormenting, but she knows that even though she is one of the best in close combat, her strength is weak compared to the two adults. She waits for a chance, she knows she can only survive this by playing dirty.

The other guy slaps Selana into a dead faint as he feels that she is too noisy.

Aisha sees her chance to act at this moment. She's thankful that these guys underestimated them too much that they did not take away their knives. She pretends to stumble down and while the other guy is catching her, she takes out her knife and stabs it deep into his gut while taking his knife and throwing it straight at the other guy's chest, missing his heart by a few inches, enough to immobile him but not enough to instantly kill him.

At this very moment, she has snapped… All you can see is a ten-year-old girl taking out the knife from where she stabbed it in the gut to then repeatedly stab it into the guy's crotch. The guy is dead but she doesn't stop there. She stabs him 5 more times before she stands up with the bloody knife still in her hands.

She looks over at the other guy, who is now filled with fear after what he had just witnessed. The guy is immobilized and bleeding.

He looks over at the girl who is slowly walking towards himself, she is covered in blood and she is smiling.

At this moment, it feels like mount tai is about to descend on him. All that he wishes for at that moment is to bleed out before that mad girl reaches him.

As the girl got closer and closer, the guy could've sworn he saw a scythe in the girl's hand, the type that he's read in books carried around by a reaper to reap souls.

The girl finally got to him and he finds himself whispering the name "REAPER" as the girl raise the knife in the air and with a grin on her face, stabs it towards the guys…..


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