
WHERE IT ALL BEGAN-Sango Otta, Ogun state. 20th October, 1986.

My sister never liked the fact that I got more attention than the rest of the children put together. I was also a snitch, my mother got to hear everything that happened in her absence as long as I witnessed it. My 'ofofo' habit earned me more perks from my mum and several doses of maltreatment from my sister.

Baba Ruka, God bless his soul, his character is like none that I have met in this world. He has a good taste for women; he always picked the strong and beautiful ones. I grew up to find out that he scored a brace with my Mum and the third wife. He wooed them about the same time and married them about the same time.

In fact, Iya Ruka, and the last son of the first wife only have two months between them, while she shares birth date with the third wife's kid. The age difference between me and the only child of the third wife is negligible, witout forgetting the fact that the first wifes last son anb I share same birth year. A man that can marry two women in that time frame and impregnant three women almost at the same time must be hot. Baba Ruka was hot in his days. A great stud too.

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