
Cave and Dimension Master!

Modern Era, on the world's most ancient continent, Africa, home to over 50 countries, a legend was about to emerge and affect all three realms of time, past, present, and future.

On a rocky part of the continent, where mountains and hills stood tall and proud, one would notice an oddly perfectly intact mountain cave that was in the center of a huge mountain. Across form the mountains, one could see a gigantic tree stump that was pitch black, that it seems that if some one touch it, it would be disappeared into ashes!

At the entrance of the mountain cave, one would see a body of a young handsome Chinese youth. All around the Chinese youth were blood and bullets, scattered around randomly. Showing that the youth was killed with one bullet but many.

If one had the vision to see ghost, one would see a young floating in the air in front of the cave. The young man was completely see through, but oddly enough, as the young man look down upon his body, the young man was completely indifferent as he cast his ghastly green eyes around, seemly curious of his present appearance.

"Where am I?" A soft muscular voice sounded out as the green eye youth float away from his body and went to the mountain cave, as he senses as compelling force calling him. As he went into the cave, he was calm as he had been in here before, after all, this was the place that indirectly cause his death.

He is self-taught researcher that loves to study lore and myths of the world to pass and escape the world from. He was an orphan that was raised on the streets since young, so he was self-efficient when he became older and started to do part time jobs to use to follow his dream.

In fact, this was the first time he had travel to a new continent, but he had to, as he had discover a clue to what could be the place that the legendary God had appeared, when he talk to man, but after he had arrived, he felt danger but as he didn't know what the feeling was of, he shook it off and walked into the cave with his equipment, but he soon noticed that there were lots of rebels inside the cave, they were loaded with weapons, from guns, machete, swords, spears and lots more. He was so scared that he planned to run away, but step upon a twig, alerting the leader who soon found him and shot him dead with his gun.

That what happened, leading up to this point in time. He looked around and noticed four rocky brown pillars that supported the cave walls, bringing one the feeling of stability. As he looked around, he felt the compelling feeling coming from the center of the pillars, so he flew there wondering what was calling him.

As float over, he noticed that the center of the cave was twisting and ripple like the surface of a once calm lake. Something gradually started emerging from the twisting and ripple place, at first, he was blinded as an intense bright red light appeared, looking like a miniature sun rising from the east. But soon, the red light disappeared making him open his eyes, locking eyes with a red eyeball floating in the air.

He would be scared, but he was calm, because how could an eyeball affect him, a ghost? So, he was perfectly calm, but it seems he was overthinking things as the red eyeball turned into a red flash of light and pierce through his left eye, merging into it. Since he was not expecting this, he floated there with a shock expression on his face, he only came back to his senses as soon as the eyeball finish emerging with his left eye in a painless manner.

He raised his ghost like hands and started to rub his now bloody left eye. The eye was piercing as he was able to see through the walls of the cave as if nothing was obstructing his view. No only that, he could sense that he could control the entire cave as he sees fit, including something that was beyond the cave and even this world.

When he merges with the bloody left eye, some information appeared in his head, causing him to widen his eyes in amazement. That's because he learned about the three eras before the Modern Era, the Chaos Era, Primordial Era, Ancient Era. But what he was amazed about, was the information about the owner of the bloody eye, in the memory, he saw a gigantic creature that was almost the same size as japan! And this wasn't the most gigantic creature there was, but it was one of the most powerful one.

Since most of the powers of the gigantic creature centers around the creature's eyes, by him receiving the eye, he was able to receive some of his powers, such as Eyes of Death, Virtually Implosion, and Soul Eyes, these were the only powers that he got, after all he only receive one eye. Still, he was very happy because he can use the power of Space-Time with the help of the cave and the dimension that the creature creates before its death.

Thinking of the dimension, he willed himself, causing the bloody left eye to flash and he was teleported there. Arriving there, he noticed that he was inside the same cave that he was in but didn't worry about it as he walked out of the cave, coming into a different world, where there was a gigantic bloody eye in the sky, oddly bringing warmth to this unique place.

He soared high into the sky, getting a better view of the dimension, seeing mountains, hills, valleys, oceans, rivers, and lakes. He frowned but he knew the reason that nothing else was inside was because the gigantic creature didn't have time to do it as he was struck down by chaos lightening, the most powerful power in exist.

He looked up at the bloody eye sun and flew to it, merging inside of it, arriving into a bloody palace that overlook the entire dimension and arrived in a throne room, that had a throne made of blood, which he calmly sit upon as he waved his hand, causing two things to appear in front of him, one being his body and the bloody eye inside of the dimension.

He was very hesitant about what he is about to do, which is merging his body and the eye together, but he was still going to be dead in the end, the only away to really come back to way in his situation would be creating an all-new body from scratch, but that takes too much time though.

Suddenly, he started laughing and shaking his head, "Why do I care anyway? I have no reason to leave, no family, no friends, no one. So, I will use the second option, after all, being the master of the cave and dimension, I have all the time in the world." As he was laughing, he stops and cast his left eye towards the cave inside the dimension, seeing through it, arriving on the cave on Earth.

"Heheheheh, I need some practice material and some slaves, you just have to come back, don't you?" He waved his hand, causing the eyeball to returned back to being a sun and his body to return at the cave entrance of Earth as he disappears in a red flash.

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