
Chapter 1

Friday afternoon has come. Everyone thronged the streets of Buckinghamshire's shopping district to rush after work, this summer causing waves of tourists to flock to and throng most of Buckinghamshire's towns. Crowds of people flock to cafes and restaurants to recharge after a day of sightseeing. La Cuisine de Mamam restaurant is one of the bestsellers. A mid-range Italian-style restaurant with spacious and comfortable spaces is the best choice for dining or just ordering a drink, and that's where the beautiful gray-eyed girl is working hard at the end of this Friday.

"We have come for the best service, what would you like to order sir?"

"Give me a serving of beef bourguignon with pasta and wine."

"Okay sir, is there anything else?"

"Do you think that I am a cow, lady?"

"Excuse me..."

"I don't eat more than what I can chew!"

"Alright sir, your order will be ready soon. I apologize for my mistake."

Sending a note to the kitchen threshold, Ruby stifled annoyance at the ridiculous behavior of an elderly customer that was her last service this afternoon. What's wrong with him? Equate himself with a cow? She should have thrown some fresh grass from behind her house!

While waiting for the order to be served, Ruby sat under the ordering table, massaging her sore heels because she had been running around serving customers all day, her feet were a little swollen because her shoes were starting to shrivel up quite hard. She made a note in her mind that this week's salary she should set aside to buy more decent shoes.

"Are you done, Ruby?"

"Not yet, Martin. I still have one order to complete. Do you want to go home first?"

"I'm fine waiting a little longer, anyway are you going to walk around with swollen feet like that?" Martinus smiled and sat down next to Ruby, giving her the rubbing oil, he always had ready because he knew his best friend often had the same problem.

"Thanks, I have to buy new shoes this week. It's a real pain in the ass, waiting months just to buy shoes. I hope to have a rich husband!"

"Just to buy shoes?"

"I think I'll ask for a large room just for my shoe collection!"

"Sweet dreams, girl. Now your order is ready!"

Ruby hurriedly took the tray containing the order of the grumpy old man, and immediately handed it over with the sweetest smile possible.

"Enjoy your meal, sir."

"How much tip do you usually get?"

Ruby was surprised and replied, "I sometimes get a dollar or two, sir. It's not your duty, if it's done can I go?"

"Excited young girl, take this tip from me, and try not to overcrowd people!" The old man chuckled and handed Ruby the 15-dollars bill that was propped up on the table.

"Master, this is too much, I think it is too much."

"Oh, you don't want to?"

Ruby reproached herself, "Yes! I want to! Thank you very much sir, I will remember this for the rest of my life, you are very kind!"

"Yes, now go your chitty girl."

Ruby smiled very widely and almost ran when she turned towards the changing room to change into her work uniform. Hurriedly she grabbed her bag and ran through the back door and over to Martinus who had prepared a bicycle for them to ride.

"You know Martin, that annoying old man has tipped me 15 dollars! Oh, this is my lucky day!" Ruby screamed and got on the back of the bike, while Martinus started pedaling their way home.

"I think you've found a rich future husband?"

"Oh, shut up!" Ruby laughed loudly and told Martinus many things along the way to his residence.

It takes 15 minutes from downtown Buckinghamshire to the village of Addington by bicycle. Martinus and Ruby were neighbors only 2 blocks away, and they had been best friends since childhood. Martinus is two years older, that is, 22 years. He was tall though a little thin, with dirty blond hair that was never neat. Martinus lives with his grandmother, because he no longer has parents. Ruby only knew that Martinus's parents died in an accident and they never discussed it. Their closeness is almost like brother and sister, this is very beneficial for Ruby, because everything she can't do alone, there is Martinus who is always ready to help.

Ruby is a girl with straight blonde hair and bright gray eyes. She lives with the only family she has, which is her mother. They lived alone in a small but very comfortable tense. She still has many hardships in life due to living struggling with her mother who is a pastry seller and various pies in the village. Ruby decided not to go to college, she chose to work and with Martinus's recommendation, they were able to work together.

"Thank you, Martin!" Ruby said as she got off the bike.

"Anytime, princess. Are you going to town tomorrow?"

"I'll think about it, I think completely yes! Are you busy?"

"Tomorrow I will take Grandma to Aunt Medley's house. I won't be home. Do you need something?"

"I don't, I think it will be fine. All right, oh, and say hello to Aunt Medley, I miss her so much."

"Whatever you say. See you!" Martinus pedaled his bicycle and Ruby watched him walk away until he was out of sight around the corner. She rushed home and saw her mother making tea.

"Hello sweetheart, give mom a hug, did you have a great day?"

Ruby gave her mother a small hug, "It's amazing, mom. An old tycoon gave the biggest tip I've ever had!" She sat on a chair and drank tea carelessly. Her throat felt so relieved as the hot tea passed so comfortably.

"What an amazing day, isn't it? Can you deliver cake to Mrs. Callot? She has ordered her family dinner."

"Okay mom, but why does she always throw a family dinner party? It looks very strange."

"She has a large family and how many times a week she throws parties is certainly none of your business." The mother replied carelessly.

"Tomorrow is my day off, and I want to go downtown to buy shoes, my shoes are really bad, oh and look at my feet ma'am."

Her mother looked down and indeed Ruby's white leg was quite swollen with a few small scratches.

"Go on, Ruby. I'm sorry because I didn't know you were in pain all this time."

The atmosphere changed instantly, realizing that Ruby stood up and hugged her mother from behind.

"Don't be too sad, ma'am. Maybe we can go to town together?"

"A very sweet offer, son. Now clean yourself up and come down for dinner."

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