
Eating out...

As they walk out of the building, Aisha asks Brian.

"So, where are we going, the same place we always eat at or a different one?

Brian immediately says" the same place, we're off to Taberu restaurant. You know that restaurant's sukiyaki is the best, the other restaurants cannot compare, and that's what I want to eat and maybe drink some liquor.

"are you sure you are going there just for food?

"Yes, what else would I go there for? Asked Brian, confused.

" Maybe that waitress you are always chatting up, hmm, what's her name again, yes, Eiko, right?" Aisha says.

(=_=) Brian gives Aisha a blank stare, feeling confused at her words.

Aisha chuckles as she continues, " you are always so polite and chummy with her. You like her."

Hearing her say this finally clears his confusion as he immediately refutes, "No way, I am polite and chummy to everyone, not just her, because I am a gentleman.

"not to me, you are not. You are always nagging and oh not so polite. Besides, I saw it on TV, when you talk to a girl like that, it means that you like her." Aisha said while nodding her head, convinced of her theory.

"I do not like her like that, and not everything you see on television is right. Anyways, let's just go, I'm starving." Brian said.

Aisha stares at Brian and isn't at all convinced by what he said. She has read romantic novels and watched movies involving romance and that's why she believes that he likes Eiko, then again, she remembers that not long ago, in the organisation, Brian used to look at a certain someone in a similar manner, with more intensity than he looks at Eiko and that someone was a guy, so, Aisha feels she should do some more research on the subject so she decides to let the matter go for the moment.

" Alright, I am a bit hungry as well." Aisha agrees

"So, you driving or should I?" Quipped Brian.

"Nah, it's only a ten-minute walk so we might as well walk there and do some exercise." replied Aisha.

"ok. Let's do that. Brian Agreed.


Ten minutes later…

Taberu Restaurant...

The waiter saw them as they entered the restaurant so he went to them and took them to their usual table. They are regulars there and are familiar with the boss, hence, the employees became familiar with them as well. As they are walking to their usual table, Brian makes small talk with the waiter, asking him if his boss is ok and all.

Once they are seated at their usual table, the waiter asks them if they are ready to order and Brian immediately nods his head "yes".

He then excitedly gives out his order.

" I will take the sukiyaki, please.

Meanwhile, Aisha looks at the waiter and says, "I will take an omelette, thank you!"

Brian looks at her weirdly and ask " just an omelette, nothing else?"

Aisha replies "hmm".

Brian gazes at her for a moment longer, then he turns back to the waiter and says "that will be all, thank you!"

Aisha and Brian make some random conversations until the waiter comes back with their food. They start eating after receiving the food and thanking the waiter. Five minutes in, Brian orders some booze for them as he says to Aisha.

"you should drink some, you need to loosen up a bit, you are wound so tight tonight."

" I do not feel like drinking." Aisha answered.

Drinking has never really been Aisha's favourite past time, even when she was still in the organization. She drinks if she has to, not because she wants to.

Brian lets out a sigh, stops eating and puts down his chopsticks. He looks directly at Aisha and asks,

"What's wrong with you today, you seem out of sorts?"

"I'm fine, nothing is wrong with me." replies Aisha

"no, really, tell me, what's going on with you?" Brian insists.

Aisha stares at him without saying a word but Brian continues," don't forget that I know you, I know you more than anyone else, we have been friends for a long time. I might not know you completely but I believe I know you enough. Now, tell me what's the matter, you have been like this since morning, what's wrong?"


is a Japanese dish that consists of meat and vegetables and other ingredients cooked in a shallow iron pot mixed with soy sauce, sugar, and mirin (my apologies if I'm wrong) .

Taberu - to eat


I am an amateur author so please forgive for all the grammatical mistakes..

English is not my first language.

Lovelypfpcreators' thoughts
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