
Chapter Eleven

Elena let Jax stay the night and she gave in to her desires. It might not have been as acrobatic as their night in the tent but she had fallen asleep a happy woman. They had woken up, showered together and went down to breakfast together. Dahlia was over the moon to find them at the table and though Elena could tell the older woman wanted to know exactly what changed, she had left them alone.

"What time does your mother arrive?" Jax asked, his hand on her thigh under the table as he ate.

"Around three, I believe," Elena said after swallowing a mouthful of pancakes. "I think she's coming with a few of my brothers, but I'm not sure. I know she definitely won't be alone." She was Luna, afterall. Frankie wouldn't let her travel alone. "After breakfast I'm going to get my things together and she can take that room," she added casually, trying to not make a big deal over her going back to Jax's room. Their room.

Setting his fork down, Jax's ears perked up and a grin tugged on his lips, "If you need any help, just let me know. I'd be happy to put everything back where it belongs."

Elena laughed, "You have meetings today. I'm going to ask Emily if she wants to give me a hand. See how she's been fitting in." Elena hoped Emily's transition into the pack was going much more smoothly than Elena's. Surely not everyone was experiencing so much drama after finding their mate.

Sliding his hand higher up her thigh, Jax pouted, "Meetings can wait, you and I could get much more accomplished together," he promised, leaning over to nuzzle the side of her neck.

"Oh, that's a big fat lie," Elena giggled, ignoring the last of her food and turning to wrap her arms around Jax. "We would get absolutely nothing accomplished and you know it." She could feel her desire quickly building and she wanted nothing more than to give in. Would anyone notice if they had a quickie on the table?

Jax was gently nipping at her mark, pulling her into his lap as he slid his chair farther from the table. "I disagree. I know a few things we could get accomplished together. I can always show you if you don't believe me." One hand was trying to tear at her tight leggings, bringing his other hand up behind her to tangle in her curls. He tugged her hair, tilting her head back. "I can smell you, love. So sweet," his wolf growled.

Elena was panting, rocking her body into his and losing all sense. She barely registered Jax standing up from the chair or even them leaving the dining room. She felt like she had the night her father had interrupted them. Nothing else mattered except Jax. A heavy door closed behind them and she lifted her head from his jaw that she had been kissing and biting. His office. Secluded and alone.

Jax set her down on the edge of the large wooden desk but Elena slid off. She pushed down her leggings and panties, quickly moving to get his pants down. Jax helped strip off as much clothing from the both of them as he could before Elena turned around and bent over the desk. Feet barely touching the floor, Elenea was propped up on her elbows as Jax positioned himself behind her.

It was far from a quickie. Elena and Jax had used nearly every surface in his office, including the large window that overlooked the woods. She was currently curled up in his lap while he sat on the oversized desk chair. His fingers traced over scratch marks on her back. Neither of them had been gentle, unable to keep their wolves at bay. "That was different," he chuckled, kissing her forehead. "Good different."

Elena closed her eyes, unsure of how she was going to move through the rest of the day. "That's how I felt that night in my room. Only this time, we weren't stopped." The deep need for him had been sedated for the time being. She was glad she hadn't been the only one who felt so desperate. Jax lost control just as much, if not more, as she had.

Jax looked at the clock above the door and sighed. A few hours had passed since they disappeared into his office. "Your mother will be here soon. Should I send a few of the maids up to move your things? I'm sure you want to freshen up," he teased lightly, arms sliding around her to hold her tightly. He didn't want to let go, his wolf even more so.

At his words, Elena looked at the clock as well and sat up, "Damn. I didn't think we were really in here for that long!" Though, she should have known. There had been a few knocks at the door now that she thought about it but they had both ignored it. She could only imagine what her hair looked like. Her skin felt itchy where scratches and bites were healing. She looked down at Jax's chest to see it healing as well. "We'll continue tonight or maybe after dinner. Not sure I can wait too long."

Jax helped her get dressed, which did take a little longer than if she had done it herself but it was sweet. He didn't have the time to get himself cleaned up. As Elena walked out, Beta James was standing outside waiting. She gave him a curt nod and headed upstairs. Hopefully, Jax would be able to convince James to get Jessica to take the test.

By the time she showered and got dressed, there were three maids moving her things and Elena had to run outside to meet her mother. Dahlia was already out there, smiling knowingly at her. Elena hugged her mother tightly, not realizing just how much she had missed her until she saw her.

"Oh, my baby girl," Gianna murmured, hugging her just as tightly in return. "Your brothers have already taken off to go see your mate and offer their services to him. And we have an appointment in thirty minutes at the dress shop Dahlia recommended!" Gianna pulled back, looking over her daughter intently. "Something is different," she whispered but then she shrugged. "I haven't seen you in so long, I think that's it!" She smiled and all three of them were ushered into a waiting car.