
Deep Sea Knowledge

A mergeneral's daughter, Y/N, was taught about the life of humans and how to fit in.


8 year old Y/N

You looked up to your father's eyes, "Father, I'll bring honor to you as I become a black horse, the youngest mermaid to go to the human world and be rich with power!"


15 year old Y/N

You bowed towards your followers, "I, Y/N, as senior mergaurd captain, I will bring you all an honor and help the merfolks when im above!"


Even though you are 15 and is suppose to be in love or daydreaming, you had actually skipped many grades because of your high IQ, (intellegance..smart brain..)

Your IQ is above 300, better than a normal person's brain. people are normally around 60-100 IQ.

Your IQ is 380, you have become a prodigy and made your mergeneral house proud, you have to separate from them and start your life in the human world.

"Y/N, as your father, I cannot come with you." your dad sighed worriedly as you are going far away. "Use your knowledge from the information taught by the school." Your dad reminds you before leaving.


Mermaids became smarting in the 21 century and knows human stuff, starting from houses, money, clothes, food,makeup, ect. You learn colors and everything a normal human does.

You swim up after taking the human potion, the potion allows you to touch water when in human form without becoming a mermaid. When you drink the potion, the potion leaves a mark on your face or becomes an item. You just need to do a special spell, the creation spell. The creation spell is very easy to learn and remember, you just need to chant, 'Become the one who swims and lose the one who walks.'

You could erase any part of a person's memory if you kiss them, you could also not succeed and get an awkward scilence. Sometimes people with more aura, power or strength could still remember the kiss. No kiss = no risk.

You reach land, a beautiful beach. You took the undergarments from your storage pouch and wore it. You also wore the clothes your father had given you + some other accessories.

In the bag was many money and a paper of an address.

'Busan, Yao Yao 112'

You read the address and then you started walking towards the city.



JK Pov.

"Jungkook! Was this just a one night stand?!?!" A girl yelled as she sat up. I sighed, "I'm sorry, I was drunk, here's the money. I took my $1000 dollar stack in my jacket and threw it at her laps. "Jungkook!" "JUNGKOOK!!!!!!!"

I walk out of the hotel and went in my car. I was driving past the ocean when..I saw a very beautiful maiden. Her monolid eyes and her beautiful tomboyish clothes that made her look charming and cute. Her silky looking hair and her...her face looked so charming and beautiful. I unknowingly stopped the car just to see her walk closer towards my car. She knocked on my car door window, her slightly bended body was so beautiful. I opened by car window, first thing I saw was her soft silky looking hair, I gulped.

"Excuse me, sir?" her voice is so beautiful, so sweet.. "Yes?" I said smiling. 'Oh No! She might think I am lusting after her cherry!' "Are you busy?" My back unknowingly got cold sweat. "Not at all!" I said while smiling cutely. 'She wouldn't think I was a little bunny, right?' "Can I hike a ride to Busan, Yao Yao 112?" I felt my body was in heaven. "Of Course!" I unlocked the door so she could get to the passenger seat.

I drove to the address and saw a big mansion.' HOLY SHIZZ! It's so much bigger than mine!' I saw her gasp. Her glossy lips made me want to kiss it so bad!


I turned around to face the nice boy, "Thank you for the ride, I owe you one." I smiled as I walked off and into the house.

I turned on the lights by clapping twice. YES! MY DREAM HUMAN BED AND HOUSE! Although it is a bit smaller, it could pass. If others heard your words, they would question their parents for months.

You laid on your back as you played with your phone. (Yes, we are not those stupid brainless mermaids from the 19th century.) You were not actually playing on your phone, rather setting your phone up. You charged your phone after it had warned you about your 20% low battery.

You stood up and checked the refrigerator, all foods you liked were there. Macaroons, chicken skewers, milk for cereal, fresh strawberries, soda (consist of cola and sprite), Milk shake ingredients, and food ingredients of most kinds that could make anything. You can't even believe that the food could fit in there.

You cooked chicken skewers for dinner and took out a cola.


You tap your full belly while smiling, glad to have come here. You took a shower after waiting for some minutes. Your wet hair was resting on the towel robe you wore, your red lips look sweet as honey and kissable. Your skin wasn't pale but more milky that it did last time. You registered yourself to school and went out to buy some stylish clothes and makeup.


JK pov

I drove my car back, coincidentally, my house was just next to her. AMAZING, RIGHT?!?!?

I parked my car in my garage and headed upstairs, to the living room. I went inside the house, BOOM! I hear an explosion in the kitchen. Hurried, I rushed to the kitchen to see...NAMJOON and JIN!! "Oh Man Holy Shit!"

"Jin hyung, what're you both doing in the kitchen with those pink cupcake aprons on?!?" I screamed as my eyes widened. "I was teaching Namjoon how to cut onions while I was baking a cake." Jin said as he shook his head, "I was teaching him and forgot the cake in the oven...." I looked at Namjoon to see his mouth open and blank expression. "Ugh! Why're you even teaching Namjoon hyung?"



(Suga was the gym coach while Jin became the cooking teacher)

JK: 15

Y/N: 15

Jimin + V: 17

Namjoon: 18

J-Hope: 19

Suga and Jin: 20


If you search BTS member's ages, Jhope is older while Namjoon is younger.

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