
Am I next

Screaming the girl dropped to the ground, all that stood in the way of her freedom was the big brick wall looming over her. She could still hear its laboured breathing getting closer with every gulp of oxygen she took; it's ghoulish moans filled the air making the girl shiver with fear.

Everything about it was indescribable and eerie in a way and it just drifted above the foggy ground like it was meant to be there.

The erratic pumping of the girls heart could be heard clearly by the dark creature, drawing it closer to her, it felt off of young souls like hers and bathed in the fear that ran through the girls veins. Excitement stirred in the creature's stomach as it moved towards the cowering girl licking its lips hungrily, it could smell fear overflowing her mind, it could not resist any longer.

Lunging at the girl it stopped halfway as a warning shot rang through the air, growling menacingly it spun around at a rapid speed throwing off the next few shots from the shotgun held in two shaking hands.

The black haired boy stood shaking wearily from side to side as he stared the monster straight in its unforgettable eyes, everything he had been trained for as a boy played an important part as the creature swooped at him for one last time.

A serene shriek echoed through the streets as the creature fell to the ground, covering the black haired boy in thick puss and blood as he slit all the way down the creatures abdomen, leaving him gripping in revulsion as he stumbled backwards landing firmly on his back.

Screams echoed through the forever night air as all the souls the creature had stolen disappeared to their rightful place, this creature had killed millions of people in its time spent of this dreaded planet and the boy covered his ears whimpering in pain as the screams got louder and more clearer...

When the screams finally stopped it left both the girl and the boy dizzy with pain and sickness, everything around them was just a big blur as they desperately searched for their footing, hoping and praying to all the gods that the creatures didn't find them.

They stood, every bone in their body shaking wearily as a dark figure shot around the corner making the girl whimper in fear. Standing tall the boy walked towards the unidentified figure, he noticed the striking blonde hair from miles away and automatically relaxed at the sight of his best friend limping across the cobbled pathway.

His heart beat faster and faster as he panicked and ran towards his hurt friend, blood oozed out of an open wound near his friends heart, his organs showed making the black haired boy tip over and over again. Tears streamed down the boys face as he dropped to his knees whimpering in front of his best friend, he shouldn't have left him behind, he should've helped him but why did he leave him behind?

The whimpers from his friend made him feel sick and dizzy; he could hardly move as he watched his father like figure die in front of his very eyes. The screams finally died out after the last of the timer pounding went off, loads of people had died this night but the little boy was content on fulfilling his friends will and taking revenge on all of the creatures in the dying world.

Everything the boy touched ended up dying in front of him, he knew that he needed to stay away from the other survivors as he stared at his dead friends pale face. He couldn't remember the last time someone close to him didn't die and it scared him to list all of them, he was like these creatures, an abomination...

Guilt ran through his veins as shivers racked his aching body, he wished that this whole thing was just a nightmare and he didn't want to be alone all his miserable life. Panic struck him as the girl rested her hand on his shoulder in a soothing manner, he couldn't understand why he was cursed but he knew it had something to do with his dreadful past and the way he had lived his life...

The piercing sound of scraping claws along a concrete pavement echoed through the moonlit sky, every bone in the boy's body crumbled, making him scared and rather guilty for some reason. He had no idea why he felt guilt coursing through him as the scraping got louder, it was intimidating him to no end.

His breathing became laboured it was his turn to face it!

He was impelled by it as the drool dripped off it's chin, it's finger was pointing directly at him in a demanding manner making him far from restrained. The creature was inspiring as other creatures followed after it in a complete and utter trance, their eyes spinning around and around in a circular motion, making the boy beyond dizzy.

The coaxing sweet rhythm that resonated through the sombre night air made the other creatures throughout the world bask in glory and contentment. All the young boy could do was contemplate on his options, to run or to be brave.

Petrified he sunk to his tender knees and watched, he couldn't move, he felt like he had been paralysed. As the creature stalked close so did its followers, he found it ghastly and intimidating, every bone in his body shook with fear as it glided along the rusty surface.

"Thor... Thor..." it's sweet soft voice breathed his name again and again. Evoking all his bravery he stood on shaking legs making the creature snarl with venom and maliciousness. Bile sprayed out of its mouth as it ran its saliva covered tongue over its parched lips, it had been waiting for him this whole time...

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