
Chapter 2

I gave Hunter directions to my house

once we got to Chatham. The look on

his face changes from a smile to a

frown once he realizes that we are

heading to the welfare part of town.

"I know it's not nice part of town but I didn't really have a choice, I was forced

to leave Hamilton in a hurry and the

only place that I had to go was my

mothers house here." I said defensively.

He looks over at me.

"Sera you did what you had to do to get

out of a bad situation. If you are worried that I'm going to judge you because of where you lived, well you're wrong." He reassured me.

I smiled sheepishly at him.

After driving down King Street for a few minutes, we turned onto William Street across the bridge then turned onto my street. We drove past the city armory,

then the Legion clubhouse. After

passing at home hardware store,

Salvation Army outlet store as well as a

convenience store, and drove over a

set of train tracks I pointed to the third house, telling Hunter to turn into the driveway.



I looked at her as we walked into the

front door of her house.

"My mom can be a little...Talkative sometime so I'm going to apologize in advance." Sera told me. She looked nervous. Like she just wanted to get

the fuck out of this house, with as

little arguing as possible.

"Sera why don't you pack your stuff

from upstairs first. Then we

can deal with your mom, all right."

I asked. She looked relieved. I

smiled at her.

"Okay. I'll just let her know I'm home

for now." She said she popped her

head into the living room. Her mom

started asking her questions, and I

could tell that Sera was starting to get angry. Then her mom open the door

and looked at me.


"Who the fuck are you? And where

is Matt?" She demanded. Sera look

pissed. He's my boyfriend Mom.

His dad is my new boss Matt is at

home already." Sera said through

gritted teeth.

"Well why the fuck is he holding

suitcases? Is he moving in here or something?"Her mom demanded


'Jesus this woman is annoying.' I

thought to myself.

"No mom I'm moving out. Tonight.

And there's nothing you can say

about it." Sera almost yelled at her.

Her mother looked taken aback at


"Where the fuck do you think

you're moving to, at this time of

night young lady?"Her mom argued.

I decided to speak up.


"Well actually ma'am she's moving

into my house as our new lid and

cook my dad hired her today." I

told her mom.

"She is my daughter and you will

get out of this house immediately

or I will phone the police. You Sera

are not allowed to leave. I forbid it."

Her mom threatened.

Sera's eyes went wide. Then she

stood up straighter, and squared

up to her mother.

"No mother he will leave when we

have all my stuff and I'm leaving

whether you like it or not. I'm an

adult and you cannot make me

stay here against my will. I will not

live here and deal with your bullshit,

or Saria's any longer. You are

driving me insane!" Sera yelled

making her mom back down.


"Hhmph Well if you want to be like

that get your stuff and get out

you're no longer welcome in this

house. You are no longer my

daughter and I never want to see

you again!" Her mom stated bluntly.

Making Sera smile viciously.

"Well isn't that perfect. I wasn't

planning on coming back! Turning

she stormed up the stairs and I

followed her. She was being oddly


"Hun are you OK, that was a harsh

fight?" I asked turning her around.

I was shocked to see that she was

smiling. "What are you smiling

about?" I asked.

"I finally get to get away from my

mother!" She cried victoriously

throwing her arms up as if she just got

in her field goal. Laughing I hugged her.

"Darlin as long as you were happy,

then I'm happy for you." I exclaimed.



'I couldn't be happier.' I thought as I

turned and started folding and

packing my clothes only taking the

stuff I actually wanted, I'd let my

sister have the rest.I probably only

had enough clothes to fill one

suitcase but that wasn't including

shoes or coats.

"Jesus Sera, you weren't kidding

when you said you didn't have much!

I thought you were exaggerating!"

Hunter exclaimed looking surprised.

I laughed, and shook my head.

"Well I have a few things downstairs

but not much." I stated matter-of-factly

as I picked up the rest of the clothes

that I wanted from up here. Using my

good life fitness gym bag I packed

up all my books and movies that I

had up here as well as my video

games. I went to put my teddy bear

into the bag when Hunter took it

gently from my hands.


Bringing it so his nose. His eyes

snapped up to mine.

"This teddy bear is old?!"he said inquisitively. I looked at the bear embarrassed. Nodding.

"I've had that bear since I was

five years old, since I was in my

first foster home." I told him,

revealing more of my past." But

that is a topic for another time."

He nodded in agreement.

Taking the bear back I put it into

the bag. Taking a deep breath I

said,"Okay time to go downstairs

to get the rest of it." We had just

gotten down the stairs when I heard

my mom frantically talking to

someone I realized that she was on

the phone with the police, telling

them that some man was trying to

take her daughter. I slammed the

door open.


"Mom what the hell are you doing?

I'm choosing to leave I'm not being

taken. I don't want to live here with

you anymore. And I'm 21 I can go live wherever I want. Stop this

nonsense!" I yelled.

She grinned evilly. "Your too late

the police are one their way right

now. They are going to take him

away! Hahahaha."

"I hate you! Why, mother? Why

are you such and obsessive

conniving spiteful bitch?" I


Then walked past her into her

room and grabbed the rest of my

stuff, not even bothering to fold it.

The last things I had to grab were

my dresses off the back of the

door and the rest of my books and

movies. Packing them into the



I had just gotten them done

up when I heard cars outside.

Hunter grabbed them for me. And

we headed outside.

"Stop right there young man!" The

police officer shouted at Hunter.

I looked at him and told him to wait.

"I'll go talk to them. Explain what's

actually going on." I said as I walked towards the cops. "Miss are you

alright? He hasn't hurt you has he?"

The officer asked worried.

I looked at him like he was crazy.

Trying not to laugh. "Sir this man

is my boyfriend. He would never

hurt me. For the record I am 21.

Also his father just hired

me to work as a live in cook at

their house. That's why I'm leaving.

I'm not being forced to go I

actually want this job." I explained.


He put his gun down. "Wait what

I'm confused? Then why is your

mother saying he's forcing you?"

He asked.

"Hell if I know officer. Maybe

because for once I'm not doing

what she wants me to do.

Because I'm leaving her. Things

aren't going her way so she fucks

with my life." I stated bluntly. He

looked shocked.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure that I'm

the only person in my family who

isn't clinically insane." I say trying

not to laugh. "If you want officer

I can call Hunters father and have

him confirm everything I'm saying?"

I asked. And he nodded. So I called Marshall, explained what was going

on and then handed the phone to the officer. Letting them talk I walked

over to Hunter and helped put the

bags in the car.


I had just turned around when

I suddenly saw my mom running

at Hunter with a large kitchen

knife. Without thinking I jumped

in the way getting stabbed in my

right shoulder.

I pulled my left arm back and

punched her in the face, making

her stumble back. She screamed

in rage and the officer ran up

tossing Hunter my phone while he

pulled out his cuffs.

Grabbing my moms arm he slipped

the cuff on and wrestled with her

for the other one cuffing them

behind her back.

"You have the right to remain silent, everything you say can and will be

used against you in the court of law.

You have the right to an attorney, if

you do not have one, we will provide

you with one! are we clear?" The

officer yelled as he dragged her to

his cruiser. After locking her in he

came back to us.


"Jesus we need to get you to a

hospital, do you mind if I take a

few pictures now though?" The

officer asked and I shook my head.

Nodding he pulled out a camera

taking pictures of the knife in the

front and back. It had gone most of

the way through.

"We will need that knife for evidence

once you get to the hospital. Can

you drive her or do you want an ambulance?" He

asked Hunter.

"I'll take her officer. I'll meet you

there." Hunter replied. And the

officer nodded.

Hunter carefully picked me up and

carried me to the SUV, opened the

door and set me down gently on the

seat, not bothering to put my

seatbelt on for fear that it would

push the knife out.


After getting in the drivers side

Hunter used my phone to call

his father back and tell him what

was going on. And asked if they

would come to the hospital to help

keep me company.I could hear the

twins freaking out in the

background as one of them yelled.

"Dad we will go ahead and meet

them there! Hang in there Sera. We

are on our way!" I couldn't help but

laugh. I winced as the laughing

caused the muscles to shift.

"For fuck sakes why couldn't I just

have a normal family like you do?"

Realizing what I had just said made

me laugh again.

"Ouch, fuck sakes!" Hunter looked

at me worried, while also looking

like he was trying not to laugh. He

hung up the phone and started driving.


"Well, they are your family now

darlin, you might end up changing

your mind in a few days!" He

laughed. And I shook my head.

"Nope anything is better than my

family. Even if they are a pack of

wolves!" I joke, as we pull into the

parking area for the hospital.

Hopping out Hunter comes

around to my side to find me

already out leaning my left shoulder

on the car. Grinning like an idiot at

the bewildered look on his face.

"Hunter can you get my teddy bear please?" I ask and he nods opening

the back door and grabbing him. He

holds on to him though because I

don't want him to get bloody. He

reaches for me like he is going to lift

me up again and I shake my head.

"I can walk, it hurts more when you

carry me because I get bumped

around more." I say bluntly.


His eyes go wide and he nods. Understanding my thought

process. We are almost to the

doors when the twins run up to us.

"Oh my god there's a knife in your shoulder! That's so gross!" Bradley exclaims.

"Oh my god really? I hadn't even

noticed it!" I replied sarcastically.

Brody and Chris laughed. Brad

grinned sheepishly.

We continued into emerge. The

nurse took one look at me and

brought me in at once. Calling out

for another nurse and to have a

surgery room prepped immediately.

"Oh my god you poor thing what happened?" She said looking

back at the boys suspiciously.


"My mom tried to stab Hunter my

mate/ uhh boyfriend with a knife

and I jumped in the way. She didn't

want me to leave and things

weren't going her way." I said

defensively. The twins eyes

snapped to me and then back to

Hunter when I said the word mate.

Hunter met their eyes nodding and

their eyes went wide. They could

barely contain their excitement but

they managed it somehow.

"Oh my god your kidding right.

That's terrible I can't believe a

mother would do that to her own

child!" Nurse Abby exclaimed; her

name tag said Abby; another nurse

ran into the room.

"Um excuse me Abby but there is

an officer out from who says he's

looking for a stab victim. I think he's

looking for her." The young nurse

said. Abby nods.


"Okay I'll be right there. You

Hunter was it? Make sure that

she stays awake, and comfort her

would ya. Instead of standing there

looking like you are about to lose

the love of your life!" She chided

him. And then winked at me as she

left the room. I giggled.

"Oh my god are you really mates

that's so exciting oh my god oh

my god. Dad is gunna be so happy.

Your probably so happy!" Brody

exclaimed in excitement. The nurse

and officer came in to see us all

grinning like idiots.

"Why are you all grinning." Abby

asked. We laughed. I winced.

"We are happy that Sera is part

of our family now!" The twins

replied in unison.

"Awe well isn't that sweet. Are the

two of you engaged?" She asked.


Making Hunter look startled.

"Well. Uh. Not yet. But soon." He stammered.

Abby grinned. "What you haven't

worked up the balls to pop the

question yet?" Hunters face went red

and he sputtered like he didn't know

what to say.

The officer cut in. "How are you

holding up miss?" He asked.

"Okay for now but I would feel a hell of

a lot better if I didn't still have a knife sticking out of my shoulder." I grinned.

"Well I'll be back to talk to you once

you wake up from your surgery."

At that moment an older doctor walked

in with Marshall.

"Well you won't have it in much longer

miss. Hello I'm doctor McFearson, but

you can call me Paul. Now is there any preferences on how we put you out

for the removal of the knife?" He asked



"Well actually yeah. I can't stand

needles so could you put me out with

the gas before you put the needles in

my arm." I ask. Then pout.

"It's too bad that this shirt is covered

in blood and has to get cut off now.

It's my favourite shirt."

Hunter shakes his head at me. And

I grin.

"We will get you another one,

okay love?"he says quietly.

My eyes jump to his. "Really? You

mean that?" I ask. And he nods.

"Okay Sera it's time for you to go

into surgery." Paul said.

The twins gave me a quick hug. And

Hunter kissed me. "We will be with

you the whole time okay love!"he whispered. And I nodded kissing him



They took me to the operating room

as Hunter and his family followed

close behind. They were stopped

outside the door. But I begged them

to let Hunter in. They obliged.

"But only until you are put under

then he has to wait outside and

watch." They told me I nodded as the prepared the gas mask they cut off

my shirt but left my bra on only

pulling the strap down. They pulled

off my shoes and socks setting them

aside for me to put back on later.

"How long do you think that this will

take Paul. Is it going to take a while?" I asked.

"Hopefully not young one. By the

looks of it the knife went right in

between the muscle fibres so I am

pretty sure it didn't cut the muscle too much, I am just hoping that it didn't

hit a large vein. Though by the looks

of how little you bled I'm going to

guess that it likely did not." He replied.


I nod. Thanking him for telling me

and look at Hunter. He looks

worried. I smile at him trying to

reassure him. Tell him that I will be


"Hunter I'm going to me okay. I'm too stubborn to die from this. Don't worry.

I'm not going to leave you. I only just

found you.

I promise okay?" I say. He nodded.

They put the mask over my face and

I could instantly smell the knockout

gas. I looked at Hunter and winked

making him laugh.



'She's so beautiful. Looks like a

princess sleeping.' I thought to

myself. 'I can't wait to bring her

home and complete the blood rites

with her, and then in a few months I

will ask her to marry me. The

wedding will be fit for a princess, a

dream wedding for any girl. She

will have anything she asks for.' I

grinned at the thought squeezing

her hand gently. She stirred slightly mumbling in her sleep. I pulled out

my phone and called my brother Brent.

" Hey bro can you do me a favour and

drive to the mall in London to get Sera

some new clothes." I thought for a

second, then continued.

"She's a size seven in skinny jeans,

a small-medium in leggings as well

as men's sweatpants in medium. Her

shirts are around small-medium as

well. She likes crop tops and hoodies."


"Just grab her a bunch of different

styles and colours of tops and

sweaters same with leggings and sweatpants. With the jeans just get

her the skinny jeans in different

styles and colours too. I'll take her

later to get any undergarments she

needs. I'll pay you back for all of this

later. Okay." I said.

"Bro don't worry about paying me

back. She's my sister now. Tell her

it's a late birthday gift or something!"

Brent replied. And I laughed.

Squeezing Sera's hand again.



The next thing I knew I was waking

up in a hospital bed with a bandage

on my shoulder. Someone squeezed

my left hand, and I look over to see

Hunter grinning at me.

" welcome back to the land of the

living, took you long enough to wake

up! How are you feeling? Any pain?"

He asked.

I smiled. " how long was I out?"

"About three hours. The surgery was

a complete success, they were able

to minimize the damage and scarring."

He replied.

" Well that's a relief. Honestly I'm kinda surprised that it doesn't hurt at all,

they must have me on some pretty

strong painkillers. Every thing feels

kind of fuzzy." I say. I probably have a

stupid ass grin on my face: I think to myself : oh well I'm too happy to give

a shit.


There's a light knock at the door

before the doctor walks in smiling.

He checked my vitals nodding and muttering to himself. Finally he turns

to me.

"Well Sera, it looks like you are all

good to go. But first are two officers

outside who would like to talk to you

about your mother, if you don't mind?"

I nod.

"Sure I'd like to get this done and

over with as soon as possible.

" Do you think they will mind if Hunter

stays with me?" I ask.

The doctor shakes his head. "No I don't think they will mind, I'll send them in. I would like you to come back in a week

from now so I can check your stitches.

I'll have the nurse grab extra bandages,

you should change them once a day."


"You'll be OK if it gets wet, just change

the bandage. I'll be back when the

cops are done to sign the release

forms." He smiled and left the room.

The cop said a few words to him,

then stepped into the room. I noticed

right away that the older one is officer

had been at my mothers house.

"Well you certainly look a lot better

than the last time I saw you Sera! I'm

officer Jim Mclain, but you can just

call me Jimmy. This is my partner

John Gowing. We shook hands. John

held my hand for a little too long

making Hunter growl. I tried not to

laugh at the bewildered look on the

faces of the officers.

Jimmy cleared his throat and continued well " Sera we have a bit of an issue, we can't decide where to place your mother. Any ideas?"

"Honestly Jimmy you should just have her sent to an insane asylum. Put her in a padded cell, she's as likely to stab you as she has to hug you."


" At least this way she will be less of a threat to herself and others." I state

bluntly, making John's mouth pop

open and shock.

"What? She tried to stab my

boyfriend because I'm moving into his families house to be there live in Cook.

And this isn't the first time that she's

pulled bullshit like this, though she

usually doesn't use a knife. Trust me

she deserves much worse." I say

angrily. Jimmy nods, writing this

down in his notepad.

" OK, thank you Sera, I'll give the

court your suggestion. I hope you

have a speedy recovery, Have

yourselves a good day.!" Jimmy said

before they left.

I took a deep breath, relieved that

it was finally over. I turned a Hunter grinning.


"You know you don't have to get so defensive Hunter I'm yours and

yours alone I will never want anyone

else okay?" his jaw dropped and I

could see the relief on his face. He

hit me with a 1000 watt smile and I

could feel my heart stutter.

Grabbing his hand I gently pulled him

into a hug, smiling.

We stayed like that for several

minutes until we were interrupted by

knock at the door. Chuckling we turn

to see his brothers and father at the

door, all grinning. I blushed, grinning

back. Marshall step forward.

"So Sera, I heard that we have a new addition to add to the family!" He

walked forward until he was standing beside me. Placing a hand on my

good shoulder, smiling broadly.


" I'm proud to have such an amazing

person as my first daughter-in-law, welcome to the family Sera!" I could

feel my eyes starting to tear up.

"She's still gonna do the cooking

right?? I don't think we can put up with anymore of Hunters cooking!" Bradley

said with a grimace on his face.

Making everyone but Hunter burst out laughing.

I winced still giggling.

"Of course I will little bro, what else

am I supposed to do, by the sound

of it I really don't want to try Hunters cooking, sorry baby, but you don't

need to pay me for it anymore. You're

my family now. It would feel weird to

except money for something that

normal families do for each other."

There's a soft knock at the door and

we all turn as Brent walks into the

room holding a shopping bag.