
Rune king

[Currently on hiatus until I get my life back together] urning 10, Ethan who was considered a genius by everyone, found out that although he had almost infinite mana, he couldn't bond with any element making him unable to use magic. 7 years later and Ethan finally completed his research on a way which will allow him to finally use mana,Runes. Join him on his journey as he discovers the wonders of runes and his rise to the top of the magic world. This is my first novel, so reviews on how i can improve my writing is highly welcomed. Add the book to your library if you like it.

Limelite · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Frey woke up excited, today was her turn for a date and she chose something a little different from 'normal' dates. Before she could get out of bed, she heard a knock on the door.


The person who knocked on the door didn't wait for a reply and directly opened the door, which Frey didn't mind since she expected the person coming in anyway. The person who came in had a tray of delicious looking breakfast in his hand, seeing his face caused Frey to smile.

"Morning beautiful" the man greeted.

That's right, instead of choosing to go out for a date, she chose an entire day of pampering from Ethan. He smiled when he saw her yawning due to just waking up. He placed the food on the bed on a mini breakfast able and started feeding her. Honestly, just like yesterday he was really enjoying this date and he was glad his mom suggested taking his fiancés on a date.

"Hmm, delicious" Frey said enjoying the food.

"I'm glad you like it" Ethan replied proud that she enjoyed his cooking, another reason to thank his mom since she was the one was the one who insisted he learnt cooking.

Seeing her eat like that reminded Ethan of their first meeting. (Here we go again)

---------------10 years ago-----------------

"Get back here you thief!" the apple merchant shouted, he just restocked his apples today and went inside because he forgot his money bag. He came outside in a jolly mood prepared for today's sale only to find a dirty looking demi-human confidently putting his apples inside a bag, the thief started running when he noticed the merchant and that's how this chase started.

Ethan came to the market with James since he wanted to go for a walk, that's when he bumped into fox-girl holding a bag but she ignored him and continued running behind her was the out-of-breath merchant. 

"What's the matter Mark?" he stopped the merchant and asked, because he regularly buys apple from him, he was familiar with Mark (the merchant).

"Haa…haa, master Ethan, that little thief stole my apples" Mark replied trying to catch his breath.

"How much was it?" he asked.

"Master Ethan y-you don't have to" Mark said.

"It's fine since you won't be able to catch the thief anyway" he said giving two gold coins to the merchant.

"T-t-this is too much" Mark said trying to reject the coins.

"Just take it and in turn you'll save me the tastiest apple everyday" Ethan said with a smile.

"Thank you master Ethan" the merchant gave up, took the coins and returned to his stall.

"Now then, we've got a thief to catch" he said to James after the merchant was far enough.

Ethan already knew how her mana felt, so it was very easy tracking her which led to an alley. (What's up with the girls and alleys, am I right?)

"You know, stealing's not nice" he said to the fox girl who was busy eating the apples greedily.

 She started growling when she noticed Ethan. Strangely she couldn't sense him although he was standing in front of her, rather than not sensing him it was more like his mana was no different from the one in the environment it was like his entire body was made of mana.

"Calm down, I'm not here to take your food" he said which didn't help in calming her down so he went for plan B.

"How about you come with me and you'll get more food" he tempted this time it looked like it worked since she stopped growling at him and started looking at him with less hostility.

"Let's start over, my name is Ethan, what's yours?" he asked.

"Frey" the fox-girl replied.

"Frey where are your parents?" he asked wanting to see if he could help.

"Dead" she simply said, which silenced Ethan for a few seconds.

"Do you want to come with me?" he offered again.

"Do you have meat?" she asked which caused Ethan to laugh.

"Yes, we do" Ethan smiled thinking that the little fox had no sense of danger.

Frey followed Ethan home where she had the most food she's ever had since her parents died thanks to Ethan's mom who liked her instantly.

-----------------Present day----------------------

Ethan watched her finish the food in a few minutes and smiled, maybe he approached her because of how unique her mana felt but now he can't imagine losing her, or any of them actually.

"C'mon, let's go and take a bath" he said when he finished feeding her.

"Help me" she replied opening her arms towards him, motioning him to pick her up to which he obliged, picking her up.

He took her to the massive bathroom and helped her out of her sleeping clothes, by how quickly he did it and by the lack of embarrassment from both of them can prove they had done this before.

Ethan helped her wash and dress. Although they've done this before, it was harder each time to keep thinking innocent thoughts especially since she had developed in all the right places.

"So, what should we do next?" Ethan asked trying to not think about it.

"Cuddle till lunch" she excitedly said, quickly returning to bed. Ethan could only sigh and join her.

Maybe it was because they were enjoying each other's body but they quickly went back to sleep till a maid knocked on the door, informing them it was lunch time.

Ethan proceeded to carry her to the kitchen, placed her on a counter and then put on an apron since he'll be the one cooking their lunch today. A few sizzling, frying and steaming later the food was ready, he really outdid himself just to impress the little fox.

"That was really delicious" she commented when she finished eating.

"How about giving me a reward?" he teased, looking forward to what she might come up with.

"A reward? Oh, I know" she got up, walked towards him and before he could react, he was suddenly kissed (again). This time, it wasn't a short one but a long, sweet one which gave him enough time to return the kiss.

"I have something for you" he said after they broke the kiss, handing her a small gift box.

She quickly opened the box to find a beautiful silver chain lying inside.

"I like it, thank you sooo much Ethan" she said giving him a hug.

 "It's not done yet, try saying 'description'" he said, which she quickly did.

[Name: Communication chain] 

[Functions: Allow communication to people whose mana signature are saved in the chain]

[Special: Allows user to teleport to a target whose mana signature is saved, once a day]

[Bound to Frey Goldsworth] (doesn't really have a last name since she can't remember what it was, so she just goes by that).

"I like it even more, I love you Ethan!" she declared which stunned him since the confession really caught him off-guard but he just smiled and replied back "I love you too, Frey".

They spent the rest of the day cuddling since Frey hadn't had enough of Ethan's scent.