
Learning The Basics(1)

"You will address me as Master Tophson or just master. Now before we start with your capabilities do you know anything about the continent your on and it's politics."

Shadow grimaced as the pain was still felt in his stomach. He wanted to scream out he knew he had broken a rib, but he was scared his master would hit him again. "No not really most don't speak to me and when they do it's to ridicule me. I only know what most know after hearing what's said around the palace. That we are the best and no one can beat us."

"You aren't wrong but you aren't right. We are definitely the only empire on the continent. We control about 35 percent of it and have one the most strongest armies."

"If that's true why don't we take over all the smaller kingdoms even ju"

He couldn't even finish his sentence before seeing the sky, as his feet were swept up and feeling a crunching blow to his abdomen from his master's foot.

"What did I say moron, call me master Tophson or just master. Either way the next time you make a mistake I will crush both of your legs. Now to answer your question I'll have to divert from it. Do you know anything bout power levels for mages and fighters."

"No master Tophson, I'm not so familiar with the system. I do know power is something of importance here though. "

"Great your ignorant too.....alright fine let's do this too. Will start with mages, probably the most powerful force to be reckoned with. Not many have a life in it but if you can at least get to the senior level I would suggest it. The levels go novice, pro, senior, and demi. These levels can take multiple years to breakthrough and that's if you're lucky. With fighters it's a little different, also don't make the mistake of calling them fighters most like martial artists. There leveling scheme is amateur first but the rest is the same. The difference is they keep the amateur part unto whatever level they are. Until they master whatever martial art they follow or whatever style they've created. An example would be an amateur pro. If you meet any fighter with amateur not added on do not engage unless you are on the same level or an ability to combat them. They are on a different level than there peers because they've mastered their martial art. It'll almost seem like another level added on to them trust me I know. Even when you learn your first spell you won't be considered on any of those levels you would just be a magic castor or mage. Martial artists are the same when you breakthrough it'll be a noticeable change even for a novice. Even getting to pro is considered a great task. There's not very many seniors like me and even less demis. Demis are what cut us from the rest of the kingdoms. Most of them have none like Cordone, Sapheres, and Alumina but they have great big armies filled with lots of senior level generals. Then Demnico has 3 Demi's and is probably the only reason they haven't fallen yet. We of course have a strong army and 6 Demi level generals not including the queen who is at the highest level of Demi's power. She might be able to breakthrough and reach..... sorry I'm going off topic but this makes us almost unbeatable. There are two places though, which would probably hurt us in the long run if we went to war with them. The Holy kingdom Rimores which has 8 Demi's and the strongest army ever. They do keep to themselves though and only help if an outside force tries to take land from the continent. The other is an organization everyone on this continent fears. Their name is Ryzo, they're not very active but they have a known 12 Demi's and a small scale powerful army that could definitely make any kingdom fear for their wellbeing. It is an organization that is mostly elves but they definitely have ties with Rimores."


"Lady Mara there has been a request for us to help a smaller village just out of our grasp from Cordone. They're saying that the kingdom has ransacked them twice and has even taken women from them."

"Do not help them even though it would be nice taking another trophy I can't have the council of Ademar coming for me. Ever since my failed conquest of Demnico they've had an eye on me and always raise a fuss. Now that the other kingdoms fear me they can easily ask to go to war. "

The council of Ademar were where all the kingdoms came for council. They were the highest force on the continent even said to hold a force higher than Demi. They usually said when war was justified and when not. Most the time they didn't intervene because their true function was to rally for war from an outside force. They easily held 40 Demi's which could wipe out any kingdom overnight.

" I wonder the day when even the council will have to bend the knee to me" Mara said, with a smug look on her face." I believe one day will have the power to challenge them and even conquer Ademar. They truly don't care what happens unless the continent is at rush from outside forces. By the time I strike they won't even know. Ready project black snow minister Doja."

"Yes, Milady I will begin preparations now but I thought you should know that Shadow has started on his studies."

"Keep an eye on him in case anything happens. I know he still holds hate in his heart for me but in case he develops any talent from his father. Even if he only holds half of what that man was it'll be a win. Until then keep him at bay and make sure he knows his place.

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