Delilah Frost uncharmed by the suitors that her father had fancied for her tends not to care about the young gentlemen from whom she had to pick from. Giving up the idea of true love and a man who loves her for who she is rather than for crown and kingdom goes to a ball and meets a handsome charming man Eric Corrigan is he the man Delilah had longed for was he a friend for a foe???
I was enjoying the comfort of my duvet; the warmth hugged my skin so lightly. I was sleeping so peacefully when Madam Beryl came into my room. '' Good morning, Your Highness," she said in her very cheerful voice.
''I groaned, telling her that I was still very sleepy.' Madam Beryl has been caring for me since I was a day old. My mother died when she gave birth to me. Madam Beryl has been the sweetest thing to me; she is well respected in our castle and is my one and only friend. ''Come on, princess, it's time to wake up. Your father has called you for breakfast."
She said this while pulling away the curtains and letting the sunshine in, which hit my face. ''' I sat up straight and said, "Good morning." I rubbed my eyes, so who is it today, a duke? An old friend?'' Beryl let out a laugh. ''A duke." 'This is the 7th man this month. I can't keep living like this. I don't want to choose the man I marry. I want to find my one true love," I said while getting up from my bed. 'I know your grace, but these are the orders of our king," she said with a sad smile. ' Three maids came into my room, and they helped me get dressed.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel trapped by the expectations placed upon me. I longed for a genuine love, not one dictated by politics and power.
One brushed my hair. The other two helped me get dressed, and I made my way to the dining hall.' As I was walking down the hall, a lot of thoughts struck my head. I take a deep breath and enter the dining hall.
''I go inside as two guards announce that Princess Delilah Frost is coming in."'' I bow down and smile as I see my father after a long while. Good morning, father. I said a bit too cheerfully, then my eyes lay on a man about in his mid-30s, looking fairly good but still not my type. '''Delilah, my dear daughter, met Lord Benjamin, a potential suitor for you,'' my father introduced. Lord Benjamin bowed politely, and I forced a smile, knowing this meeting was more about politics than my happiness.
My father says it in a calm tone, and I look at him with a look he has seen many times, almost every time he brings a suitor. '''' Sure, I smiled, bowed a little, and sat down on a chair next to my father, facing my father. '''
' You very beautiful princess—I must say the finest one in the country,'' he says with a grin on his face. I try to hide the fact that I am disgusted by that compliment because I've heard it a million times from every man whom my father wants me to meet.
''Oh, that's very sweet of you to say, sire, I say politely. "Oh, please call me Benjamin Ben for short, princess''. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. I look at my father and take a deep breath again.
' The servants serve us breakfast, and I am eating slowly, trying my best to get this meeting over with. ' ' So tell me, princess, what are your hobbies? Do you only like ball gowns and stuff?" He says this while stuffing his face with food. I doubt that he is a duke anywhere. As I try to think of a response, I realize that this meeting may not be as pleasant as I had hoped. Despite his casual demeanour, there is something about Benjamin that makes me uneasy.
I reply, Well, Mr. Benjamin, I enjoy a lot of things. Horse riding being my favourite one, I was thinking when he was about to ask, "Gosh, boys are so dumb sometimes." '' Your Highness I'm a bit busy this afternoon, you know, and I would like to take my leave now. It was nice meeting you, Princess, and I hope to see you again.
''Guards, will you please escort him out gently?" My father says it in a soft tone. After the guards take him out, I take a deep breath again, and after a while, my father looks at me and says, ''I think you don't like him one bit, am I right?'
''Well, yes, you are right, Father. I think I can find a suitor myself; these meetings are not helping me find the one, and besides, I'm not in a rush; I'll find him when I am meant to."'Just then, Madam Beryl came in and said, Your Highness, this just came in the mail. It's an invitation to the winter solstice ball. I take the invitation from Madam Beryl's hands and smile, feeling a spark of excitement at the thought of attending the ball. My father chuckles and says, "Well, perhaps you'll find your suitor there instead."