

7TH_SIDE · Fantasy
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10 Chs


The conference room was quiet as Dr. Priya Sharma, the lead researcher, stood at the podium, her eyes scanning the faces of her colleagues. She cleared her throat and began.

"As we all know, there have been numerous reports of alien encounters and sightings over the years, but what we have recently discovered is truly shocking. Our team has found a strange connection between the Asuras, the demons in Indian mythology, and these alien encounters."

"We have also found that the ancient Vedas, the holy scriptures of Hinduism, contain coordinates that point to the location of these aliens. These coordinates reveal that these beings possess extraordinary technologies that existed even during the Satyug, the first epoch in Hindu mythology."

The room erupted in a flurry of questions and comments as the researchers tried to process this information. Some were skeptical, while others were intrigued.

Dr. Sharma continued, "But there's more. Our team has reason to believe that these Asuras may have had a hand in shaping human history, and not necessarily for the better."

The researchers leaned forward, their eyes fixed on Dr. Sharma, waiting for her to continue.

"We have uncovered evidence that suggests the Asuras ruled over Earth during the Satyug, until the avatars of the tri devas, the supreme gods in Hindu mythology, banished them to a far-off land at the start of Kalyug, the current epoch. But what if they never truly left?"

A chill ran down the spine of everyone in the room as Dr. Sharma's words sank in. Was it possible that these mythical beings had been on Earth all along, hidden from human sight?

"We must proceed with caution in our investigation," Dr. Sharma warned. "There are those who do not want this information to come to light, and we must be vigilant to protect ourselves and our findings."

As the meeting ended, the scientists and researchers left the room, their minds buzzing with new ideas and theories. But little did they know, there were forces at work that would stop at nothing to keep this information from becoming public knowledge.

Veer and Rohit were sprawled out on the couch, playing video games and munching on bags of chips. It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, and they were enjoying every minute of it.

Veer's character in the game had just been killed, and he groaned in frustration. "Man, I hate this level," he muttered.

Rohit chuckled. "You just need to get better at it, my friend."

Veer rolled his eyes. "Yeah, easier said than done."They played for a few more minutes, then paused to catch their breath. Veer turned to Rohit. "Hey, do you think we should start getting ready for Riya's party?"

Rohit checked his phone. "Oh man, we're already running late. We should probably head out soon."

Veer's eyes widened in panic. "What?! Why didn't you tell me earlier? I need to pick out an outfit!"

Rohit laughed. "Relax, dude. It's just a birthday party. You don't need to wear a tuxedo."

Veer shot him a glare. "Easy for you to say. You always look cool and put together. Meanwhile, I look like a disaster."

"Oh, come on, Veer," Rohit said with a grin. "It's just a party. What's the worst that could happen?"

Veer looked at him with wide eyes. "What if I embarrass myself? What if I spill something on my shirt? What if I can't think of anything to say?"

Rohit chuckled. "Relax, buddy. It's just a bunch of friends hanging out. Nothing to be scared of."

Just then, Rohit's phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Prashant calling. "Hey, man," he said, answering the call. "What's up?"

"I'll tell you what's up," Prashant said angrily. "You guys said you'd be here by now. We're all waiting for you. We're going to be late for Riya's party because of you."

Rohit glanced at Veer, who looked even more panicked now. "Uh, sorry about that, Prashant," Rohit said. "We're on our way. Just got a little held up."

"Well, hurry up," Prashant said before hanging up.

Veer groaned. "Great. Now we're even later than we were before. And I still don't know what to wear."

Rohit rolled his eyes. "Just put on a shirt and some pants, man. It's not that complicated."

Veer looked at him like he was crazy. "You don't understand, Rohit. This is Riya's party. She's going to have all her cool friends there. I need to look good."

Rohit chuckled. "Okay, okay. Let me see what I can do." He got up from the bed and started rummaging through Veer's closet, pulling out different shirts and pants.

Veer watched him anxiously, his hands still shaking. "What if I say something stupid?" he muttered.

Rohit turned to him with a smile. "Just be yourself, Veer. That's all you need to do."

Veer nodded, still looking unsure. "Okay, okay. I'll try."

Rohit handed him a shirt and some pants. "Here. Put these on. You'll look great."

Veer took them and headed to the bathroom to change. Rohit chuckled to himself as he heard Veer muttering under his breath about how nervous he was.

Finally, they were both ready to go. They grabbed their jackets and headed out the door. As they walked down the street, Veer kept looking nervously at his phone, as if expecting another call from Prashant.

"Don't worry about it, Veer," Rohit said, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We're on our way now. Everything will be fine."

Veer nodded, still looking worried. "I hope so. I really don't want to mess this up."

Rohit chuckled. "Relax, man. It's just a party. We'll have fun no matter what happens."

As they arrived at Riya's house, they could hear the music and laughter from inside. Veer took a deep breath and followed Rohit inside.

Veer and Rohit were speeding through the streets, the sound of their car engine roaring as they tried to make up for lost time. The streets were packed with cars and the traffic was heavy, making it impossible for them to reach Riya's birthday party on time. They were already late by thirty minutes, and Veer was getting more nervous by the minute.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the car swerved to the left. Veer hit the brakes hard, and the car came to a screeching halt. Both Veer and Rohit were startled and confused. They got out of the car to investigate, and that's when they saw it.

As Veer and Rohit's car came to a screeching halt near the scene of the fight, they were left in shock and awe at what they saw. The creature, which seemed to be some sort of demonic entity, was locked in an intense battle with a mysterious figure who wore a black hooded cloak that covered his entire body. His face was concealed by the darkness of the hood, but Veer and Rohit could see a faint red glow emanating from the depths of the hood, which gave off an eerie and ominous vibe.

The creature was no match for the hooded figure. With lightning-fast reflexes and immense strength, the figure seemed to effortlessly dodge the creature's attacks and land powerful blows that sent it reeling. The creature was visibly injured and struggling to keep up, while the hooded figure appeared completely unscathed.

As Veer and Rohit watched in horror, the creature let out a bloodcurdling scream and lunged at the hooded figure with renewed vigor. The hooded figure stood still for a moment, as if waiting for the creature to attack, and then suddenly sprang into action. He landed a series of blows on the creature with such speed and precision that it was almost impossible to see what was happening.

The creature stumbled backwards, clearly weakened, and the hooded figure took the opportunity to launch a powerful attack that sent the creature flying several feet away. The creature let out one final howl before disappearing into thin air, leaving the hooded figure standing alone in the deserted alley.

As the dust settled, Veer and Rohit sat frozen in the car, unsure of what to make of what they had just witnessed. Was this some sort of superhero, or was he the villain? And what was his connection to the demonic creature?

Suddenly, the hooded figure turned towards them and took a step forward. Veer and Rohit gasped in unison, as they realized that he was looking directly at them. The figure didn't say a word, but the intensity of his gaze was enough to send shivers down their spines.

After a long moment, the figure turned on his heel and disappeared into the darkness, leaving Veer and Rohit to sit in stunned silence. They looked at each other, both of them feeling a strange mix of fear, awe, and curiosity.

Their thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Veer's phone ringing. It was Prashant, their school friend, who was waiting for them at the party. Veer picked up the phone, but he couldn't find his voice. He was too stunned by what he had just seen.

"Hello? Veer, are you there?" Prashant's voice echoed through the phone. "We're waiting for you guys, where are you?"

Veer cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. "Uh, we're on our way. Just a little late, that's all."

He ended the call and turned to Rohit, his mind still reeling from the shocking sight they had just witnessed.

"What the hell was that?" Veer finally said, breaking the silence.

"I have no idea," Rohit replied, still in shock. "But I think we just witnessed something...otherworldly."

Veer nodded, his mind racing with questions. Who was that hooded figure? What was his connection to the creature? And what did this mean for their mission to uncover the truth about the alien encounters?

As Veer and Rohit arrived at the party, they were greeted by the loud music and the cheerful voices of Riya's friends. They scanned the crowd, trying to spot the birthday girl. Suddenly, they heard a loud voice behind them.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to show up late," said Arush, the school bully, as he walked up to them with a smirk on his face.

Veer's face turned red with anger. Arush had always been a thorn in his side, constantly teasing him and making fun of him in front of others. This time, however, Veer was not going to let him get away with it.

"Better late than never, Arush," Veer replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

The group of friends around them burst out laughing, and Arush's face turned red with embarrassment.

"Shut up, Veer," Arush snapped, "I'm just having a little fun."

Veer shot him a cold look. "Well, I'm not," he replied, "so if you don't mind, we'll just go find Riya."

As Veer and Rohit walked away, they heard Arush muttering under his breath. They knew that he would continue to make fun of them throughout the night, but they were determined not to let him ruin their fun.

Later in the night, Veer noticed that Arush was standing near the punch bowl, chatting with some of Riya's friends. Veer seized the opportunity and decided to take his revenge.

He walked up to the punch bowl, grabbed a cup, and filled it with the fruit punch. He then walked over to Arush, pretending to trip and spill the punch all over him.

Arush's white shirt was now covered in red punch, and the group erupted into laughter.

"Oops, my bad," Veer said, trying to stifle his laughter.

Arush glared at him, but Veer could tell that he was secretly impressed. He knew that he had finally gained the upper hand, and that Arush would think twice before messing with him again.

The night continued on with lots of dancing, games, and laughter, and Veer felt grateful to have friends like Rohit and Riya who always had his back.

As the party continued, they couldn't shake the feeling that they had stumbled upon something much bigger than they had anticipated, and that they were in over their heads.

Little did they know, this encounter was just the beginning of a series of events that would lead them down a dangerous path, and into the path of some of the most powerful and dangerous forces in the universe.