
Chapter 17 Continuation Half Spending Time with Family

I would like to pay my respects to CoolDude69 for writing a great fanfic called DxD: Wish to be Strongest, it was a great fanfic of DxD, sadly it was dropped, hopefully the author makes another similar novel, maybe instead of DxD it could be another anime world.

Also this chapter was planned earlier, I just forgot about it…..

Also I'm going to do this:



Sephtis (arrogant fucking prick Sweet child): "I CAN STILL SEE THAT!"

Helps with the clarification….maybe?


I want to spend time with my family slowly, not lasting like 5 chapters but enough that it lasts a great impression on me for life, even death. This is an emotional end to this world, hopefully nothing can go wrong. No I didn't trigger a flag, I made sure to use my new {Reality Warping} to make sure there are no issues for this day.

Shopping is the first thing I wanted to do. Honestly I was wary about it, but I knew I would not see them in some time, give or take a few centuries or millennia. But today is not a day for sad thoughts, it is a ti-

Rias (questioning (well nah?)): "Seph-chan, where we going?"

As usual, Rias-ba-chan always interrupts me. Annoying. Forget that…. This is a day for good things and prosperity.

Sephtis (simply): "Shopping."

Short and simple, is not a phrase in my auntie's dictionary (I don't think that's how the phrase works) nor in Sera-nee's.

Rias (confused & suspicious): "Shopping?"

She does love repeating others, doesn't she? I'll let it slide today….maybe….a prank would do just well….which world would teach me how to prank others in an extremely comedic way? Oh well, I'll come up with it later.

Sephtis (simply & slightly afraid): "Yes, shopping."

…she seems suspicious, as every other time I'm trying to hide something! It seems the talent of not being able to hide things from others was also taken from Rimuru…

Rias (suspicious, detective kind of style): "You try to teleport all the times we want to go shopping. Is there something going on?"

(A/N: Suspicious Rias)

System….How much does it cost to buy a woman's intuition? It sure is going to be helpful.


『Experience List』

『Draconic Instinct - 10000 KP』

『Men's Intuition - Free』

『Women's Intuition - Unable to be bought』

….thought so. That's why you don't underestimate women….

Sephtis: "It's a whim."

Does not sound believable…yep thought so….she just narrowed her eyes further, at least Sera-nee is ignoring it.

Serafall (leave it tone): "Oh just leave it, at least he is with us."

Or not. Well let's just get the dresses over and done with.

Sephtis (resigning to fate): "I'll let you dress me up…if you don't question me on why I planned this outing."

Sometimes, I just wonder if women's intuition is made up. I can tell it is real, thanks to the {System}, but they took the bait too easily. Their eyes sparkled and glowed, in their respective colours and they're looking at me like a piece of candy…this would be good if it was an older me. I'm shota right now though…

Serafall & Rias, along with the rest of the female family (with a predatory look): "Agreed!"


~Timeskip of pain~

My eyes can frighten all of the children in this amusement park. Not a lie as well. 20 boys just straight up shivered, the girls….We'll skip that. Yeah so hours of shopping and trying on clothes passed, and the time we started was….9:45 am and it is now…..4….pm. Dafaq?! That's a school day! I couldn't even go on autopilot….It was fun though.

Now then, the cliche ferris wheel. I'll take Mother, Father, Millicas and Rias-ba-chan.

~POV CHANGE, 3rd Person~

The Lucifers and Lucifuges clamber into the cabins and sit with their favourite parents. Obviously Sephtis goes with his mother, he is a mama's boy. ;) *Cough* And the other sibling sits with Sirzechs, and we all know who Rias sits next to. Her favourite nephew. Millicas. *Cough* Sephtis.

Grayfia (softly): "Sephtis."

Sephtis (softly): "Yes Mum?"

Grayfia, blinking with surprise and happiness (joy and sadness): "You're going somewhere far right?"

Sephtis has a blank look while staring at his mother, sensing something wrong Grayfia calls out to Sephtis again to snap him out of his daydream. Of course in said day dream was: "WOMEN'S INTUITION IS GODLY!"

Sephtis (exasperation): "Yes Mum, I am going far away." Looking at his mother's worried face, "Don't worry. No time will pass here, I'll just be more grown up ...or do you want me to slowly grow up in front of your eyes when I come back?"

Grayfia (sadness): "Just return safely. And yes grow up in front of me."

Sephtis (tears streaming): "Again, no need to worry." Kissing his crying mother,auntie and brother, and hugging the pained father. "I'll be back, more or less the same."

~POV CHANGE, 1st Person~

Sephtis (tears streaming slowly): "I'll be back, more or less the same."

It's true. I have killed before, and I will need to make sure that it doesn't touch the innocents, but who am I kidding? This is the Omni-multiverses we are talking about. {System}, portal to the Tensura multiverse and use my 『Universal Time Stop』and use my karma to get to the beginning of the Tensura Multiverse.

『Affirmative. Beginning the process. Using 『Universal Time Stop』.....Successful….using『Multiverse Travel Ticket』....Portal successfully open….using karma to determine time frame….Successful.』

How much karma left?

『800000 KP left』


[It's okay, I have some things to do, but I'll be back in a year. Just bond with Veldanava and become siblings or lovers or something.]

Just shivering at her words. Isn't Veldanava a guy?


Fair point. Time to go then….



It was pretty short. I wanted to do many things like improve the entirety of Volume 1. Oh well. Next Multiverse is Tensura, let's hope it lasts 30 chapters.

Next chapter