
Trials? Isn't this Torture?

Darwin was led through the cavern corridors until the walls transformed into white halls. The previous low lit rooms were replaced with glass windows protecting an array of scientific equipment.

As the doctor navigated through many secured doors, he finally stopped Darwin at a big reinforced door. It was black and had a sign that read "Thana- Testing Room One. It seemed the engraving was damaged.

'That looks scary. Wonder what could've damaged a door this big.'

"Scared? I know I was at first. Don't worry. As long as you don't resist, these trials will only test your mental metal. It won't hurt. Unless you answer incorrectly." The doctor grinned as he pushed Darwin through the door.

Inside the room sat a metal chair with many wires and tools surrounding it. A platinum helmet rest above the seat. It's wires extended above, past where the eye could see. A mirror was placed facing the chair with lights brightening the middle of the room.

The doctor strapped Darwin to the table and put the helmet on him.

"Just answer to the best of your ability. Try not to resist. Accept the program."


Darwin slid the helmet on. He knew going against the doctor would only make things worse. He nervously shuffled in his seat. Unable to find a comfortable position, he gave up. That's when the system booted up.

"System starting up, please wait. System on. Please wait for further instructions. Commencing calculating ability test."

Darwin was shocked. Words appeared in front of him along with many mathematical equations. He didn't understand any of them.

'I'm only in sixth grade! They expect me to solve these?'

"Please answer question one. Resistance will result in equal punishment."

Darwin tried his best to come up with an answer. He was confident in his math abilities. Unless it was long division. However, the level of difficulty that the system was presenting would stump even the greatest of math geniuses.

"U-um. I don't know the answer. Can you give me an easier one?" Darwin asked the system politely. "I haven't learned this stuff. I don't have the slightest idea what a prime number is." Darwin spoke quietly, embarrassed.

"Failure to complete assignment and resistance to obeying orders detected. Proceeding to punishment."

'Punishment? What does that mean?'

Darwin panicked as he tried to remove the helmet. Darwin tried to move his body but was unable to move his arms. He forgot he was strapped up. As he wrestled to break free, a bio-electrical pulse was sent to his brain.

"Agh, ahh it hurts! My brain is ripping in half! Make it stop! Please!"

Darwin screamed as his mouth began to produce foam. His body shook for what seemed like hours before going limp.


Inside one of the laboratories, a man wearing a black cashmere suit was watching a monitor. While smoking his pipe, he watched many cameras and their respective footage.

On the rightmost screen, a black haired boy was seen lying unconscious in a chair. A man taking him away.

"I assume the project is proceeding as scheduled Dr. Shephard?" The man spoke into a landline with a heavy foreign accent while not removing his eyes from the screen.

"Y-yes Sir. We have a total of thirteen subjects. We lost eight of them due to incompatibility with the symbiote. This time we have a few gifted individuals. I'm certain we'll succeed."

The man known as Sir exhaled loudly.

"You better. Our lord Letum will be displeased if you fail again."


The sound of dripping water woke up Darwin. He had started to grow accustomed to breathing in time with the drops.

'My head is banging like a steel drum. I never want to experience that again.'

Darwin sat up while clutching his throbbing head. The cell he was getting annoyed of being present in his vision.

Then suddenly, a rapping noise was heard. Knocking over and over. Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Knock, knock. It kept going.

Darwin's curiosity arose as hope entered into his mind.

'Maybe I'm not alone?'

He approached the cave wall and knocked two times. A knock was then replied back to Darwin.

"Hello? Is someone there?"

No reply. Seemingly futile, Darwin gave up and decided to get some rest before his next trial. He laid down while using his arms as a headrest. Dreaming about home and greek heroes, he drifted off to sleep.


Darwin found himself in a white room. A huge dome over his head.

'What is this place? Wasn't I sleeping in my cell?'

Eight other people were on the ground like Darwin. He realized they all wore the same clothes as him. A few of them were older men and two were young women. It seemed Darwin was the only minor of the group.

"Hey! What's going on here! I was just sleeping! This wasn't in the job description!"

The voice came from a middle-aged man with a black goatee. His belly pushing the seams holding his shirt together.

A few others agreed with him as they shouted upwards. Darwin took this time to observe his new surroundings. It seemed similar to the caves in the aspect of the ceiling shrinking as it went closer to the wall. The surface sleek and without edges. Making it impossible to climb.

Darwin stood up and brushed off the dirt on his outfit. He saw a man doing the same. He had grey hair reaching his shoulders and a broad, massive build. The man took notice of Darwin and nodded.

Darwin confused, did the same out of courtesy. He started to walk over to the man when the microphone turned on.

"Testing, testing. Ah yes, hello everyone. This is trial number two. The physical exam. In order to receive compensation and proceed with the experiment, you must survive for one hour. You may work with your fellow subjects, but I wouldn't trust any of them. After all, only one of you may continue. Well, let the trial begin and good luck to you all!"

The voice cut out as everyone froze. The atmosphere got tense.

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