
Chapter 10


"-and so Heradas-ojichan taught me how to cultivate a weather ball."

"Heeh~ That's really great... Be sure to get stronger there, Nami."

I can hear a chuckle from the transponder snail.

"Oh~ Is that an advice from the great Shichibukai?" (Nami)

Nami's starting to tease me again. It's a recurrent event ever since we talked.

"I told you, they only wanted the Kage Kage no Mi's power. I was extra careful when I joined the war. And I really helped Luffy there." (Shikage)

"Hmmm~ I'll take it for now... Hah... I guess you're not normal now. Considering your status, Pirates are your enemy." (Nami)

Nami sounds sad. I don't want to end this relationship.

"Anyway, There's no problem if no one finds out that I'm talking with you. My transponder snail can't be traced by a black transponder snail." (Shikage)

Nami agreed with my reply. Seems like I reassured her and our topic quickly change to her ramblings.

I quite like hearing her grumbling and sharing her experience with me.

Of course, it's not one-sided. I also relayed to her what happened back at the war.

Engaging in some idle talk. We've become quite close with each other.

I wonder where would this relationship go to?


It's been a month since I started working here.

During that time, I didn't just work. I also took the chance to get stronger.

Using [Shadow's Asgard] in the meditation room is one of my ways to get stronger. I tested this move a lot of times. Absorbing shadows would boost my strength and my body. I'm almost close to Moria's limit, the 1000 shadows absorbed.

In addition, There's also another way for me to get stronger, It is to do battle!

At the training room. Large stacks of coffins are placed at the edges of the room.

*Bang bang bang*

The lids of these coffins simultaneously open up.

A group of zombies came out of the coffins and was heading straight to a black-haired boy.

If someone was here to see the scene, They wouldn't believe what happens next.

All these terrifying zombies knelt to one knee in front of the boy. His blue eyes were observing all of the zombies.

"Rise." (Shikage)

And all of the zombies heeded my command.

And these zombies aren't your normal zombies. They're the finest and strongest zombies that the late Hogback created.

The General Zombies!

Corpses of strong warriors all over the world.

And inside of these zombies are the shadows of inmates that are at Level 5 and 6.

Criminals with bounties of 100 million ฿ and over are kept there.

And those whose corpses are infamous and have a legendary feat were given a special status.

"Captain john... I'm expecting a challenge this time." (Shikage)

"Yes, Young master!"

The corpse of a legendary pirate with a Level 6 prisoner's shadow gave birth to the Leader of the General zombies.

His appearance is a mummified pirate with long purple hair. Wearing a pirate captain coat. The most interesting part of him is his eyes socket. And instead of eyes, All he has is blue flames. Making his eyes blue like mine!

Captain John was an infamous pirate who was part of the legendary pirate crew, The Rocks pirates. But his original personality is awful for a subordinate, He's a greedy pirate that causes a mutiny for his greed.

That's why I decided not to animate his corpse with his own shadow.

And Its shadow was also a terrifying criminal. A commander of a certain Kingdom, He becomes a fugitive because his main crime was the massacre of the private army of his country.

Now, Captain John's sluggish personality was changed to a serial killer and a war commander. It took half a day for the zombie to erase the free will of the shadow.

Lucky for me, I have absolute control of the shadows and zombies. These shadows and zombies are loyal to their ruler. They won't hurt me and they have an absurd loyalty towards me.

And because of this loyalty, They were calling me their King. Since I didn't want to be called like that, I changed it to a fitting one. It's the Young master.

"Now then, Commanders!.. Stay at the grounds. The rest of you, Go back to your coffins." (Captain John)

I saw the zombies retreating while I was busy warming up.

"You should go first, Wang Zhi." (Captain John)

"Yes! I'm ready, Young master."

The one in front of me is a zombie with a very large figure and a long straight beard that reaches his feet.

His bottom part is an elephant's bottom. Making him look like a Centaur but with an elephant's legs.

He also has a golden knight armor with a huge sword and shield. He's a bit intimidating.

And because I didn't know his original personality, I didn't animate him with his own shadow.

His shadow was a bit inferior to Captain John. It's only a Level 5 prisoner. But the prisoner is a rogue knight that betrayed his former country.

"Let's start! [Soru]!" (Shikage)

I dash right away. In time, I've finally mastered some of the Rokushiki techniques. Thanks to Kaku and the rest, I'm quite confident at fighting anyone without my DF ability.


My fist was blocked by my zombie.

*Clang clang clang*

I kept punching the shield of Wang Zhi until he recovered to counter me.

A huge sword descends at me, I didn't look at it but I felt its direction.


I dodged it by a hair's-breathe and unleashes fierce attacks to break his guard.


I did notice that some of my attacks are imbued with Haki.

Wang Zhi's shield didn't last long and he guarded my attacks with his huge sword.

I was more nimble than him because of [Soru], I manage to dodge every swing of the big guy.

But Wang Zhi can take heavy hits. Except for the punch of the special zombie, Oars.

"It's over!" (Captain John)

"Fuuu... Nice fight, Wang shi." (Shikage)

"Young master... Your chances of using Haki has increased again." (Wang Zhi)

"Yeah... I'm sure that when my time of staying here ends, I would master it." (Shikage)

The fight was over.

This wasn't a serious battle, I am just training to be a powerhouse. I've already grasped the basics of Haki.

I'm working on how to use it in battle.

Battling with Wang Zhi helps me with the Armament Haki. I'm at a 70% chance of using the [Hardening]. A technique to cover the body with Haki.

"Next up, Gunner! Check your guns if it is non-lethal." (Captain John)

"Aye, sir..."

A zombie with four arms was checking his guns. Yes, Guns! He has four pistols equipped. This zombie is heavily specialized in using guns.

Even the shadow that was animating the corpse was a gunslinger. It is the sharpshooter pirate that I fought back at the Marineford. It's Curiel's shadow. The 10th Division Commander of Whitebeard pirates.

(Yosh! It's Observation time.) (Shikage)

*Bang bang*

I quickly dodge to the right to avoid the paintball. But another volley was heading at me.

"W-wai-..." (Shikage)

I can't even finish my words because of the intense target shooting of Gunner.

It took all my concentration for me to use the observation Haki. Some paints had already hit me.

If it was a lethal bullet, I would've been heavily injured right now.

Now I know that if I fought Curiel-san back then without Haki, I would be dead if I didn't have my [Doppelman].

Damn it, Observation Haki isn't going well for me.

"Damn youuu rotten corpse! Don't torment our Young master!!"

"That's right!!"

I can hear my loyal subjects defending me. I appreciate the concern but I wanted this.

If it isn't challenging then what's the point? I'll someday use lethal bullets in my training.

"Haa... Hah... Don't mind them, Gunner, Let's continue!" (Shikage)

"... Aye! Prepare yourself, Young master!" (Gunner)

*Bang bang bang bang*

Using all my focus, I keep dodging the paintballs. Either by rolling or jumping out of the way.

And the longer it took, the better I dodge. I've realized that I am making progress.

*Click click*

And finally, the paintballs stopped coming at me. Gunner ran out of ammo.

But I wasn't satisfied. I was covered with paintings. A lot of them hit me.

(Someday!! I would be spotless after training!) (Shikage)

I couldn't help but clench my fist.

"Gunner!! How dare youuu! As a punishment, Go clean the room! Make use of your four hands!" (Captain John)

"Eeh?.. Hmm... Aye! Stamina isn't a problem for us anyway." (Gunner)

Drinking a bottle of water, I hydrated myself. hm? What's Gunner doing?

Oh? right. We're using paint. It's nice that he didn't need to take a break! Zombie for the win!

"Young master, Are you ready?"

The last zombie called me out.

This zombie was the textbook example of a knight. It had full silver armor and an ax as a weapon.

I don't know if it's true but these corpses may be also a part of the Rock's pirate crew.

I've attached a warmonger shadow to this knight zombie.

A level 5 inmate was banished by his country because of his continued act of having a war with neighboring countries.

"Let me catch a breather first, Silver Axe." (Shikage)


These are the commanders of my finest zombies.

Each of them has its own units. Silver Axe here is the commander for the Infantry.

Gunner for the ranged attackers.

Wang Zhi is the head of the cavalry division.

And supervising them is the Leader of the general zombies. It's Captain John.

I've wanted the Samurai Ryuuma to be the leader but Zoro turned the corpse into ashes.

Well, There's isn't a suitable weapon for him since Zoro took Susui from the zombie.

After a few minutes of rest, I faced the zombie knight. This time, I'm honing my expertise in my DF ability.

"Show yourself, [Doppelman]." (Shikage)

A shadow clone manifested behind me.

It's a copy of me but it's made of shadow.

『A fight? I like.』

"Yeah! so... [Duplicate]!" (Shikage)

Silver Axe quickly charges at us with his ax.

My shadow clone started to multiply.

In just a few seconds, A total of 10+ shadows were made. Silver Axe began chopping these shadows.

But my [Doppelman]s is a semi Logia. It was easy to recover the chops that it took.

(Time to use my newest trump card!) (Shikage)

I am hiding from the zombie knight. Every time he discovers my location, I quickly [Substitute] to a random shadow clone.

"Go~! [Doppelman]!!" (Shikage)

『Die! Small fry!』


Three shadow clones slam the zombie knight with [Hardening]. It has a force that almost destroyed the armor of Silver Axe.

This is my trump card.

"Yosh! It worked! Lucky! hahaha!" (Shikage)

I stopped hiding and was jumping in joy.

『Shikage, Increase the chance more.』

The reason why my [Doppelman] can clad his shadow body with Haki and can use the [Hardening] is that I'm trying the [Imbuement].

I can imbue my Haki to a weapon or DF ability to make it stronger.

Sadly, My chance of doing it was lesser than the [Hardening].

"As expected of the Young master! Well done." (Captain John)

A DF ability could really make a person strong if you know how to use it.

I dematerialize my shadow clone.

"Good job everyone. After cleaning the room, You guys can go back to your coffins. Also, Go repair your armor, Silver Axe... Then, Later guys." (Shikage)

I dismissed them and went to my private room. It's already nighttime.

The room has my own personal bathroom and bedroom. After taking a quick shower, I moved to my bed and look at the scattered papers on my desk.

Ugh... I need... Nevermind.

(I'll sleep for today and take care of it tomorrow.) (Shikage)

I jumped to my bed and felt comfortable. Due to the training a while ago, I was quite tired. And it didn't take long for me to sleep after I closed my eyes.

This is what I've done this month. Starting from the warden duties, then being a Guildmaster, And ends at training to get even stronger.

Oh? By the way, The general zombies are transported here by Kaku, who sometimes join my training and would report to me regarding the Guild.

◇1 and a half month of service in Impel down◇

Only 15 days remaining until I can roam around the world.

News of the Straw hat pirates has totally disappeared. Some of the people thought they're gone.

I would've also thought too if I wasn't in contact with one of those pirates.

My relationship with Nami stagnates.

Because we're both busy getting stronger so there wasn't any progress yet.

Fortunately, I have time on my side. There's a long period of time until Nami and her crew would get together.

I'm currently at the zombie house in Level 5. A new building I made to store the zombies and corpses. Due to the natural climate of the floor, It's perfect for the preservation of dead bodies.

Anyways, I was quite living peacefully in the prison if you ignore the screams.

But for the outside? It's full of news! good news and bad news!

(Damn... What a chaotic world we live in.) (Shikage)

In my hands are the Information all over the world. It came from Kalifa, my secretary.

◇3rd person POV◇

The world is still ongoing without the Straw hats. All sort of bad news was all about the Supernovas and the ever-spreading terror of Blackbeard.

Then another major event was about the son of the late Pirate King, Ace.

Fire fist Ace has finally taken the mantle of a captain. After battling the people who have grudges against his father, People had been reminded of the strength of Ace all over again.

Due to his strength and heritage, the fanatics and allies of Roger joined his banner. And this became a hot topic for every town and city.

An underdog force in the New World. Some say that a Fifth emperor has emerged!

Meanwhile, Ace's mortal enemy has also begun conquering the territories of the late Whitebeard. It's only a matter of time until the affiliates of Whitebeard would switch to Blackbeard's side.

As for the Navy, They're currently still recovering from the Summit War. Due to my connection to the Navy and my Shikadiary, I know that there's a tension building up in the Navy HQ.

It won't be long until Akainu and Aokiji would battle for the position of the Fleet Admiral

The New World is in chaotic times. But Paradise is beginning to stabilize.

And it's because of a certain organization.

The Hunters Guild. An organization for the Bounty hunters.

Headed by the unique Shichibukai. The only civilian among the Warlords. The Shadow hunter Shikage.

Also known as the Ruler of Shadows and Guildmaster.

With the powers of the Kage Kage no Mi, He succeeded the late Gecko Moria. Both in Fame and Position.

This man had created the 'Hunters creed' that all the hunters in the Guild follow.

Even if the organization has only just started. Some analysts have already analyzed the organization's potential and predicted the emerging new force that would bring terror to the pirates.

The name 'Shikage' has grabbed the attention of the whole World.


Training at the Impel down is the best option for him right now.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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