
Chapter 1

  Rain poured down to the grass like fragile glass shattering on impact. The moon shined brighter surrounded by all the tall pine trees. A pair of violet sapphire eyes stare up in the distance alone.

 He lay sprawled out on the soft grass. Blood continues to seep through his fingers while trying to stop the bleeding. Blood and dirt mixed together creating a stinging sensation on the fresh wounds. Blood slowly seeped inside his left eye stinging it and disrupting its vision.

 He was in so much pain. He couldn't even move without being in agonizing pain. He could feel all his bones that have been broken move. It was so agonizing. He coughed and coughed until blood seeped through his mouth. He could feel the broken ribs stab his lungs. It was getting hard to breathe. He wonders why this had to happen to him.

 "In this cruel world, no Esper survives alone. Many have tried but failed miserably. They either join the military to be saved but it's not guaranteed that they'll get accepted "

 "Or they get hunted down by an unknown mafia organization that wants to exterminate them all. No matter if you're rich, poor, a child, or a woman. "

"I- I guess not even I can make it out alive. I was a fool if I ever thought I would. If...only I-I didn't find out everything would've been okay..... "

 He feels his eyes water. "No! I can't cry I still have so much to live for". He feels the tears slip down his cheeks. He felt a sob trying to break through. "There's no way imma survive". He finally came to the realization that he was not going to survive.

He let the sob breakthrough he sobbed and sobbed like he had no care in the world. All of a sudden He feels his vision getting blurry the world around him starts getting darker.

 He thought he heard someone calling his name. But it's probably just his imagination the blood is probably getting to his head already. "I-I guess this is the e-end....." He finally let the darkness consume him.

3 months earlier


It was a very gloomy morning. The Clouds hide the sun from sight. Fog covering the forest's floors. The rain hits gently against the window. Birds chirping from the cold, wanting warmth.

 I lay there on my king-size bed debating whether I should get up or continue to be lazy. "ughhh I don't feel like getting up." "I would be wasting too much energy." I looked up to the ceiling of the wide room and sighed.

 I got up from where I laid, went over to the balcony window, and opened it wide. I stood there in silence for a moment. I sighed and took a deep breath, inhaling that frosty morning air. Raindrops land on my face. "That feels so much better." Finally having the motivation I walked away from the balcony towards my walk-in closet.

"Hmm, what should I wear?" I rummaged through my clothes. "Hmmm, I can't seem to find anything." Funny huh that I can't seem to find anything. I literally have a walk-in closet with millions of clothes in it.

"Haha, here it is." Holding up a red sweater with a rose on the right side. "I haven't seen this sweater since that one Christmas party." " Which was like 5 years ago." I laughed

 I picked a simple pair of gray cargo pants, a simple black shirt, and white Air Force 1s shoes. I look at myself in the mirror. "Hmm good enough." "Wait there's something wrong," I looked up and saw that my hair was a mess. I run my hands through my golden honey looking hair. I got most of my mom's genes and one little streak of raven black hair which was most likely from my Father's genes.

 I went to the elevator and waited for it to open so I could go in. I pressed the second button for the second floor. I'm on the third floor and I ain't gonna walk down the stairs for that. Over my dead body am I going to walk down those stairs unless I'm getting chased by a serial killer which is never gonna happen.

 The elevator door opened, I walked out to where the dining room is. I opened the door and was greeted by my butler Wintergreen.

"Mr. Blackwood, how was your morning" "It was great Wintergreen and haven't I told you like a million times to call me Slade." I glanced up at him. "But sir I think that would be inappropriate" I looked at Wintergreen. I guess I should just give up on trying to make him call me by my name.

" Sooo Wintergreen, what's for breakfast?" Wintergreen looked at him and answered

"Sir, we'll be having French toast with a side of strawberries." I'm already drooling, I haven't eaten in hours. "Mmh sounds good I guess." I smiled at him. French toast has always been my favorite.

"Hey Wintergreen, do you know if my father will have breakfast with me?" I glanced up from my breakfast. "Yes sir, your father informed me that he won't be coming to have breakfast with you this morning."

"He does this all the time." I mumbled. "I haven't had breakfast with him in almost over a week." I glanced at my breakfast sadly. "Sir your father also informed me he will be coming home tonight."

 My eyes lighten up. "Really!?" Now that boosted my mood up from being a lost sad puppy to a child that just got what it wanted.

I can't wait to see my father. I haven't seen him in almost over a week.

Time skip

"Ughhh I'm so physically and mentally exhausted." I laid my head on top of my desk. I don't know how to solve these problems. Who the hell gives a fourteen-year-old chemistry problems to solve. This tutor must think I'm a genius. There's no way I can get out if I don't finish this. "Maybe I should just run away." I'm debating whether I should. I guess that's the only option.

 Okay, I got to stop being such a drama queen well in this case it's drama king. Maybe I should just call Father to give me some free time. *ring* *ring* "Hmm what's that" I feel the vibration from inside my desk. When did I put my phone there? I looked at my phone to see who was calling. "Father!?" I had a look of surprise.

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