
Back Story

Jade River Cullen, a human adopted into a vampire family. She may be pure human, but that never stopped her from trying to keep up with her parents and siblings. This often got her into trouble. She knew she wasn't a vampire, but growing up around them, she couldn't help but feel like one. Perhaps this was the reason why, other than her family's warnings, she never dared to cross the treaty line to La Push, the Quileute Reservation.

It wasn't until Jade met Jacob Black did her mentality start to change. Jacob brought the sun into a life filled by the moon. He brought warmth when all she knew was the cold. He brought out the human in her that she seemed to forget she had. Problem was, her over-protective brothers didn't approve in the slightest. Though of course, they wouldn't, because Jacob was their mortal enemy. A werewolf.

Now Jade really had her hands full. Not only did she have to deal with all the trouble Edward's new girlfriend caused, but she had to keep her vampire family and werewolf friends from killing each other. And when vampires and werewolves collide, all hell breaks loose.

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