The hushed exchange of words between the two and the bickering of them who're standing went into an abrupt silence after the voice scratch its throat from the scream followed by a snarl and a loud wail.

Before he can even look at anyone of his companion to maybe fill him of what is going on, though he's sure no one can spill anything considering they were all not on the scene, all four of them break into a sprint towards the closed door that connects to the two spacious rooms. Samty, feeling dumb and quite exhausted from what had happened in only a span of an hour—or, well, two right after he woke up roughly, pushed his self up on his two feet. Carefully as he can since he wasn't very much pleased about what did the rays of the sun had previously done to his now overly sensitive skin. And to think it was only just a crack between the planes.

'It could be my...current reality'

Samty sighs and shakes off the thought for the time being. He opt his self in quick strides under the useless light of the incandescent lamp that gives him when another snarl emits from the left opened door. As the last one to leave his place at the other room, all he had seen when he stepped on the other side from the ransacked living room and the bulky back of Amtari was the girl with a curly reddish hair, who's next to the orange-eyed boy on the table, has her mouth on the frail arm of the wailing different boy. Her blue eyes that he somehow had a glimpse of earlier was nowhere to be found. Instead, an ice-cold-bloody-red-blazing eyes was the one that's directly looking at his blown wide inky-black irises.

"Serpin, let Feri go!"

The couch is toppled over with the small table and armchair near the window on the floor. The other old furnitures inside the wide room either joining the couch or found themselves into pieces. All the other remaining kids are out of possible harm sitting on the staircase watching with horrified looks on their faces. The man in their front with also an expression that completely mirrors to them naturally protects them from the chaos that had unfolded between the scratched walls. The poor boy in the girl's tight grip is still flailing like a fish out of water to hopefully free himself while bawling his eyes out. His screeches came as an ear-splitting cry for his ears and definitely to everyone but no one dared to move on their stand.

Tarim immediately found herself in front of the crowd on the staircase to block the unkind view for them in the background. The man towering behind her slumps down on the second step with his trembling legs as the girl thankfully came to retract her canine teeth from the tortured flesh of the boy. The two purplish dot on the boy's arm looked like death of holes staring right on Samty's soul. But a snarl once again escaped her lips that snatch his attention and the boy drops onto the floor with a deafening sound. The drool of blood on her chin sends a chilling sensation deep on his frozen bones.

Absentmindedly, he clutch a handful of fabric in his hands as he hid behind the bulky back. One unfocused eye peeking at the edge to look at the still heated stare of the red ones.

Samty visibly shakes on his stand.



Before anyone can register on their occupied minds what is going on, the little girl from earlier who almost gave him a heart attack leap from where she was sitting with the one who got into an argument with the man he is currently using as a barrier. She jumps down from the railing of the stairs and the wrath on her face almost buckle his trembling knees. Her face is pale unlike earlier with purple lines marring the white canvass. Her irises that's mirroring the ones who's still giving him the uncanny look are fixed on the girl between Celo and Fermon that's trying to coaxed her to completely let go of her grip to the boy. But inevitably, their words fell on deaf ears that's why the pigtail haired girl took everything in her own hands.

In a snap of a finger, she pounces at the unsuspecting back of the now quiet blood-sucker who's still pinning Samty a deathly glare. But her attempt to strike on her went as a futile gesture when all of suddenly the target lets go of the boy and zooms in to where he is hiding behind the bulky man.

It was too fast.

One second there's a barricade between him and the mad girl then the next Amtari was set to fly on the wall with him roughly falling down on his butt.

No one moved and no one breathes. Up close, everything is terrifying on the latter that's looking down at his vulnerable state on the floor. Her face displays nothing but maniac-y as she suggestively licks her lips that was tainted with the thick gush of blood she had sucked earlier. Canines on full view for him to wither on. Her stance is stiff with her eyes frenzied. It was a fearsome experience and it all comes to worst when she launched down to where he sat.

Samty's mind forgot to function.

He gasp like air had been squeezed out of him as he was hardly pushed onto the uneven floor. His back hit the dented part of it that painfully punctured his hips but his mind only registers the burn on his nape and the weight on his front. Before he can feel the sharp teeth of her grazing his pale skin on his neck he quickly grab her across her cheeks that sends the stained canines to sink down at the back of his hand. His nose being punched with the strong scent of blood clouded his head that before rushed footsteps came ringing in his ears, his face is already buried deep on the junction of her neck to satisfy his own blood thirst that suddenly ignites inside of him.

The weight on his body was quick to deflate the more his tongue have the savory taste of the metallic iron, the sting on his hands vanishing as the body on top of him lightens. The little girl eventually lost her consciousness and Samty unevenly stares up the dull glare of the lights. Tension smells strongly inside the packed room that made him even more greedy.

But, unexpectedly for his liking, his arms gave him an excruciating pain once the limp body on him got pulled away by someone. His teeth found digging on his lips as he tried to not scream on the burn he is feeling. Blood oozes over his cheeks from his mouth as he lied on his side, left arm between him and the floor. Tears are welling up on his eyes as his vision spins when the pain increases tenfold. Leaving him to do nothing but let out a shrill cry.

It was loud and thundering on the whole building and making his throat raw and scratchy but all were nothing compared to his arm that seemingly melting—being tortured by countless numbers of hammers. He folded on his self, roll off on the floor and bump his head several times on anywhere hard surface it landed before something cold is pushed between his slacked open mouth. Two pair of arms are holding his still combusting body and he swears he kicked someone on their gut as he tightly grip his left arm. Trying his best to ease out the pain but nothing of what he did paid him. Instead, an arm went between his teeth that he instinctively bit and everything was still for a moment before a sharp thing was pressed on his only now throbbing arm that went to cut open his flesh.

With that being done, he let out another cry of agony and snaps his head to whoever was inflicting an unendurable pain again. There he saw against his misted eyes his left limb being pinned on the floor by none other than Amtari with furrowed brows and blood on his hands. And the last thing he saw before consciousness leaves him fully was the bloody necklace being pulled off inside his arm.

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