1 A rundown

So to avoid all the (been there, done that) I will summarize what happened to our Mc Jason Beck

He has always loved museums since he was a wee lad.... one of the exhibits featured an old lamp and other gilded artifacts from the ancient to early medieval Middle East.

Jason is mesmerized by the ornate oil lamp in center of the exhibit. The tour guide only gave minute details about it yet said it was at one time in possession by ottoman royalty. The epitaph read as such- zundaar's lamp. Ornate lamp from 700 BC.

He could feel like his body was frozen and his limbs were vibrating. A feeling best described when your hands and feet fall asleep. Jason didn't know if he should be full of terror. Yet in the back of his mind he was actually at ease. Something was putting him at ease... but what?

"You poor young mortal...the last man who was deemed worthy was some 18 year old brat more then a century ago....hmmm count yourself a fortunate one then boy" a voice said with a bone chilling echo. The voice was like within Jason's very own head.

He was truly paralyzed. Logically anyone would assume a dream or a mental disorder. Nope our Mc was elated and curious.


....as soon as Jason uttered a syllable. The room went completely black. Like a void consumed his surroundings. He then spoke up once more "what is all this huh?!" he paused before speaking further. The voice interrupted like this. "Ha like you don't know at the moment I'm reading your memories. Huh so the year is truly 2018?....how quaint."

"Ya it is...but answer me please" Jason pleaded

With a greedy looking grin he answered "Well you see young man I'm the Mighty Jinn Zundaar the colorful...be a bit happier won't ya?, details aside you get 3 wishes... would you like to hear the rules?"

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