
Small Interlude

Onyx slowly watched as Rarity packed her various bags so she could head on a camping trip with the crusaders and looked confused because this was not something he could profoundly change, and he really has no reason to do. He used his magic to help Rarity pick out her various pieces that she was looking for around the room. She was slowly gathering up her various things when she spoke up in slightly out of breath. "So what are you and Pinkie going to be doing while we are camping, Onyx."

Onyx only hummed as he thought about what he was going to be doing for the few days they were going to be gone. He was going to be meeting his tutor about the various things he would have to be learning. He and Pinkie were also going out to eat as much as he wants to go with them, he has things to do. "Meeting my so-called tutor on royal manners so I can have my coronation soon as well as going on a date with Pinkie, and I am having my first date with Twilight."

Rarity could not help the snicker that escaped her because this was not something that Onyx was excited to do because he sees it as a waste of his time. When she looked at him in thought, she got a devious idea so he would be thinking about her. She spoke in a sultry tone of voice. "I need your thoughts about something Onyx, my dear."

Onyx looked at her, confused because he had not heard her tone of voice because he was thinking about who his tutor would be. Before he remembered that, he did not know any people in the spot, nor did he know anyone from the show who could do it. When he had finished looking up, he spotted Rarity in a sling bikini who was smiling at him impishly. Her tone was full of teasing and letting him know that she would not really wear it. "What do you think, Onyx? Too much."

Onyx slowly stood up and walked towards her, which made her wiggle nervously and look up at him. He slowly ran his hands up and down her body and let loose a growl at her. His tone was full of want and need. "I like a lot for private time, but if you ever think about showing this to anyone, I do not think I will be happy with you."

Rarity let out a cute giggle because Onyx was slowly tickling her side as well as groping her body. She slowly leaned up and pulled him into a kiss and jumped when she felt his hands grab her butt and carry her while kissing. She spoke slightly breathy and looked down into his eyes. "I have to keep getting ready if I am going to make it on time for the camping trip."

Onyx let out a low growl before nipping her neck and slowly setting her down so she could get back to getting ready. He slowly looked her over and spoke with a husky tone of voice. "Anything else you want me to look over before you head off on your camping trip, Darling."

Rarity smiled and slowly pushed him back and pointed to her doorway. Onyx sighed and slapped her but before making his way out of the room, and could not help but admit that as long as that was never showed to anyone else. He loved that bikini and could not help the smile that spread on his face.

---Time Skip One Week---

Onyx looked at Rarity, who was giggling with her sister, and could not help but admit that the camping trip was probably really good for them. He hummed while he was interested in what had happened on the trip, he could not help but feel that he really did not need to know, and he wanted to allow them their privacy. As he slowly stood up to give them some privacy, he was surprised that he was pulled by Rarity into a booth with her and her sister. She spoke up excited beyond belief for some reason. "You need to tell me everything about your date with Twilight Onyx."

Sweetie smiled with eyes just as shiny as Rarity's because this was their first date, the crusaders had already gotten Applejacks and Raritys along with Pinkie when they had asked her. Sweetie acknowledges that they probably could get it out of Spike if they had asked, but this was so much better. Rarity rubbed her head while looking at Onyx, extremely curious. Onyx sighed and slowly opened his mouth, describing the date.


As Onyx walked up to the library, and could not help his excitement at the fact that he was finally able to have that first date that he and Twilight had been waiting for. When he knocked on her door, he could not help but be excited at the fact that he was taking her to look at the stars. He knew she was interested in the stars for a while now, and it seemed like the perfect date for her so she could continue looking like she wanted.

Spike had opened the door and took Onyx inside, and looked at the stairs where Twilight was walking down the steps smiling. She was wearing a thick skirt and turtle neck jacket that was hiding herself. She greeted Onyx with a smile and looked him up and down. Onyx was wearing some thick warm clothes as well because he honestly did not think anything was going to happen tonight. He slowly offered his arm to her while he held the picnic basket. She slowly took his arm and smile at Spike and let him know they would be back late because of the stars. Spike only waved them off so he could lay back down and fall asleep.

When they left the apartments, they talked about the various stars they would be attempting to look at. Onyx could only smile as he listened to her chatter excitedly about the various things that they would be looking at tonight. Twilight, thought, was honestly just extremely happy that she finally got her first Date with Onyx because it kept getting pushed back by the princess and things her friends needed help with. When they had reached the hill, Onyx had brought out the telescope so they could look at what they wanted to and set up the food while Twilight brought out a book she had brought.

---Time Skip few hours---

Onyx slowly walked her home and could not help but worry about the cloud that was slowly appearing before admitting that it was probably not going to rain on them. Twilight thought, was just happy that they could get through half of the book without any problems whatsoever. As they had reached about halfway to her house, it had started raining on them. Onyx looked up in surprise because this was honestly not that bad. He spoke up in worry. "Let's get you home, Twilight, so you do not get sick."

Twilight only nodded her head, pulled Onyx along to the house, and was not surprised that the lights were off because Spike must have been asleep. She slowly looked at the rain clouds before deciding something and pulling Onyx inside. She spoke sternly. "You can stay the night here and get out of those wet clothes, alright."

Onyx only nodded his head and was surprised when he was taken to a get bedroom with a shower. As he slowly got undressed, he was surprised to hear the door open, and there stood Twilight holding what appeared to be a massive robe that was going to fit him. He looked at her teasingly and was about to open his mouth when Twilight pushed the robe into his hands and bolted. "Still got it."

---Flashback Over---

Rarity could not help but sigh about how the date went and the fact that he had to stay at her place so he could get clean and ready for the next day. Sweetie let out a dreamy sigh because she is already picturing her first date and hoping it goes as well as Onyx's herds have been going. Rarity looked down at her sister and giggled. "Well, that sounded like it went much better than Applejacks went."

Onyx could not help the grimace that escaped him when he remembered how his first date had gone with Applejack.

---Time Skip---

Onyx and Comet were sitting off to the side, just enjoying themselves while watching the girls fret over Rainbow's letter arriving to allow her into the wonder bolt academy. Onyx looked over Comet and could not help but admit that he was looking much better rested than when they had immediately come back from the Wedding and the Crystal Empire. Onyx decided that he had to know what was going on with Comet because he had been seeing him less and less because of the tutoring. "Are you alright, Comet?"

Comet looked at Rainbow and Fluttershy and could not help the grimace that was slowly escaping him. He spoke, sounding highly annoyed by something or someone, which was a surprise for Onyx. "Just peachy Onyx, just thinking about a few things."

Onyx could only nod his head before wondering about something and realizing that Comet has next to no combat training or anything like that. Rainbow keeps running into dangerous situations and telling Comet all the things he is missing. The fact that the women he likes is getting into even deadlier situations. When the mail pony started flying down and delivered the letter, the girls gathered together really excited.

While this was going on, Onyx could only partially remember this episode because it was not really crucial to the show. He recalled that the wonder bolt academy was shaping young fliers into deviant behavior or something like that. Rainbow slowly read the letter, not giving up the ghost that she had gotten in already. Onyx wondered what Rainbow did in the show and what his presence had changed before shaking his head and sighing because there was literally nothing he could do in the episode.

As Rainbow gathered her bags, she looked at Pinkie and pulled into a group hug, leaving Comet and her alone. Onyx watched as they talked about various things before Pinkie pulled out a megaphone. Rainbow was going and screamed out for her not to forget to write. The rest of the group could only shake their heads.

Onyx slowly stood up and sighed because he had another lesson with the most boring pony he now knows. His etiquette tutor.

Next chapter