
Meeting Baron Bob

Bob's residence looked a bit better than the hobbles on the way to his domain he presides over a small hamlet. The hamlet, so charmingly named Bobington had very few people outside, and none without purpose, as the snow was brutal. Every house was larger but less luxurious than those in the capital. The barons house was only a little larger, but had better insulation and seemed to have a few tools the other houses didn't.

When I arrived at his house my attendant knocked on the door and a one armed man came out. "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Sir... no Baron Bob Braveheart," he said expediently. Looking at Bob, he seemed muscular, but his left arm was a bandaged stump, and seemed a little thinner than his right. I introduce myself, "I am prince Ryan, nice to meet you," to which he replies "I would certainly hope so. Now than, your mother has instructed me to give you some practical knowledge, so I will have you help in the hamlet every morning till noon, than in the afternoon I will instruct you on what you saw and did. It is important that you do not leave the hamlet because bandits have been about lately. Otherwise your evenings are free. Now let me show you your house."

The one armed baron brings me to a house like all the others, but just a bit worse for wear. "Here is where you will be staying. This house was recently vacated. It used to belong to someone, but not for a few years. I never met the previous occupant." He said. The baron continues "If you need any materials to repair the house let me know, I can arrange it for you." I say "Thank you, I will let you know if I need anything. for now I should get settled in." I head inside and unpack. I have a feeling that I will become all too familiar with the mistakes I made in packing, but for now I unpack, make my bed, and request some blankets from the baron. After 15 minutes I have some blankets to use. The bed is still serviceable, so I don't need much more.

Seeing as how I still have time left I practice the Rulers Formula, discovering yet more progress to the movements, but I think it's missing something. After that I practice multiplication, check my answers in the book, and then read for a bit. I then go to sleep.

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