
Chapter 4: One Nice Dagger..... (100% Off)

The mayor clawed at his own face as he twitched and jerked. And then, the pudgy man… Changed. Molted grey-black fur sprouted across his face and body, his clothes tearing as he expanded. Cross's eyes turned a bloody malicious red, and he fully became a werewolf, lunging forth at Shi Feng, all rationality lost.

"Die insect!" The werewolf screamed, its guttural voice loud and fierce.


The beast's sharp claws pierce forth as it struck.


Shi Feng unsheathed his novice sword, slashing out at Cross's nape.


As those glinting claws of metal closed in for the kill, suddenly, Cross was slammed back, reeling into a wall.

A man in glinting silver rammed head-on into Cross. Covered in padded leather armor, a vibrant red-orange, and a metal helmet that obscured most of his face, the guard swung his giant broadsword in a vicious strike.


The blade carved its way through the werewolf's flesh, blood, and flesh giving way as the beast screamed in pain.

Wrenching the guard to the side with its immense strength, the Werewolves glinting claws bristled as it swung once more, attempting to viciously eviscerate the helmeted guard.


Another guard, similarly dressed, charged at blistering speeds as she jumped in the air, a hooked javelin in hand. Her hair was a bright blonde and she screamed a war cry as her piercing weapon embedded itself in the creature.


Cross let out one last ear-wrenching screech, before he fell to the ground, dead. His organs spilled across the floor, and a bloody pool soon formed around him. The helmeted guard was helped up by the blonde, and soon, other enforcers rushed over.

Lin Ke got up slowly, chewing on a tomato. Spitting a seed into a bush, he looked around, before staring at the floor. Everyone seemed to be extremely concentrated on the whole Werewolf incident.


Suddenly, he felt his body…. Change. It was as if all his weight vanished as Lin Ke literally sunk through the floor, a cold feeling washing over him.

He looked up and about through the ground. Above, Lin Ke could see everyone's feet as he watched people panic as they walked about. He slid forwards speedily, traveling under the plaza without much obstruction.

The whole transparency situation was quite weird. No-Clip allowed him to travel through anything, while also letting him see everything above ground and such, but it was still sort of disorienting. It could drive someone insane, swimming about within the ground. You could see and smell everything, yet you couldn't hear anything.

He also had to make sure not to deactivate the ability. Lin Ke had tried nullifying the ability when he was in the ground before. While he wouldn't be stuck in the ground permanently or anything, at times, it could be unpleasant. Instead, he would be sort of rocketed out of the ground into the air, ragdolling.

While it was sort of exhilarating, the landing phase wasn't exactly…. Pleasant.

After a while more, as he twisted about, propelling himself forwards, Lin Ke found himself directly underneath a maze of dark and foreboding alleyways. On the surface, beggars and other shady figures lurked about, some chatting and simply walking about, while others seemed to be conducting some shady business.

Ascending a little, Lin Ke stared into a few buildings, watching as a gruff old man poured himself a mug of beer.

He could see everything, but they couldn't see a thing. It was a violation of privacy, but he didn't exactly intrude on anyone in the shower or peep on people. It was something that Lin Ke highly disdained. Unlike all those perverted losers, he was more interested in pranking people for no reason.

Speeding about, his spine tingled as he shook from left to right, boosting his speed a little as he burst through the ground, unheeded and unobstructed by everything.

Finally, he found an isolated place to pop up, just behind a few barrels of rum. Lin Ke willed himself up, and he shot out like a bottle cap. Landing on the ground subtly. Deactivating the ability, he walked out from behind the boxes, and out through a narrow corridor. Making a turn, he found himself in a dirty old place.

The floor was made from cracked stone, worn from the ages, and an array of ramshackle wooden buildings clammed the area in. A few crates were hastily stacked upon each other and lichen and other weeds grew in every crack and tile. A small brick wall, painted a dark red-brown leaked, a rusted metal bucket hanging atop its roof drearily.

Lin Ke casually strolled into the area, snorting a little as a rancid rotten smell wafted about his nose.

"Who the hell are you, barging I'm on my territory?!"

Out of nowhere, a gnarled husky voice shouted out from behind the well. A tall haggard man stood up, lurching a little as he turned to stare directly into Lin Ke's eyes. He was a tough-looking guy, despite his apparently impoverished state, with tanned rough skin and a glistening bald head. A large tattoo ran down the side of his face, and he wore brown rags, along with a pair of sandals.

[Ragtag Gangster Seth] (Violent Criminal, Enemy)

Status: Drunken

Level: 2

HP: 420

From his waistband, the now revealed Seth, brandished a dagger. It was large, almost comparable to that of a butcher's knife. It was in pretty good condition surprisingly, with a smooth leather handle and an iridescent slightly blued blade.

From his sheath, Lin Ke drew forth his own knife, the rusted dagger. This was a clear sign of provocation.

The bald man lunged, running towards him, dagger raised, and a mad expression upon his face.

Lin Ke smirked, ducking down as the giant dagger came down upon him.


He felt an airy pulsing sensation whirl about in his hand, before the change finger she'd. In his hand was the bald gangster's large dagger.

And then, Lin Ke felt a spongy soft item stab into the side of his shoulder, doing absolutely nothing.

In front of him, Seth stared up, drooling in disbelief. He should have been holding his prized dagger and giving this loser a lesson, but what was this? The bald man looked down, his dirty smudged hands holding a floppy-looking dagger.

Just previously, Lin Ke had used his ability [OP Pls Nerf] to turn his knife practically useless. Then, he switched his dagger with the man, and here he was. There were much more conventional methods, but Lin Ke didn't really care. It was funny.


"You seem a little drunk, man. Here, let me knock some sense into you." Lin Ke's fist blazed in a straight jab, smashing into Seth's nose at top speeds.


Blood splattered about as the man collapsed to the floor, moaning in pain. Without a second thought, Lin Ke's foot stamped down upon the man's belly viciously.

"Urk!" Seth cried out one more time, looking at Lin Ke hatefully before passing out, foam frothing from his mouth.

Twirling his new dagger around expertly, Lin Ke whistled as he exited the alleyway and out onto the bright stone streets of Red-Leaf Town.

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